Hi, I don't post here as often as I used to - both because I have my own forum and because I have been in the Forum Help section a lot and am *still* having trouble seeing piccies in here, frustrating cause my fave thing here is the RSOC days and I would have liked to see the Picture Tag thread. Oddly, when I come here, I can sometimes see the first page of pics on the first thread I click open then nada...I don't have this trouble on my own forum or on Poplemon where I also go. Right now I can't even see the smilies to use

tho I remember a few of them. esp the PLEBA necessity

and the cute little
But to get back on topic, I see a sad amount of negativity here. Yes the original Zootopia had its share of flame wars, lol which I sometimes was involved in, plus I was a mod there as well, so I quite liked it. Having said that, when the original Zoo folded I was most impressed with the way Elvis and the other mods treated Zootopians so decently and made us feel so welcomed here. Interference is not without its flame wars tho- as a newbie I was jumped all over in one of the music folders simply for offering to trade a handful of bootlegs for Premium Membership. PLEBA itself is friendly and has great pics, hope I can participate in the RSOC days again soon once I figure out my pc trouble with it...
But I must say Allegra (Oneofthesweetestthings), you certainly paint a slanted picture for others to see. You had an anti-Tiscali Zoo in your avatar and were only posting in the new Zoo to cause trouble. You did not merely state things you felt needed improving- others have done so and not been deleted- you were nasty and insulting and downright abusive to the moderators. Little wonder you were deleted, if you behaved like that in PLEBA I'm certain the mods here wouldn't tolerate it either. Plus you only posted there when you wanted to stir up some trouble, mods can quickly tell who is sincerely wanting to be a member of a site and who is just there to troll it.
I think Jamila has the right attitude we can all learn from. U2 sites and forums should be a community- not a bunch of warring tribes.
If anyone can offer me any advice on getting my pic prob sorted out it would be appreciated. I'll check back here or you can email me @
lck_tweek@hotmail.com I've already tried everything in the Forum Help section, plus a few things on my own- one which I thought solved the prob, but only lets me see the first page.