Unpopular musical opinions

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Bon Jovi music is good, at least, in what he tries to do. Great entertainment.

Pitchfork's opinion means nothng to me. As someone posted in other thread: A Pitchfork review means as much as a thumbs up from Paris Hilton.

You probably didn't need to write that second one. It was obvious from reading the above statement.

Most Beatles songs used in Across the Universe got a lot better than its original versions.

In terms of musicianship, there's no doubt they're a tighter, more professional band. And I love seeing them in concert.

The recorded material? As much as I love the jammy and psychedelic-type material, I felt SM was writing with a much larger diversity of style with Pavement than he is with the Jicks. I don't know that I'd put any of the solo albums above Crooked Rain, Wowee Zowee, or Brighten the Corners.

And then there's the intangibles, like the whole feeling of hearing/deciphering/processing a new Pavement album, seeing a show; the idea that you were in some kind of secret club.

Those days are over, at least with SM.

I think there's still an SM club...and they give you shrooms! Wowee Zowie is the best album he's done. Face the Truth is comparible, I think, in terms of diversity. I thik that one, Pig Lib and Real Emotional Trash are the best, after Wowie Zowie. But then again that might be due to changing tastes.

I listened to Crooked Rain for the first time in about a year and was shocked to enjoy Hit the Plane Down as much as I did...
I guess it's not as big a deal because nobody really cares anymore but I found the "Guns N' Roses is better without Slash" comment to be just as egregious. I mean that's just silly.
My ones, let me see:

Bon Jovi music is good, at least, in what he tries to do. Great entertainment.

Pitchfork's opinion means nothng to me. As someone posted in other thread: A Pitchfork review means as much as a thumbs up from Paris Hilton.

Marquee Moon is the most overrated thing I've heard

Sgt. Peppers is the greatest in comparision, but Their Satanic Majesties Request is better. Which leads me to:
I prefer The Rolling Stones over The Beatles any day of the week.

Most Beatles songs used in Across the Universe got a lot better than its original versions.

Around the Sun is R.E.M.'s 4th best album.

In Utero is better than Nevermind.

Heathen Chemistry is better than (What's the Story) Morining Glory?.

Guns N' Roses is better without Slash.

Goldfrapp is extremely underrated. Supernature is one of the best albums of the decade.

Give Out But Don't Give Up is Primal Scream's best album. Followed closely by XTRMNTR

No Line on the Horizon
is the best album of this decade.

The Fame is one of the best pop albums of this decade along Hands by Little Boots and Madonna's Confessions on a Dance Floor.

Animal Collective's Merriweather Post Pavillion is almost as boring as Marquee Moon.

Radiohead is fucking amazing, but they're not better than U2 in any aspect other than marketing.

Delays is the best band of this decade (that has released their first record this decade.)

Bob Dylan's best album is Desire. His best song is Romance In Durango

Coldplay is a great band. Chris Martin is a good singer.

Super Furry Animals is underrated, popularity-wise. At least they get good reviews.

The Last Shadow Puppets are amazing and better than Arctic Monkeys. Actually, there's no comparision. Last Shadows doesn't deserve to be compared with such a boring band.

The Smihs are overrated.

That's what I'm remembering now... there's more probably.


Now we're talkin'.
My friend Joe would kick my ass, but I hate RUSH, I Hate Coldplay and I seriously HATE Kings of leon, ok Im ready for it, bring it on, lol
passengers > a serious amount of u2's back catalogue
also, i don't like/haven't heard of i'd say 90% of the bands mentioned on the first page of B&C :reject:

Nobody ever knows what the hell IYS is going on about. We just nod and smile at him.

I fully hope he reads this, too. And has Scumbo punched him in the face yet?
Nobody ever knows what the hell IYS is going on about. We just nod and smile at him.

I fully hope he reads this, too. And has Scumbo punched him in the face yet?

They'll meet in some epic battle of the Tokyo streets and have a nice slap-fight.
You probably didn't need to write that second one. It was obvious from reading the above statement.

Well, Bon Jovi music is just for fun... and it's great doing that I guess. They don't need to write deep stuff.

I'm letting the disparaging remark about MPP slide, but this is just so epically wrong.

Ha... I was expecting some folks having problems with this. With time I learned that The Beatles are loved. :wink:

I guess it's not as big a deal because nobody really cares anymore but I found the "Guns N' Roses is better without Slash" comment to be just as egregious. I mean that's just silly.

Just to clarify, I'm not saying Guns with Slash was bad, far from that. It was great... but it got so much better without him. Chinese Democracy is there to prove.

Of course, all In My Humble Opinion.

And about MPP and Marquee Moon... I tried... and tried... and tried... and tried... and tried.
It's proper name has been long christened since its release. I never signed off on In Rainblows. Plus, In Lamebows is successful for the very fact that it's terribly unimaginative. Much like the album itself.
Well if he scatted it, then I have to accept it now.

Yeah, my music tastes are more unpopular amongst my group of friends, but not so much here. Really struggling to find something as insane as some of what I've read on here.
My friends despise my taste in music and in fact have running jokes about how "awful" my taste is. They then throw on some Blink-182.
Nobody ever knows what the hell IYS is going on about. We just nod and smile at him.

I fully hope he reads this, too. And has Scumbo punched him in the face yet?

Fuck your couch.

Kid Rock's Devil Without a Cause is easily the best hard rock album of the late '90s. Almost uniformly stunning, from start to finish.
How to Dismantle and Atomic Bomb really isn't that bad. It could have been great, but it's just good. Here:

Vertigo - say what you want but it's a fun rocker that goes off live. Could have been reworked.
Miracle Drug - for whatever reason, it doesn't take off the way you think it should.
Sometimes - I don't mind it.
LAPOE - could have done with a lyrical rework. Very cool live. The music is rad and there's not much like it in U2's body of work.
COBL - classic, one of the best songs they've done in the past 15 years.
ABOY - shit.
A Man and a Woman - See, I fucking like this a fair bit atm. If this was made during the Joshua Tree era people would love it, I feel.
Crumbs - production ruined it, it's too laconic. Needed a garage feel, like the version on the bonus DVD.
One Step Closer - had a fuckload of potential, and what is there is great, but it could and should have gone somewhere. Would be an insane segue into Streets if it did.
OOTS - saccharine. Still, passable.
Yahweh - as I said in my Fuck you thread, it has a time and a place.
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