Wondrous Excess

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Sep 25, 2004
I survey my worth with a pornographer’s eye,
Taking care in subtle amounts,
Loathing those who pass the test,
Who are pure by all accounts,

They who seek adoring praise,
Cast shadows long as days,
Flattering themselves with empty prose,
Leaving little for one to say,

In regards to narcissistic narcotic riddled sons,
Who need not heed their father’s calls,
For their minds are overrun,
With flirtatious folly and stolen wit,
Obliged to keep the peace,
Between the warring parties whose parties never cease,

I survey my worth with a pornographer’s eye,
Taking note of excessive success,
Loathing those who need deny,
The artist his wondrous excess.
I survey my worth with a pornographer’s eye,
Taking note of excessive success,



great writing :up:
Thank you all so much. :bow: :bow:

I know my job is done when some one posts this smilie. :hmm:

Cheers Ellen.

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