What's your population??

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Yorba Linda CA
Population (year 2000): 58,918. Estimated population in July 2005: 64,476 (+9.4% change)
Males: 28,943 (49.1%), Females: 29,975 (50.9%)
San Mateo, CA (Right near Sicy) a little over 50,000 people.

Where I used to live in Daly City. 101,500 (aka little manila)
Columbus, OH

City -- 730,657
Metro -- 1,708,625

(from 2005 US Census estimates)

And the info (as of 2000) for where I lived most of my life:

Brown County, OH -- 42,285 (that's for the entire county)
Fayetteville, OH -- 372 (I never lived in town, but it was nearest town to where I lived)

City living has been an interesting adjustment for me.

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