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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Jun 4, 2002
Brooklyn, NY
according to YOU is the best part fer a Bono or someone to have their way with in fanfic

fer ME it's the hands / fingers :drool: I die
My Neck...OMG...Bono on my neck whispering "love" as a term of endearment...

And on that note...


I need to...ummm...go...yeah that's it...go to bed...


*shifty eyes*
FishNeedsABicycle said:
whispering "love" as a term of endearment...


I gotta agree with The Feesh.
Bono kissing my neck. Not that Id disagree with him having his way with any part ;) :mac:
I hope this doesn't cross the line, I'll tone it down some. Don't call me sick, but I have a fetish for his neck. This thread is about fetishes and I have one big time! His hair, and his neck. I have this fantasy that I want to cut his hair, it turns me on! This is my fantasy.

He sits down in front of me, the back of his head toward me. I put a towel around his sexy shoulders. I spray his hair wet, and comb it though. SIGGGHHH. :cute:

I pull my scissors out of the blue strong smelling liquid. I open them up, they are small but very sharp! My heart is pounding as I open them and enter them below his earlobe and start to cut! Ahhh! Snip, snip, all across the back of his neck! I can hear the scissors making that sound as the hair is coming off! Oh, I end it at the other side, one last snip under his other earlobe! Careful for the earrings! So, I cut off his hair, but it didn't come off! It was wet and stuck to the back of that sexy neck! Slowly, tenderly, I peel each piece off, revealing his pale neck beneath! I save all the cut pieces of strands of his hair, but I won't tell him.

After I peel them all off, I take the brush and brush, brush across the back of his neck! The little cut hairs fly away all over! I brush it again, and his shoulders! Then, I take a wet cloth, and wipe the back of his neck! Oh, so softly and sexily, cleaning it, and rubbing it gently! I make sure to get down the back of his t-shirt so those little hairs won't make him itch! I rub all over his neck and shoulders, caressing them and getting turned on!

There before me was Bono's neck. Bare, pale, smooth, tender and sexy! The hair was cut off across the top of it in a straight, sharp line. It looked very sexy too, and the combination of that hair and that neck are so hot! I can't resist! I want to kiss it so much! I rub it again, with powder. I rub in the powder until it dissolves into his already pale skin. What a perfect white neck! I have such a fetish for that neck!

Then I must blow dry his hair and run my fingers through it, all the way down the back of his head , to his neck, and all down the neck too! He stands up and turns around, and looks at me with those eyes. I want him so much, but watching that neck as he walks away will have to be enough. SWOOOOOOON!! I still have the locks of his hair in my apron pocket, and I will put one in my locket, one in the sachet under my pillow, and sneak some to all of the girls here who would like some!

I have always been madly in love with Bon's hair and arms. Yeah, you can add hands too. But that hair....geezums I need an iceberg now.....:drool:

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