The Official B&C Desert Island VI NSW Memorial Running Diary Thread for the Cure

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I love Chaos. A Wolf at the Door is a track I tend to overlook. It's decent.

The Frusciante track was alright. I'm not huge on Oasis but this is a good enough song.
I'd definitely like to give it a listen, whether you make it in or not :up:

Word. I'll get it uploaded then. :D

Pfan, I got your list, thanks! It looks like one I'll enjoy too, several of similar artists between my list and yours. :up:
I love Chaos. A Wolf at the Door is a track I tend to overlook. It's decent.

The Frusciante track was alright. I'm not huge on Oasis but this is a good enough song.

Mute Math is fantastic. Their first album is awesome, and I've heard some demos from the second album, and they're great too.
AB gets props for having "Greet Death" (my favorite EITS song) and "Heaven" (I didn't know anybody else listened to The Fire Theft). :hi5:
Ok Andrew:

Do You Realize?? = Great, and the Peter Bjorn & John track was pretty good, but that segue into Spoon was excellent!
Spoon > The Supremes was a little strange, but I don't care, I'm pretty excited about this section. I's the Supremes!
Well the Motown section was as much fun as I expected :up:, the transition out of it was again, kinda weird though.
Actually, I take that back, it worked better into MGMT than I realized at first.
Mine's uploaded and has been sent to Ashley, AB, and Pfan. :up:

It's a weird mix of songs, but hope you guys enjoy!
As for the second disc, I wasn't so keen on the last 5 or 6 tracks, but the beginning was pretty great for me. So all in all the second part of your first disc was really strong, and the first part of the second disc was as well, so that was a large chunk of music I really enjoyed
AB gets props for having "Greet Death" (my favorite EITS song) and "Heaven" (I didn't know anybody else listened to The Fire Theft). :hi5:

Greet Death is also my favourite EITS song. the second half is alright, but the first half is absolutely epic.

My Latin teacher recommended The Fire Theft to me. Now he's one of my best friends :D I think the tourist listens to them too

Mute Math is fantastic. Their first album is awesome, and I've heard some demos from the second album, and they're great too.

oooh second album? :drool: where did you find these demos?

Fleet Foxes are quite dreamy, although they didn't grab me. I can see that being a song that would grow on me though.

Cannonball is pretty. Didn't care much for Ain't No Reason. Magic is a beautiful song. I'm not really a Springsteen fan but maybe I should be.

and of course, My Body is a Cage is a perfect haunting ending.

Overall there were only two or so tracks I didn't care for at all. Some meh ones too, but most tracks were enjoyable. The Postal Service-->Mute Math was probably the strongest run for me. No complaints about the order or anything. I give it a 7/10. Thank you for reminding me I need to listen to more TV On The Radio.

LMP is up next
Greet Death is also my favourite EITS song. the second half is alright, but the first half is absolutely epic.

My Latin teacher recommended The Fire Theft to me. Now he's one of my best friends :D I think the tourist listens to them too

Yeah, when those guitars come in at the beginning of "Greet Death," I'm always in awe.

:up: Have you heard Jeremy Enigk's solo albums? Or his earlier albums with Sunny Day Real Estate?
Mute Math has an account on YouTube, and in some of the "Studio Vlogs" you can hear pieces of the new songs. There was one in particular I recall being really cool and having a great bass line.

Anyway, glad you enjoyed it.
IT's list: I enjoyed it, for the most part. Not all of it is my thing, and after Arcade Fire I couldn't get into it for quite a while. I certainly enjoyed the first half more than the second half. Some of the transitions were rough. I knew about half the songs on this list going in, and of those that I didn't, I probably enjoyed a third of them. A solid effort.
Yeah, when those guitars come in at the beginning of "Greet Death," I'm always in awe.

:up: Have you heard Jeremy Enigk's solo albums? Or his earlier albums with Sunny Day Real Estate?

the tourist has included some Jeremy Enigk before I think, but I haven't heard a whole album. I do like Sunny Day Real Estate. Snibe (from The Rising Tide) is one of my favourite songs of all time. Diary is a great album, also.

Mute Math has an account on YouTube, and in some of the "Studio Vlogs" you can hear pieces of the new songs. There was one in particular I recall being really cool and having a great bass line.

Anyway, glad you enjoyed it.

Ah sweet, thanks. I'll look them up.

LMP's list so far is rocking my ass off. I approve. I love that Elbow song, and the Pearl Jam song was pretty awesome even though I'm not into them at all.

I didn't know there was a short version of Sister Ray :lol: nice.
LMP's first disc was pretty awesome. It was cool to hear an Arcade Fire song I didn't know, but I didn't actually like it that much :lol: Basically The Pixies through Spoon was excellent, it kinda went meh from there, although Flight of the Conchords was funny and BSS was pretty good. so really only three songs I didn't care for. 8.5/10

On the second part now, Nina Simone was aight, everything else is great. :heart: Lupe
LMP, your list is very well-ordered thus far. Flawless transitions.

Paper Planes has been played to death, but I enjoy it every time.
okay, i LOVE this TV On The Radio song.

Two great TV On The Radio songs so far on DI = I need to listen to them more
I'm listening to LM's "list" right now, however objectively that can be done.
In all seriousness, the effort you put into this is fantastic. You did a fantastic job putting together a mix of good music and a mix of jokes that parody everything that is wrong with those genres, and it worked well. Also, I wish you had a real drummer, and I'm sure you do too, because an authentic drum sound would have really aided a lot of this.
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