Reading is Sexy: Books Part II

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In my opinion, there are two types of people in the world: those who loved Twilight and those who didn't.

Enough said.
also could be characterized as those who should kill themselves and those who shouldn't.

Kill themselves?

Forgive my confusion but I'm not quite sure what you mean to say with this post. My comment about the Twilight series was meant to be tongue-in-cheek. I guess that would have been more obvious if I'd added a little winky emoticon.
all i was saying is people who like twilight should kill themselves, and people who don't like twilight should go about their business. so, if you don't like twilight, no need to overreact, and if you do, i'd recommend the slit-wrists-hot-bathtub-pills method; it always seemed like a peaceful way to do it and you can still have an open coffin if you'd like.
all i was saying is people who like twilight should kill themselves, and people who don't like twilight should go about their business. so, if you don't like twilight, no need to overreact, and if you do, i'd recommend the slit-wrists-hot-bathtub-pills method; it always seemed like a peaceful way to do it and you can still have an open coffin if you'd like.

No, no, I don't want anyone to kill themselves! :lol:

I only said it to be a smart-ass. Really, I did! And I probably shouldn't have - it came off as far too snarky. I think it's fantastic that people are reading and anything that gets teenagers to read is GOOD. I just really, really wish some of the books that get this much press and attention had more substance to them.

I can't get the teens in my library to read a classic to save their lives :(
i disagree. to exit the realm of snark and go back to debating/discussing books and literature, anything that gets teenagers to read is not good. if mein kampf got teenagers to read, it would not be good (there is a name for what i just did, invoking the holocaust/hitler in an internet argument). now twilight isn't quite mein kampf but from what i understand it has some fucked up messages about sex/abstinence, maybe even women's empowerment, and also reminds me a bit of the whole left behind cult.

(I have to admit I haven't read the thing, I won't go near it with a 10 foot pole)
In my opinion, there are two types of people in the world: those who loved Twilight and those who didn't.

Enough said.

Actually, there is a third type - those who have never read it. I envy them and wish I was still in their category. :sad:
if mein kampf got teenagers to read, it would not be good

I don't necessarily agree. I put a copy of Mein Kampf in the hands of a teenager just a few weeks ago (I work in a public library). If they ask for it, it's my job to provide it, not judge or censor. Perhaps this particular teen was just really interested in history.
:doh: And the twilight arguement starts again. It's a book, you either like it or you don't.

No it's not the best book ever written, yes there is alot of press over it. It got teenagers talking about books, (which is a good thing). On a daily basis I hear kids and adults talk about it, I've talked to complete strangers who are reading it and have gotten a mixed reaction.

I happen to like, and I really don't feel I should go and slit my wrists. I have better things to do. It was the twilight phase that started me reading again after a number of years when I only read school books. Just so I could talk about the hype it is the same for other teenagers aswell. Now I have found my love for reading again. So in that sense I have a lot to owe to the twilight saga.
As penance, today I went and bought 2 actual books to read. "Prisoner of Tehran" and "The Glass Castle." I hope they restore my faith in literature.
I don't necessarily agree. I put a copy of Mein Kampf in the hands of a teenager just a few weeks ago (I work in a public library). If they ask for it, it's my job to provide it, not judge or censor. Perhaps this particular teen was just really interested in history.
Right, right, I didn't mean as a history project (I used it in a high school paper as well, and a college paper). I meant as an object of mass cult admiration and self-projection and fantasy and such.

And the encyclopedia dramatica article had a very nice intro.
I put a copy of Mein Kampf in the hands of a teenager just a few weeks ago (I work in a public library).

I'm pretty sure Dalton did the same thing recently, but he doesn't work at a library.

And it may have been pamphlets that just quoted Mein Kampf. But still.
Moving on to Bret Easton Ellis' Lunar Park, yay odd meta-supernatural biographic novels!
Just finished The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton. Nice plot but lots of boring description; fascinating, no doubt, to those really interested in late 19th century rich people.

Need something new to read. Can anyone recommend some good dystopian novels? I loves me some grim visions of the future (or past, present, whatever.)
Somebody Else's Music by Jane Haddam

I'm not much of a mystery fan. But I saw a friend reading it and it looked somewhat interesting.

Man, I hated this book. I only kept reading to see whodunnit. By the time I got to the end, I was sorry I hadn't stopped 200 pages ago.

There were so many things that bugged me about the book, there's not enough room on the internet to list them.
Ghosts/Aliens by Trey Hamburger

The mastermind behind Real Ultimate Power delivers hilarity yet again with Ghosts/Aliens. You will learn many important lessons in this book. Lessons about Hot Pockets, ducks, flippers, Indians, beards, Nabisco, toothpaste, etc. I also found out that my home state of Utah is actually a portal to another dimension, something I did not previously know, but makes quite a lot of sense now that I do. If you like laughter and/or hate ghosts/aliens, you should read this book.
:wave: hey, can I join in? I LOVE reading!!:D

I read pretty fast too, so I get through a ton of books.:D Erm, what have I read recently, all chick lit, I must say hehe but wasn't in the mood for anything heavy or depressing:ohmy:

Recent reads:

Members Only by Leonie Fox - this was just in the ok category. :down:
Country Pursuits by Jo Carnegie - this was a much better read.:up: the authour's debut novel I believe....

Now I'm reading Tell Me Something by Adele Parks and thoroughly enjoying it.:up::up: I've only ever read one of hers before, didn't think too much of it, but this one is loads better, I cannot get to sleep at night for staying up reading a few chapters.:D
Finished Life's Solution, loved the off the wall examples of convergence but found the Christian apologetic at the end quite a letdown, even though I enjoyed finding fallacies.

Moved onto High Fidelity by Nick Hornby, much more fun.
Greetings folks, I'm a recent acquistion to this site so not sure how to start etc but I shall jump in feet first, apologies if that's not quite the done thing. Anyway the last book i read was Straw Dogs: Reflections on Humans and other animals by John Gray. A bit old (published 2002) but thought provoking nonetheless. Currently reading "Thank You Jeeves" by Wodehouse and trawling through the 600 odd pager "Foundation's Fear" by Gregory Benford.
Greetings folks, I'm a recent acquistion to this site so not sure how to start etc but I shall jump in feet first, apologies if that's not quite the done thing.

:wave: Welcome!

I'd say the only "wrong" way to start on this site is to have your first post be "U2 sucks lol!"

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