You've heard GET ON YOUR BOOTS? - Post all thoughts, reviews, discussion HERE Part 3

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I've had this on repeat all morning so far. :drool: It keeps growing on me. I loved it from the first listen, but it just gets better and better.

I turned on a local radio station as I was getting ready this morning, and they played GOYB for the first time. It was interesting hearing people's reactions. It was pretty mixed overall, but one of the DJ's is a huge U2 fan, so she loved it right away.

I said this in the last thread, but I am SO excited to hear this live! :hyper: It's going to be incredible!

HOW?!?! All my local stations suck. Nothing plays good music anymore.
I really hope Bono, Edge, Adam and Larry will be reading this thread.

Someone must tell them they need a kick in their arse. Some songs are better than others, that's clear.

And this one is one of their worst :doh:
It's my opinion, dude. I don't expect everybody to believe the same thing. But, I would entreat some of you guys to take a step back and take another look at the scope of their career. If you can't see the descent in quality, I have to wonder if you listen to anything besides U2.

I'm proud to say that I know a LOT of stuff... and I don't see any descent in quality
Wow. U2 have finally, successfully become a vapid party band to compete with and for the young folks.

While I can recognize this as the same band that came up with "Elevation" and "Vertigo", I cannot believe this is the same band that made "Bad" and "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" and "Until The End of The World". Where did the class and maturity go? The striving for genuine spiritual and artistic transcendence? Were the '70s, '80s and '90s just a big fluke? Were those records rescued by the stellar efforts of in-their-prime producers who clearly no longer give a shit what this band does with itself?

You would hope that the guys that came up with The Joshua Tree in their 20s would be able to come up with something better than this empty tripe in their late 40s. You would hope that all of their experience would give them better taste. You would hope that their friends might step in and offer some needed criticism. I want to believe that if you let Bono listen to this song in 1987, he would have vomited and smashed the record to bits. I want to believe that this is a clever joke, like Bono's adoption of the "Fly" persona in '91.

But, the truth is, we're left with four middle-age guys trying desperately to be hip and have hit records that teenyboppers might buy instead of a new Justin Timberlake album (something that will never happen). Sadly, U2 have officially become the dads who try too hard to fit in with their kids' friends, and end up only embarrassing their own children until they won't even speak to them anymore.

And this is the song that is supposed to generate hype for the new album? This is a sad day, folks, so recognize it for what it is. What was once a beautiful and dignified career is coming to a screeching, shuddering halt with this empty, soulless bubblegum shit.

:lol: Do you really think this song is going to indicative of the album? This is like Disco and Vertigo before it, just a fun(with some political undertones for those that want it) lead single.

Get over yourself...
1:18 - 1:24 massive waste of a potentially good guitar fill.

Overall it's an OK song. It definitely won't be considered a classic in years to come, but it's not bad. I have a few friends who I'm on the verge of converting from casual admirers to hardcore fans of U2... I don't think this song will necessarily help my cause.

my sentiments exactly (except for the 1:18-1:24 part)...
Wow. U2 have finally, successfully become a vapid party band to compete with and for the young folks.

While I can recognize this as the same band that came up with "Elevation" and "Vertigo", I cannot believe this is the same band that made "Bad" and "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" and "Until The End of The World". Where did the class and maturity go? The striving for genuine spiritual and artistic transcendence? Were the '70s, '80s and '90s just a big fluke? Were those records rescued by the stellar efforts of in-their-prime producers who clearly no longer give a shit what this band does with itself?

You would hope that the guys that came up with The Joshua Tree in their 20s would be able to come up with something better than this empty tripe in their late 40s. You would hope that all of their experience would give them better taste. You would hope that their friends might step in and offer some needed criticism. I want to believe that if you let Bono listen to this song in 1987, he would have vomited and smashed the record to bits. I want to believe that this is a clever joke, like Bono's adoption of the "Fly" persona in '91.

But, the truth is, we're left with four middle-age guys trying desperately to be hip and have hit records that teenyboppers might buy instead of a new Justin Timberlake album (something that will never happen). Sadly, U2 have officially become the dads who try too hard to fit in with their kids' friends, and end up only embarrassing their own children until they won't even speak to them anymore.

And this is the song that is supposed to generate hype for the new album? This is a sad day, folks, so recognize it for what it is. What was once a beautiful and dignified career is coming to a screeching, shuddering halt with this empty, soulless bubblegum shit.

Post of ALL TIME, particularly liked "if Bono listened to this in 1987 he would have vomited & smashed the record to bits" very funny, but alas so true.
Wow. U2 have finally, successfully become a vapid party band to compete with and for the young folks.

While I can recognize this as the same band that came up with "Elevation" and "Vertigo", I cannot believe this is the same band that made "Bad" and "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" and "Until The End of The World". Where did the class and maturity go? The striving for genuine spiritual and artistic transcendence? Were the '70s, '80s and '90s just a big fluke? Were those records rescued by the stellar efforts of in-their-prime producers who clearly no longer give a shit what this band does with itself?

You would hope that the guys that came up with The Joshua Tree in their 20s would be able to come up with something better than this empty tripe in their late 40s. You would hope that all of their experience would give them better taste. You would hope that their friends might step in and offer some needed criticism. I want to believe that if you let Bono listen to this song in 1987, he would have vomited and smashed the record to bits. I want to believe that this is a clever joke, like Bono's adoption of the "Fly" persona in '91.

But, the truth is, we're left with four middle-age guys trying desperately to be hip and have hit records that teenyboppers might buy instead of a new Justin Timberlake album (something that will never happen). Sadly, U2 have officially become the dads who try too hard to fit in with their kids' friends, and end up only embarrassing their own children until they won't even speak to them anymore.

And this is the song that is supposed to generate hype for the new album? This is a sad day, folks, so recognize it for what it is. What was once a beautiful and dignified career is coming to a screeching, shuddering halt with this empty, soulless bubblegum shit.

Wow, now I'm depressed.
I am glad not everybody likes the song it makes me happy to see that, the ones that will be missing out are the ones that think that every song on the record will sound this way which obviously wont be the case.

I say put your hand on peoples shoulder and fuck up the mainstream again why not try for an encore :)
I really hope Bono, Edge, Adam and Larry will be reading this thread.

Someone must tell them they need a kick in their arse. Some songs are better than others, that's clear.

And this one is one of their worst :doh:

But you forgot to bring up Radiohead somehow...
Why are people acting like this some is some kind of uncharacteristic slide into bubblegum, when they were doing this kind of genre bending on Zooropa and POP?

Where the fuck have you been for the last 15 years? Get over it.

I don't know why I even bother coming in here.
I don't think this song is really trying to appeal to a teenybopper fan base.

The grinding guitar reminds me of The Black Angels. The lyrical content isn't overtly cheese, like something The Plain White T's would write.

There's musical complexity in there that I think people don't want to see because they can't get past the "Sexy Boots" line or something.

U2 of 1987 couldn't write this song.
Why are people acting like this some is some kind of uncharacteristic slide into bubblegum, when they were doing this kind of genre bending on Zooropa and POP?

Where the fuck have you been for the last 15 years? Get over it.

I love it that people aren't liking it.

I hate to sound like a broken record, but U2's had plenty of unpopular-at-first leadoff singles. We know how those records turned out.

Personally, I really love it. So far. I also love the possible political undertones. I too get the feeling it involves the equality of women in middle-eastern nations, and that this is their way of cleverly making a statement.
Why are people acting like this some is some kind of uncharacteristic slide into bubblegum, when they were doing this kind of genre bending on Zooropa and POP?

Where the fuck have you been for the last 15 years? Get over it.

I don't know why I even bother coming in here.

You like the zoo right? You like MMA right? This is a MMA Zoo. Gold.
this thread is moving way too fast for a detailed lyrical analysis, but i think the alternate title of this song should be: "Burn Your Burka."

it's a call to (i think) Muslim youth, specifically, to, essentially, fuck the past and kiss the future and reject the fundamentalism of their past in favor of self-realization, self-actualization, and self-confidence.

I respect your opinion.. but women wearing burkas has nothing to do with the violence in the mid east, has nothing to do with terrorism throughout the world, has nothing to do with the conflict between Israel/Palestine. Women in the middle east wear burkas because they choose to wear it, because they choose to follow their religion, because they choose to cover their bodies. Bono himself is a religious man and I wouldn't think he would tell other people to lose their religion either.
this thread is moving way too fast for a detailed lyrical analysis, but i think the alternate title of this song should be: "Burn Your Burka."

it's a call to (i think) Muslim youth, specifically, to, essentially, fuck the past and kiss the future and reject the fundamentalism of their past in favor of self-realization, self-actualization, and self-confidence.

:hmm: You are onto something here. The lyrics could definitely be interpreted this way.

...gets keys to have another listen in the car...
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