Why are U2 fans so high maintenance?

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ONE love, blood, life
Jun 16, 2000
Blue State of Mind
It seems like people only seem to take pleasure in complaining about things the band does. I'm very glad that U2 doesn't listen to all of these fools who complain every time they actually release something. Otherwise they would probably never release anything because U2 fans would bitch. If you've got a problem with U2's releases, fuck off and go listen to the new Justin Timberlake album.
Oh come on. :|

How many MILLIONS of U2 fans are there in the world? Now, we have only a small sample of them here, but it's a very diverse group, and to expect agreement on everything is just absurd. And this is a discussion forum, where you discuss what you like and dislike. Don't complain just because some people dislike something you like. If you will notice, the complaints aren't always by the same people!
Axver said:
Oh come on. :|

How many MILLIONS of U2 fans are there in the world? Now, we have only a small sample of them here, but it's a very diverse group, and to expect agreement on everything is just absurd. And this is a discussion forum, where you discuss what you like and dislike. Don't complain just because some people dislike something you like. If you will notice, the complaints aren't always by the same people!

MrPryck2U said:
It seems like people only seem to take pleasure in complaining about things the band does. I'm very glad that U2 doesn't listen to all of these fools who complain every time they actually release something. Otherwise they would probably never release anything because U2 fans would bitch. If you've got a problem with U2's releases, fuck off and go listen to the new Justin Timberlake album.

I actually agree with you. But I dont agree with the 'fuck off' part. Please refrain from personal attacks.
I hear ya. But, it just seems like people choose to discuss more of what they dislike then what they actually like. It just comes off as petty bitching.
So I'll amend my statement and say if you don't like what U2 releases then go listen to something else and don't do that naughty thing I instructed you to do earlier.
Sorry Sicy.
Because when you have to wait an olympic span of time for a new album you tend to expect great things.
It's a U2 forum, U2 makes an unnecessary mood, it may look high maintenance because there's little else going on here. There's youre explanation.
MrPryck2U said:
It seems like people only seem to take pleasure in complaining about things the band does. I'm very glad that U2 doesn't listen to all of these fools who complain every time they actually release something. Otherwise they would probably never release anything because U2 fans would bitch. If you've got a problem with U2's releases, fuck off and go listen to the new Justin Timberlake album.
Look at U2's career. We're spoiled. :huh:
I think U2 fans are so critical or high maintenance because the band has such a personal effect on people. As fans invest themselves into U2, U2 has to invest in the fans.
I personally think it is great that there can be so much passionate discussion here. As we agree and disagree, this little community forms. Isn't that what U2 is all about, communality?
Not being around U2 fans, I really enjoy the thoughts of many posters here that I wouldn't have heard otherwise. When someone discusses thier dislike of some element of U2, you might disagree but in the process of defending it you rediscover your passion for it. Negativity rekindles one's love for U2. So isn't being negative a positive thing?
oh come on, somethinG original would be nice - how many times have we heard this kind of commentary?
i'm getting bored of the bitching about the bitchers :yawn:

how about we reverse it slightly...
if you don't like what the u2 fans on this forum have to say and you find them so unbearable and high-maintenance, why don't you go do that naughty thing sicy told you not to say, and join a Justin Timberlake forum!

seriously, do we need a thread like this? isn't there enough of it in the definitive album discussions?

Screwtape2 said:
I think U2 fans are so critical or high maintenance because the band has such a personal effect on people. As fans invest themselves into U2, U2 has to invest in the fans.
I personally think it is great that there can be so much passionate discussion here. As we agree and disagree, this little community forms. Isn't that what U2 is all about, communality?
Not being around U2 fans, I really enjoy the thoughts of many posters here that I wouldn't have heard otherwise. When someone discusses thier dislike of some element of U2, you might disagree but in the process of defending it you rediscover your passion for it. Negativity rekindles one's love for U2. So isn't being negative a positive thing?

there you go, thats the answer i was actually looking for and may have come up with myself were it not 2am and i had the inclination

well said
As a fan you can relate to the raw emotion of their songs. You may even think a song is just for you. Alot of the time their songs hit home. We also expect the best.:wink:
Well, I'm just happy they're releasing anything at this point. But, if I dislike anything they do, I don't shit on it like there's no tomorrow. That ain't cool. I'm not naming names, but people here have shit on good songs or albums or videos that they didn't like with a scary venom. It's like "what's the point?". Go listen to something else if you hate it so much. But, oh yes, they are just having a "discussion" or stating an "opinion" about U2.
Dont get me wrong, Im not saying theyre putting out crap. But I WILL say that I dont listen to the Bomb at all. But Achtung never gets old...
MrPryck2U said:
But, it just seems like people choose to discuss more of what they dislike then what they actually like. It just comes off as petty bitching.

I disagree. I think it's just that threads that acquire negative overtones become confrontational and thus grow into much larger, more notable threads than positive ones where everyone's agreeing with each other. Positive threads rarely tend to last long because there's only so much to say beyond "X is great", "yeah, I love that part of X", "the singing in X is cool". But if there is a clash of opinions, where contrasting viewpoints are trying to present themselves as the most valid analysis, then you have the basis for a much longer discussion. It isn't even necessarily complaining and I'm tired of how some people here are uncritically labelling all negative posts as 'complaints'.

So I'll amend my statement and say if you don't like what U2 releases then go listen to something else

Well, I do mainly listen to other stuff nowadays, and I happen to like the majority of what U2 has released. But this is a discussion forum, and so I will discuss both what I like and what I dislike. I don't see the problem there. The problem comes when someone trolls and just bashes U2 - and those people get banned pretty fast. We're all U2 fans here, at the end of the day, but we all have our own individual preferences within U2's catalogue.

and I wouldn't go to say high maintenance as well.
it's definitely our rights to say what we feel about the boys. we idolize them. we want everything to be perfect about them, and when we feel things go awry, there goes the ass in us..

and if it's any help, it's just the same in any other fans forum. i have friends who are registered in fan forums of greenday, the strokes, yeah yeah yeahs, arctic monkeys, eminem, etc, and disagreements do take place. there's nothing unnatural about it.

and no, thank god, they don't really listen to us fans all the time. cos if they did, they'd be out of the scene singing their shoulda woulda coulda on their broke ass....
MrPryck2U said:
Well, I'm just happy they're releasing anything at this point. But, if I dislike anything they do, I don't shit on it like there's no tomorrow. That ain't cool. I'm not naming names, but people here have shit on good songs or albums or videos that they didn't like with a scary venom. It's like "what's the point?". Go listen to something else if you hate it so much. But, oh yes, they are just having a "discussion" or stating an "opinion" about U2.


No one is saying this forum needs to be positive 100%. But there is a way to say things.

It's not a discusssion if you're doing nothing but spitting venom 24/7 about everything U2 did from 2000 onwards. If you're doing it in all and every thread around, even if the topic isn't U2's last 6 years of career. It gets tiring and very, very old. This is a fan site, not U2suckssince2000.com. We get you don't like (now that's understatement) U2's last two albums. Move on. 6 years without anything to enjoy has to be a sign you should try some other music. It can't be healthy to get so worked up over music, and do it over and over and over and over again. There have to be more appropriate sites to moan over U2 than this.

Oh you like their other albums and that's why you're still here? Well then, why not talk about, uh, things you DO like about U2?

I for one think it's refreshing, among all the gallons of cesspool poured over ATYCLB, Bomb, the Best ofs and the Hamish DVDs ... to read positive opinions for a change. People have to wade through pages of whining to get some discussion for the most part though.
Axver said:

I disagree. I think it's just that threads that acquire negative overtones become confrontational and thus grow into much larger, more notable threads than positive ones where everyone's agreeing with each other. Positive threads rarely tend to last long because there's only so much to say beyond "X is great", "yeah, I love that part of X", "the singing in X is cool". But if there is a clash of opinions, where contrasting viewpoints are trying to present themselves as the most valid analysis, then you have the basis for a much longer discussion. It isn't even necessarily complaining and I'm tired of how some people here are uncritically labelling all negative posts as 'complaints'.

Well, I do mainly listen to other stuff nowadays, and I happen to like the majority of what U2 has released. But this is a discussion forum, and so I will discuss both what I like and what I dislike. I don't see the problem there. The problem comes when someone trolls and just bashes U2 - and those people get banned pretty fast. We're all U2 fans here, at the end of the day, but we all have our own individual preferences within U2's catalogue.

MrPryck2U said:
If you've got a problem with U2's releases, fuck off and go listen to the new Justin Timberlake album.

wouldn't that be the same? If we would do that than why are we complaining? :madspit:
roy said:

Ah.. if only that were the case.

Uh, it is the case. Just watch. If someone comes here with the sole purpose of blasting U2, they'll be gone pretty quickly. Hell, even jick, a U2 fan, got banned because some perceived him as too trollish!

Don't cast someone as a troll just because their opinions clash with yours and they regularly express it in relevant threads.
I can think of at least 5 people who constantly moan on the past 6 years (and I haven't seen positive posts by them in EYKIW) and nothing happens to them.

Unlike jick, who backed up his points with band quotes - and who in his points never got anywhere near the level of venom the last two albums got.
Funny thing is, had jick been critisizing ATYCLB and/or Bomb, I bet you he'd be a national hero on this forum. He had some things to say on Pop though...
[No one is saying this forum needs to be positive 100%. But there is a way to say things.

It's not a discusssion if you're doing nothing but spitting venom 24/7 about everything U2 did from 2000 onwards. If you're doing it in all and every thread around, even if the topic isn't U2's last 6 years of career. It gets tiring and very, very old. This is a fan site, not U2suckssince2000.com. We get you don't like (now that's understatement) U2's last two albums. Move on. 6 years without anything to enjoy has to be a sign you should try some other music. It can't be healthy to get so worked up over music, and do it over and over and over and over again. There have to be more appropriate sites to moan over U2 than this.

Oh you like their other albums and that's why you're still here? Well then, why not talk about, uh, things you DO like about U2?

I for one think it's refreshing, among all the gallons of cesspool poured over ATYCLB, Bomb, the Best ofs and the Hamish DVDs ... to read positive opinions for a change. People have to wade through pages of whining to get some discussion for the most part though. [/B][/QUOTE]

Good point.
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