which internet browser do you use?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Sicy said:

You dont have to get rid of it. Firefox does not delete it. It's still right there if you change your mind or if you still want to use it. That's the great thing. The even greater thing is the IE Tab extension that I just dowloaded. Just the click of the button and you can change the page you are viewing to view in IE. I was having problems with my hotmail email in firefox so this comes in VERY handy :drool:

Where can you download extensions?

(You'll have to get used to the fact that I don't know a whole lot about these things, because I'm not going anywhere :wink: )

*thinks about downloading firefox* :hmm:
..downloading... :D

Done. Using it now. This is creepy, I made it black. :laugh:

..And never mind about the extensions, I figured it out, all by myself! :wink:
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Can someone tell me step by step how to install an extension?

I want to install the IE extension but I can't figure out how. I have clicked on the install link but when I open my browser I don't see it.
I need to know how to add it to my tool bar. I can ctrl + left click but I don't see the icon at the top.
any help would be great.
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Go to the third menu from the left "View". Pick the first choice "Toolbar" (I guess)..and then the last choice in the submenu (don't know what it's called in the English version). Now a window pops up with all the buttons you can add to your toolbar. Find the IE-one and just drag it to the toolbar holding the left mouse button down.

Hope that made sense :wink:
Duh. Thank you. But my beer o'clock one wasn't there. Yes, I downloaded something to tell me how long until beer o'clock but I can't figure out how to set it up! :sad:

I need to know how long! :scream:
WildHoneyAlways said:
Duh. Thank you. But my beer o'clock one wasn't there. Yes, I downloaded something to tell me how long until beer o'clock but I can't figure out how to set it up! :sad:

I need to know how long! :scream:

So, all the fuss about the IE extension was just a hoax? This was the thing you really wanted to install? :sad:

Firefox! I converted about 2 months ago.

Coolest extension? Stumbleupon!!!

You enter in your website preferences (eg. hockey, punk rock, humour, etc.), and then everytime you hit the stumbleupon button it'll take you to a random site based on those preferences! You can also recommend sites to be added to the database, or give a site the 'thumbs down'. I think I added Interference to it :wink:
UberBeaver said:
(I got carried away with adblock in FireFox, and now I can't view certain pages

You can get rid of all your Adblock settings or just re-allow some things that you do want to see - just go to Tools -- Adblock -- Preferences then when you have a list of everything you've blocked you can right-click on each, choose Delete and that will be no longer blocked.
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