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In iTunes. the equalizer preset "Treble reduction" is actually sounding quite good... I hear EVERY word of Vertigo now!!!

Lights go down and all I know....
Okay...it's the equivalent of 9:08 where I'm sitting. And "City of Blinding Nights" is just now ending; no "Vertigo," yet.

I'm not complaining, but I AM confused. Anybody...?
Could you imagine if they played Mofo? We'd all die simultaneously, right here in front of our computer screens.
I've been finding that Acoustic makes it a little louder, Piano is ok. Treble Reducer makes the vocals clear but the music kinda dead. Everything else is kinda Eh.
GibsonGirl said:
Could you imagine if they played Mofo? We'd all die simultaneously, right here in front of our computer screens.

That would be so awesome! Here's hoping it does! Not the death part of course, but some good Mofo action would be sweet.

1. City Of Blinding Lights
2. Vertigo

3. EL E VA SHUN (woooohoooo)
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