What time is the Apple announcement?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
neutral said:
Do they usually stream these, does anyone know? Or is it just the keynotes?

Sometimes they do, other times they don't :) They have streamed some past music events live, and you'd think with U2 being there, they'd do it this time too. If not though, there will certainly be a video posted after the event.
What are we expecting from this announcement? is it just for the U2 I-pod? or are we hoping they'll be releasing some of the songs onto I-Tunes as a teaser!
as great as that would be it wont happen.
I could be wrong, but it wont be on itunes until its in the shops...but i've been wrong before ya know!
i feel that many people may waste there time today hoping for new songs when it's just not going to happen.

if i'm wrong, i'll declare myself a dumbass in every post for the next week.
me too
i've started doing my financial calculation already to see if i got the bucks for one...
dont care what i have to sell
i WILL have one!
bono_man2002 said:
as great as that would be it wont happen.
I could be wrong, but it wont be on itunes until its in the shops...but i've been wrong before ya know!

Well a few bands have released entire albums early to iTunes. I bought one of them last year, it was released 2 weeks early to iTunes. I ended up wishing I hadn't because I was tired of the album before it hit the stores. :huh:
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