July 8th and 9th-Hippodrome-Montreal-Part 6 (PLEBA warning)

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I don't think I have ever been happier than I am this morning about the fact that Montreal has 2 shows. I am sure night 2 will be insane!!!:heart::hyper::shifty:
New pleban drinking game.....everytime someone says leather, we take a shot!:shifty:
Spread out?! If this is spread out...what is NOT spread out? :lol:

I like that game. After a few we'd all just be yelling leather anyway :evil: And other stuff probably.
I meant to post this yesterday...now we're down to 86 days...don't have a picture for that :doh:

.....and the HABS kick some serious playoff ass last night. Thanks Mr. Price!:wink:
Well, I guess I'm coming to Montreal 2. **COUGH**

And, may as well do Montreal 1 as well. That's still pending, but I don't imagine me not having that answer by Sunday at the latest.


I have an addiction............ and the only cure is.... more Edge, apparently.
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