What do you collect?

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War Child
Jun 8, 2002
At Johnny Depp's house.
While I seem to have collected a bunch of empty water bottles on my desk, I actually collect gum wrappers. I have a huge chain at home, and a growing one at school. I also collect U2 pictures and expensive course books. *glares at UCI bookstore*
U2 Magazines (I have an obsession w/ getting my hands on any mag U2 has grace the cover or mag that has nice articles, particularily with the 80's stuff)

PJ mags!! Same with U2! :D

I also collect Angel stuff. I have an obsession with Angels. I collect any books on Angels (I have tons of books on angels even those little tiny books), I collect angel figurines (SP?).... I have TONS of those. I collect Angel calendars.... Angel pictures....ANYTHING that has to do with Angels!!
when i was younger i collected pig stuff...even though i didn't ever live in the country...so yeah, i have a lot of that. otherwise, i have everything u2 i can get my hands on...and i collect cds...that's where all my money goes...
I collect postcards. I have almost 300 now, I think.

I have no criteria for placing one in my collection. I usually buy a whole bunch when I travel. If it looks cool or pretty or funny, it goes in the collection.
Nice thread! :wave:

I collect:

Hello Kitty plush
shot glasses
coasters from restaurants that I like
i collect books...at work i'm the first one to rummage through the donations.

yesterday i found a nice copy of sartre's "no exit." it was a good day.
I used to collect comic books which I still have!!!

I used to collect a large amount of baseball cards and other sports cards of the sort when I was a youngn'. I still have them at home somewhere. I should sell 'em all.
Love to collect:

U2 posters

That's pretty much all I can afford really. It's kind of good I don't collect anything else!!:yes:
you know how some kids collected stickers? i thought i would be new and original if i collected differnt stickers from fruit and vegetables...i got to about 500 after a while and then grew out of it...thank god i grew out of it, that was one strange hobby :reject:
u2 stuff of course, though I don't really have much.
pez dispensers
little plastic aliens that you can buy from quarter machines
I used to collect key chains
my friend has a fridge magnet that says...
the best things in life, aren't things

I agree

but can I walk past an old junque shop?
nosireebob..I have a bric-a-brac radar.
I like to have my kitchenware from as many parts of the world as possible.I was listening to a doco on the radio about Curtis Mayfield earlier today. I was washing up my beloved old mixing bowl from Yugoslavia. I've had it for years andcelebrated many a beautiful day with it's help.
I am so sentimental about things...I collect sad stories I think too....what a loss was curtis mayfield:(
*animal figurines..my glass and terracotta and china and brass and even plastic menagerie
*old books
*press clippings about bands with people in them that I know.

I have some weird and wonderful things I just can't part with....hub
:lmao:no, j/k
A tacky plastic wind-up balalika that plays "Love Me Tender"
a bargain,50c I:heart: it, had to have it.
all my beloved "junque" would fit into a couple of boxes, i don't think it's TOO excessive...much...really

very large boxes

when it was bushfire weather, I put my photo albums and U2 stuff in a case ready to be the first thing packed:hug: U2:hug:

PS: I have two penguin figurines, one a gift from a very special friend. we share a penguin joke:)
gah, i keep forgetting to add things when it's too late to edit my posts. i should take a picture of the charms i have on my bracelet. i should get one this weekend to celebrate me getting a job. mayhaps i should wait another two weeks instead, since that's when i'll get my first paycheck.

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