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How to Dismantle and Atomic Bomb really isn't that bad. It could have been great, but it's just good. Here:

LAPOE - could have done with a lyrical rework. Very cool live. The music is rad and there's not much like it in U2's body of work.
COBL - classic, one of the best songs they've done in the past 15 years.
ABOY - shit.
A Man and a Woman - See, I fucking like this a fair bit atm. If this was made during the Joshua Tree era people would love it, I feel.
Crumbs - production ruined it, it's too laconic. Needed a garage feel, like the version on the bonus DVD.
One Step Closer - had a fuckload of potential, and what is there is great, but it could and should have gone somewhere. Would be an insane segue into Streets if it did.
Yahweh - as I said in my Fuck you thread, it has a time and a place.

I agree with these to at least some extent (yeah, even Yahweh), but it's still one of my least favourite U2 albums - it's like, the good stuff's merely okay, maybe very good at the right time, but the bad stuff is just shit. I admit though, after enjoying most of NLOTH (as well as looking at some things a bit more maturely), I'm rethinking my opinion of 00's U2 these days.
Regarding Pink Floyd's Meddle.

Of the five albums I have, it's ranked fourth. Used to trade places with The Wall but Wall now sits Comfortably Last.
Works much, much better as a four track album (One of These Days > Pillow of Winds > Fearless > Echoes), San Tropez is okay (Seamus is crap) but both wreck the flow. You'll Never Walk Alone into the piano pings of Echoes is fantastic.
An album for headphones.
On some days I think Fearless is the best song, not Echoes :heart:
Meddle is the best Floyd album. Any other opinions are moot. Why? Because I'm a douche, and I say so.
Regarding Pink Floyd's Meddle.

Works much, much better as a four track album (One of These Days > Pillow of Winds > Fearless > Echoes), San Tropez is okay (Seamus is crap) but both wreck the flow. You'll Never Walk Alone into the piano pings of Echoes is fantastic.
An album for headphones.

A three song side one could have worked. But You'll Never Walk Alone into Echoes wasn't gonna happen cuz you had to get up and turn the album over :wink:

But headphones? oh yeah :yes:

My second fave Floyd album after Dark Side :der:
IYS asked me to post this for him:

I'm pretty sure that the the first line on Meddle, "One of these days I'm going to cut you into little pieces" was a prophetic warning about the eventual rise of KNIFE CRIME in the UK.
Why else would Thom Yorke cite it as his favorite Pink Floyd album?

We're through the looking glass, people.
You could always take it the Lance's Mom route and call it Hail to the Queef.
Perhaps Unpopular Musical Opinions IS the best place for these type of jokes...


Donkey Punched at a Bedding
There? There!
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