The Official B&C Desert Island VI NSW Memorial Running Diary Thread for the Cure

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We'll see, we'll see.

Ok, so far, Mr. V, I'm really digging the feel of the list, Sonic Youth > Interpol > Franz works really well, and they're good songs, even a Franz song I like! lol.
I really do love Pineapple Head, but I thought that was going to be a strange transition, soundwise, and it was.'s Pineapple Head!
Elbow and Fleet Foxes are going to be on almost every list aren't they? lol. That was a pretty great transition.
Ben Folds is someone I've always meant to check out, maybe I should get around to that, I have yet to hear anything by him that I didn't like.

And the transition into Spanish Eyes worked well.

As did the transition into She's The One :)love: )
Not so fond of The Black Keys, but it fits well enough between Springsteen and 1979.

I think you'll like that last disc of LMP's, Andrew.
Not so fond of The Black Keys, but it fits well enough between Springsteen and 1979.

I think you'll like that last disc of LMP's, Andrew.

We will see. :hmm: This is one of the best Pink Floyd songs I've heard.
And this Shins song makes me want to listen to more of their music. All I've heard is Wincing Away The Night.
And this Shins song makes me want to listen to more of their music. All I've heard is Wincing Away The Night.

The only Shins I've ever heard has been through DI, I don't know what's taking me so long getting around to them either. Too much music, too little time.
R.E.M., Oasis, Echo, The Who, The Killers, Passengers...yeah I really like this section :D
Cat Stevens was alright. And Bob Dylan is... there. I've never cared for Bob Dylan.
K, gotta pause here, I forgot I was going to be able to watch baseball today. It's such a rare occurrence for me while I'm in Texas, gotta take advantage of it.
LMP, the Warren Zevon > Elton John sequence didn't do much to me but Loving Cup > Layla was an absolutely fantastic way of ending the playlist.

I enjoyed your list a great deal throughout, except maybe for the hip hop middle section, but that's due to my own tastes. I should say, though, that this part was particularly well sequenced (the flow was great throughout the discs).

The Flaming Lips > AC > TVOTR > Radiohead sequence in Disc 2 was probably my favorite part, but the beginning of Disc 3 was also fantastic.

I should also say that I loved the Pacific Theme > Brazil pair in Disc 1 (not only did I also have Pacific Theme on my playlist, but I'm Brazilian, so there you go!).

Anyways, to sum up, I had great fun listening to it. Great job!

Awesome, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'll probably fire up one or two lists tonight for some running diary action before I go to bed.

Oh, and massive kudos for correctly tagging things.

Only for you, sweet cheeks.

The only Shins I've ever heard has been through DI, I don't know what's taking me so long getting around to them either. Too much music, too little time.

They're worth checking out sometime. Wincing is my fave album of theirs, but there's a spattering of songs on both of their other albums that are insanely catchy and enjoyable, like:

Kissing the Lipless
New Slang
Pink Bullets
Saint Simon
So Says I
Know Your Onion!
and their glorious cover of We Will Become Silhouettes

I feel my Indietastic meter rising just thinking about them.
I need to start listening to some of these. They all are looking fantastic.

At first glance, AB gets huge points for having If These Trees Could Talk on hers. They are on mine as well, and I didn't know anyone else knew about them.

ah nice, I'm glad you like them too! I also didn't think other people would know them, although I know some people here are into more post-rock than I am.

Well I'm back to finish up pfan's. Right now I'm on The Bones Of You and I'm liking that pretty well. So far the list has been enjoyable, only a couple songs I really love but the only track I really didn't like was Regrets. I'm very much looking forward to the rest of it though, I need to check out that Fleet Foxes and Animal Collective hipster shit :wink:
Ok, I'm back.

Much as I don't like Animal Collective, that was a nice transition into it at least.
They're worth checking out sometime. Wincing is my fave album of theirs, but there's a spattering of songs on both of their other albums that are insanely catchy and enjoyable, like:

Kissing the Lipless
New Slang
Pink Bullets
Saint Simon
So Says I
Know Your Onion!
and their glorious cover of We Will Become Silhouettes

I feel my Indietastic meter rising just thinking about them.

Righto, maybe after I listen to Andrew's list I'll get on this :up:
Animal Collective > Radiohead > LCD Soundsytem was good, and I particularly am enjoying the vocals on the LCD track.
Animal Collective was okay. I wonder if that song is a good indication of their sound. I like the Postal Service and I adore the track Kids (obviously, since I put it on my list).
Bloc Party - One of my favorite tracks so that was great

Glasvegas > Arctic Monkeys > Coldplay > Beatles > Arcade Fire, probably not my favorite stretch on the list, but it flowed really well.
Alright, so I've got a list together, in case I get pulled out of the alternate group. Anybody interested in giving it a listen?

Also, for those who've finished their lists already, would you guys mind shipping them my way? Either PM or email is fine. onebloodonelife (at) if you're inclined to email. :D
Ok, Mr V. Those first 16 tracks were great. I kinda lost some interest after Bloc Party, like I said, but you caught me right there again with The Hold Steady and Frightened Rabbit. The list overall worked really well, it was a great listen.
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