Ha interesting theories, both; but no, the band was never upset or anything that I shared a little bit of information with their most faithful fans. And no, I was never annoyed at anyone here (why should I have been??) and I'm a little bit surprised to learn that I annoyed Martha and others simply for sharing a bit of info. I was never trying to be coy, just careful and respectful to the band, and I believe that I was both of those.
In the vein of being respectful to the band, I think that in the final two month run-up to the release of the album--now that Rolling Stone, Q, NME etc. finally care about information about this album--the proper thing to do is to let the U2 Promotional Machine (c), which they've invested so much money in, do its thing in terms of the timing of release of information. It won't be long, though.
I'm sorry if that's a let down. But since we're on the brink of being deluged by all things U2, I've been listening to all things but. And this is probably egomaniacal, but if you're looking for new music to tide the time until November let me suggest my three favorite albums of the past few months:
Animal Collective - Sung Tongs
The Futureheads - s/t
A.C. Newman - The Slow Wonder