Ushuaia, Argentina Superthread

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She rang me at 7:30 yesterday morning. *sigh*

Luce: "Hey Liam, you doing anything right now?"
Me: "Wishing I was sleeping with you?"
Luce: "Were you still asleep?"
Me: "Go away. *hangs up*"

I think she's coming around tomorrow. :wink:

I don't blame you for hanging up!

I did that to my ex a long time ago. He rang me at 5:30 am before school and I'm just like, "WHAT THE FUCK DUDE. Have you ANY clue what time it is? *hangs up*"
We're really cruel to each other, to be honest. She's always hitting me and teasing me and being really nice to me. :lol:

Oh we hung up on each other all the fucking time. We used to be really mean to each other. He elbowed me in the face one because I was tickling him and it was pissing him off. So I responded by shoving him off the couch with my feet.
Damn, I feel really melancholic. BLACK METAL TIME! Raaaargh tr00 kvlt and all that.
On the other hand, I'm ticklish, and whenever someone tickles me, I usually get asthma attacks and DIE. :lol:
If I am tickled for a prolonged period of time without the other person giving up because of my feet, I'm usually about dead when it's over with! :lol:
I can't believe how badly I'm half-arsing uni this semester. Boring topics have just killed it. Urgh.
I hope you fall into a box of piranhas.

NP: Alice - The Sisters Of Mercy (1758/4614)

Going to bed after the next song - hope it's not another side of Topographic.

I hope it's Light Of Day, Day Of Darkness by Green Carnation.
Getting off on boredom? That must be the worst kink ever.
Oops, fell into Wikipedia. I've just crawled back out.
I'm sick of being hungry at 3am. Damn my sleeping patterns.
Yeah, so now I'm having toast. At 3:30. Super-early breakfast?
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