Coimbra 2 Setlist Party

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Gee, what to do. Go to bed (and get up really early tomorrow for work)? Or stay until the end of this party and get up really early tomorrow for work (and a 2 1/2 hour commute)?
I know! I'll be at work so I'll most likely miss it too. :sad:
yeah, I'm going to be on the road up to Chicago on Friday, so I'm really glad they debuted it tonight

and I'm also reallt glad I got to hear tonight's debut :D
Gee, what to do. Go to bed (and get up really early tomorrow for work)? Or stay until the end of this party and get up really early tomorrow for work (and a 2 1/2 hour commute)?
If you stay, the setlist will be completely normal. If you leave, they will play Mofo and Acrobat.

...Basically, what I'm getting at is that it's always good to be nice and rested for work. Aren't you feeling tired, Popmartjin? Can't you feel your eyes drooping? :evil:
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