Wide Awake in Europe Discussion only NO REQUESTS Thread

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I won't feel guilty when I "steal" WAIE. It's a limited edition and I've already bought enough U2 stuff.
the whole point of this special black friday record store day is to get people into their local record stores and support them because they face extinction from the likes of big box stores, itunes, and online piracy.
the whole point of this special black friday record store day is to get people into their local record stores and support them because they face extinction from the likes of big box stores, itunes, and online piracy.


That's why I'm so surprised to hear that Best Buy and Amazon are/were accepting preorders. They go against everything that Record Store Day stands for. They are one of the major reasons that Record Store Day is needed.
The guy at my local store said he thought it was kind of a separate thing from the usual RSD events, but run by the same organization? I don't know how it all works, but if he was right, then it might explain why some online retailers were looped in.
The guy at my local store said he thought it was kind of a separate thing from the usual RSD events, but run by the same organization? I don't know how it all works, but if he was right, then it might explain why some online retailers were looped in.
Yeah, this is a separate event called Back To Black Friday. No idea why Amazon/Best Buy got involved, though.
Yeah, the usual RSD is held in April (??) I think. But this is definitely run by the same organization, to benefit record stores, so providing stock to Amazon and Best Buy would seem incongruent to the entire purpose of the organization.

I guess we'll see how it all plays out in a few days.
Is there an mp3 rip of WAIE on the forums yet? Anyone wanna direct me to the thread, link, or hook me up with a PM?
Why would you pay 90 dollars for an EP you could buy for $10 in a week?

The expectation is the allocation of 5000 is either already appointed, or will sell out. I know I won't be able to get a copy in Australia already. i wonuldnt pay that much either, mbut some of my countrymen/women definately would
None of my pre-orders (US sites and Aussie record stores) have yet confimed an allocation for me yet but I remain hopeful :( But I'll baulk at $100 if I fail.

But interestingly I've been told that a US distributor has offered both a numbered version AND a picture disk. A simple Google search comes up with a couple of sites also offering a picture disk :hmm:

If this picture disk does exist I wonder how much they will sell for on eBay?
Perhaps the numbered version will be the limited one, and a standard version will come out once the allocation is exhausted? iTunes relase possible after a while then?
I found a high quality scan. WANT.

LOVE the sleeve for this EP. great idea using the same design as the America EP all those years ago. However, Crazy Tonight from Dublin, if it includes those fucking out of tune Two Tribes snippets Bono calls out......is THE worst possible choice of performance from that tour.
I like the Two Tribes snippet, though Discotheque and Don't Stop Til You Get Enough were much better, especially Discotheque.
LOVE the sleeve for this EP. great idea using the same design as the America EP all those years ago. However, Crazy Tonight from Dublin, if it includes those fucking out of tune Two Tribes snippets Bono calls out......is THE worst possible choice of performance from that tour.

Bono sings most of crazy tonight out of tune :rolleyes: Doesn´t make it less awesome.
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