What will you do when snippets leak in the net?

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The Fly
Sep 23, 2000
3rd stone from the sun

in 2000 it was an exciting moment when I downloaded the ATYCLB songs' snippets... ...however this time I don't intend to spoil the fun of listening to the whole album before its official release (it will be impossible to avoid hearing the new single on radio, of course).

For sure I'll read every post dealing with those snippets.

So I candidate myself as...

...one of the first proclaimed "NEWALBUMSONGSSNIPPETS VIRGINS" of the WHOLE WORLD!!!

God may help me in overcoming the tempations!!!:help:
cybersyd, I understand you.

The day that ATYCLB came out, I had only heard 3 songs. Beautiful Day obviously, Elevation (Which was on the farmclub show), and New York (which was on MTV TRL). It was amazing to get those other BRAND NEW U2 songs. It was incredible. I didn't download ANY of those snippets, and it made buying the albumand listening to it that much more special.

Also, I didn't listen to it all the first day. I listened to a few songs the first day, then a few more the next day, etc. The last song I listened to was When I look at the world, like 5 days after buying the album. I recommend this. It makes the album extremely enjoyable. I believe in you! Do not download any snippets! Just download the new single. There might hopefully be b-sides on that single for you to listen to as well. Good luck. To all you downloaders........you'll ruin what could be one of the best ways to listen to a U2 album.....with a completely fresh ear.
i've been debating this in my own mind recently (shows how little of a life i have)... i'd like to not listen to any of the songs/snippets/whatever until the actuall album comes out. but i'm afraid the grip will be just too strong, and i'll crack within 5 minutes of the first "snipets/mp3s" whatever comming out. i have no backbone
Second they come out, I'm listening to them. Even if I tried to resist I wouldn't be able to.
I support you, Cybersyd! I love the anticipation of coming home from the shop with my new U2 album, hearing every song as it should be, situated in exactly the right place between the other songs. Give in to temptation if you must, but try to savour the whole album!
For the last record I wanted to wait but I too have no backbone. For some reason I HAD to hear 'Kite'.

The hardest thing was reading people's comments about the new songs, 'it's fantastic', 'its shit', 'its a grower'...then I find it difficult to resist, particularly if a song receives a lukewarm initial reception.

The reason is that I don't want to hear a new song with anybody else's perceptions and comments in my brain, I want to hear it with a totally clear mind. So this time I'll either have to listen to them as soon as they become available, or wait and NOT read interference until I have the CD in my hand!!
The day that ATYCLB came out I was lucky enough to be working in Dublin and staying at a hotel on Killiney Bay. That was the 1st time I heard the album in full on my portable stereo and I must say that being there (and having consumed more than a few pints of the black stuff) made it very special!

I bizzarely shared a taxi back from the pub with the girlfriend of an Adam Clayton tribute band member. He walked out of the pub in Killiney singing 'In a Little While' to himself while I was singing it in my head! Strange as 24 hours previously the song wasn't even released!
I won't want to listen to snippets but I've been known to give in to peer pressure...If I hear a lot about them I'll want to hear them too. I hope I can resist!
I listened to the Electrical Storm premier online and it didn't compare to hearing the song on the radio and CD. Even though the Net is fabulous, some of the technology and methods of getting these snippets online is just not top rate and can't really spoil that actual true first listen, it's more like a snack or free sample than anything. I'm totally excited to the get the chance to hear something of this new album in advance, but it can't compare to taking the CD home the day it gets out and listen to it front to back several times.
I'm with you Syd.

I didn't listen to any snippets of ATYCLB. I like to wait till the album is officially released, and then I relish the first moment I hear their work in it's entirety. It usually involves waiting for a day when I can fully relax, I cook a nice meal, buy something special to drink, wait till the sun is setting and TURN IT UP
and listen..
I remember vividly the first time I heard "In A Little While" and "Peace On Earth":heart:
for me it is a VERY special O'Cassion...U2 and their music:faint:...:)

Good luck with your resolve

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