U2tour.de recieved single release dates for the Vertigo single formats from Universal

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Blue Crack Addict
Sep 28, 2000
-Maxi CD (8.11.)

1. Vertigo - Single Version
2. Vertigo - Jacknife Lee 10" Mix
3. Neon Lights

-DVD Single (15.11.)

1. Vertigo - Live at HQ
2. Vertigo - Photo Gallery
3. Are You Gonna Wait Forever?
4. Vertigo - Jacknife Lee 10" Mix - Lisbon Video

-3" Pock It CD (22.11.)

1. Vertigo - Single Version
2. Are You Gonna Wait Forever?

-12" Vinyl (15.11.)

1. Vertigo - Jacknife Lee 12" Mix
2. Vertigo - Jacknife Lee 7" Mix
3. Vertigo - Jacknife Lee 10" Mix
4. Vertigo - Jacknife Lee Instrumental
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I think they should have released 'Are you gonna wait forever' on the very first release of the Vertigo single IMO (8.11). I don't think Neon Lights will go well on the single which most people will buy because it's the first one out.

P.S. Is Jacknife Lee a chick or what?
:rant: I know! I'll have to wait till 22 November now...I will listen to Neon lights at the CD store but I am most likely only getting the version that is to be released last. I think it's good that we get 2 B-sides though, maybe ATYCLB was a good sign in that we will get more new songs on singles in the future.

I wish they'd put Neon lights and are you gonna wait forever on one CD, all the millions of remixes on a second CD, and then put out the DVD with the photo gallery and HQ and Lisbon video and who knows what else.

:lol: Jacknife Lee is a DJ and if I'm not mistaken, a guy.

*edit* Even thought it's only been released in US, I liked how they put all the B-sides, acoustic version of Stuck, single version of Walk on plus two remixes on "7", so you only buy 1 CD and you get everything : B-sides, alternative versions and remixes.
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I have a feeling this is one thing that is going to piss me off about u2 this time around. Don't get me wrong I love the band, etc... but I kind of feel they are getting a little out of touch with the realities of the everyday person. This is an obvious ploy to extract the maximum amount of cash from their fans and I really think it sad U2 are allowing the label to take advantage of their fans this way. You can say it's all business, blah blah but you know what? Fuck that- that is no excuse anymore for greed and taking advantage of people. There never was- but if U2 really are so morally and ethically high-road as we all like to believe they are, then they should set an example.

My heart only cringes at what they have in store for concert ticket prices....
actually I agree with you elfyx, I never thought U2 would do something like this, it does seem like they are ripping of their fans. Who should we blame, the label or U2? Even though I will buy all 3 versions, I do feel like I'm being taken advantage of. As for concert ticket prices, I would do anything to see U2 in real life and I would by upwards of $300 AUS dollars ($180 U.S) to see them live, I don't give a fuck about price to see them live.
elfyx said:
I have a feeling this is one thing that is going to piss me off about u2 this time around. Don't get me wrong I love the band, etc... but I kind of feel they are getting a little out of touch with the realities of the everyday person. This is an obvious ploy to extract the maximum amount of cash from their fans and I really think it sad U2 are allowing the label to take advantage of their fans this way. You can say it's all business, blah blah but you know what? Fuck that- that is no excuse anymore for greed and taking advantage of people. There never was- but if U2 really are so morally and ethically high-road as we all like to believe they are, then they should set an example.

My heart only cringes at what they have in store for concert ticket prices....

I completely agree. :yes:
I hope we're not heading into Discotheque 87 remixes of one song territory. Give a single with either the album version, single version or one remixed version - but for the love of God, give us b-sides!!! I want more songs by U2 -- even if they're cover songs. Oh, and while I'm on the subject, don't you think the title 'Are You Gonna Wait Forever?' is directed to the fans? Like, "We can release this album in 2024 and you'd wait for it, tee hee." Cheeky bastards!
elfyx said:
I have a feeling this is one thing that is going to piss me off about u2 this time around. Don't get me wrong I love the band, etc... but I kind of feel they are getting a little out of touch with the realities of the everyday person. This is an obvious ploy to extract the maximum amount of cash from their fans and I really think it sad U2 are allowing the label to take advantage of their fans this way. You can say it's all business, blah blah but you know what? Fuck that- that is no excuse anymore for greed and taking advantage of people. There never was- but if U2 really are so morally and ethically high-road as we all like to believe they are, then they should set an example.

My heart only cringes at what they have in store for concert ticket prices....

ditto. 7000 versions=PowerSurge going broke:sad:
I also agree elfyx, unfortunately. I'm not even sure I can see U2 on this tour, guessing by the way things have been turning out. Why can't a song just be a song anymore?
Single version? :yikes: Oh man I hope that they don't butcher the song too much. But maybe that means that the album verion of the song is of 5 minutes or more.... that would be great. :up:
I agree with Elfyx, Aussie, Martha and Power Surge - this is taking advantage of loyal fans everywhere and it pisses me off. I hope they at least put all this stuff on iTunes so I can just buy the real b-sides without having to pay for remixes I have no interest in.
Bah, why can't they just scrap the remixes and release Vertigo/AYGWF/Neon Lights on one CD?

Oh well, I guess all of the different versions will look pretty good on my shelf ...
These cd/dvd singles they put out will only amount to 20 bucks (for all of them combined) at most for me here in Canada ($20 Cdn too!). I don't know, I really don't have a problem. However, if i did live south, I would be upset. From what I hear, each disc is like $10 US. :ohmy: That $30 US would mean something close to $50 Cdn.! :shocked: There would be no way I'd get them all.
We in the States don't get singles from U2. We have to pay import prices. And even at domestic prices, all these slightly different versions are really just a money-grab. Whether it's a grab from the label or the artist, I don't want to think about. But I think I know who needs a new Maserati.
Oh quit cryin' about all this. At some point all of these songs will be available for download. If you don't want to buy all the singles don't buy them.

And yes ticket prices will be high. Higher than last time, no doubt, but not all of the tickets will be that expensive and U2 always looks out for their fans as far as price is concerned.

Please remember U2 is not blink-182 or Green Day, they are the most popular band in the world, and their production is enormous. You will get a great show for the $$$ you pay. And if you are lucky enough to get through to your favorite ticket place you'll get affordable seats....but that is not a guarantee.
elfyx said:
I have a feeling this is one thing that is going to piss me off about u2 this time around. Don't get me wrong I love the band, etc... but I kind of feel they are getting a little out of touch with the realities of the everyday person. This is an obvious ploy to extract the maximum amount of cash from their fans and I really think it sad U2 are allowing the label to take advantage of their fans this way. You can say it's all business, blah blah but you know what? Fuck that- that is no excuse anymore for greed and taking advantage of people. There never was- but if U2 really are so morally and ethically high-road as we all like to believe they are, then they should set an example.

Why is this going to piss you off about U2 this time? Why not in 1992, when they started it with the release of 2 versions of the Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses CD single? Or even 1984 when they released many different versions of the Pride single (and The Unforgettable Fire the next year)? Why now?
Based on these release dates, I think that U2 (or rather, their label) is more in touch with the realities of the everyday person and the charts. An everyday person who likes U2 will want to buy all versions (or the CD versions at least), so they spread them. This way, they have a longer impact on the charts, while the label also hopes that the sales of the first single alone are high enough for a top position (preferably #1, but I think anywhere in the Top 5 will suffice). The next week, with the release of the DVD single (which is counted as a regular single sale, IIRC, and not as a DVD sale), the momentum will continue, as it will be the week after that when the 2-track single gets released. Maximum exposure based on the buying habits by the everyday person. Instead of buying 4 versions of the single at once, they will probably have the same sale spread over a few weeks, which will increase the sustainability of the single on the charts.

C ya!


My heart only cringes at what they have in store for concert ticket prices.... [/B][/QUOTE]
I disagree with the thinking in this thread.

First, who says you have to buy ANY CD/DVD singles? U2 is releasing the song in 4 formats... one with a remix and cover song... one with a new song... a DVD version and a remix only version. It seems to me that you can buy none of these and just enjoy the album version of the song or you can buy one or two of these items depending on what interests you. The fact that you WANT to buy all four is YOUR choice. To say U2 is "greedy" for presenting four choices is illogical. And I really have to wonder - does this desire to own everything U2 make U2 or YOU the greedy one?

If you are a collector, you may have a desire to buy all four. But as a collector, you probably have spent quite a bit of $$ collecting various versions of albums and singles in the past - so this should be nothing new. If you aren't a collector, then I see no reason to buy all 4 items, if any.

After all, when you go to a store, you will see that a company like General Mills has presented multiple types of cereals in multiple sizes. Do you buy ALL the cereal in EVERY possible size and then complain to General Mills about how greedy they are being by presenting you with so many choices? Or do you buy the box that suits your needs? The same is true with U2. Buy what suits your needs and budget. The fact that there are choices does not make U2 greedy. They are presenting options depending on what fans want. They are NOT forcing anyone to buy all of these items.

As for the tour, I'm sure it will be expensive. Sadly, everything is expensive. But then, you've had 4 years between albums/tours to prepare. Furthermore, if your desire is to see 100 shows, then, once again I have to question, who is the greedy one: U2 or You? Most fans see the show once or a few times. I feel that I'm a die-hard fan. I saw the Elevation tour 4x - and I thought that was excessive! If you want to go following U2 around the world, then that's your decision and you shouldn't be griping about prices of things.
u2ulysses said:
I disagree with the thinking in this thread.

First, who says you have to buy ANY CD/DVD singles? U2 is releasing the song in 4 formats... one with a remix and cover song... one with a new song... a DVD version and a remix only version. It seems to me that you can buy none of these and just enjoy the album version of the song or you can buy one or two of these items depending on what interests you. The fact that you WANT to buy all four is YOUR choice. To say U2 is "greedy" for presenting four choices is illogical. And I really have to wonder - does this desire to own everything U2 make U2 or YOU the greedy one?

If you are a collector, you may have a desire to buy all four. But as a collector, you probably have spent quite a bit of $$ collecting various versions of albums and singles in the past - so this should be nothing new. If you aren't a collector, then I see no reason to buy all 4 items, if any.

After all, when you go to a store, you will see that a company like General Mills has presented multiple types of cereals in multiple sizes. Do you buy ALL the cereal in EVERY possible size and then complain to General Mills about how greedy they are being by presenting you with so many choices? Or do you buy the box that suits your needs? The same is true with U2. Buy what suits your needs and budget. The fact that there are choices does not make U2 greedy. They are presenting options depending on what fans want. They are NOT forcing anyone to buy all of these items.

As for the tour, I'm sure it will be expensive. Sadly, everything is expensive. But then, you've had 4 years between albums/tours to prepare. Furthermore, if your desire is to see 100 shows, then, once again I have to question, who is the greedy one: U2 or You? Most fans see the show once or a few times. I feel that I'm a die-hard fan. I saw the Elevation tour 4x - and I thought that was excessive! If you want to go following U2 around the world, then that's your decision and you shouldn't be griping about prices of things.

Excellent observations, I totally agree with you.
Thank you Rambling Rose!

I also like to add that while I do feel $130 is expensive for tickets, 3/4 of the tickets for every Elevation concert were $85 or less. As Bono said many times, the best "seats" were also the cheapest (i.e., the ones in or close to the heart). These tickets were only $45.

Now, compare this to the Bee Gees who were charging $300 for tickets in 1997!! Also compare this to Madonna who's recent tour also had $300 tickets, with the *cheap* tickets going for $100+. In other words, U2's most expensive tickets were Madonna's cheapest!

For a band of U2's caliber, I would say that they were very reasonably priced on the last tour. We'd all love the $25-35 tickets of ZOO TV, but those days are gone. The price of touring necessitates higher prices. The fact that U2 - again, arguably the biggest band in the world - had tickets at a scant $45 is damn impressive.

Besides, how many times does a person really need to see an artist live anyway? If you *MUST* see them 100x then be prepared for the costs and stop complaining. :wink:
I refuse to buy singles ever. For the price alone, it is too much I reckon. But I'd never blame the band for that. Only those who set the prices. Which has nothing to do with U2, I'd not think.

Who decides ticket prices? The Promoter/venue/band management combination? Or is it one of those group's decisions?
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