U2's quest for the 'perfect pop song' -- new album talk continued

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Forgot to mention - U2 could genuinely be making a concerted effort to withhold information (apart form the usual Bono snippets) given the disasters that were the beach clips and the leaking of NLOTH (and HTDAAB).

Regardless of what the app turns out to be (if anything), I like this idea. I think it would be great if they kept quiet right until they announced the release date for a single/album, then let some creative marketing (playing new songs live on youtube maybe? etc) do the talking for them.

I think that would beat the hell out of exaggerated/setting-a-standard-so-high-it'll-inevitably-lead-to-disappointment descriptions, saying the album's around the corner 12 months before it actually is, and then carrying out a pretty poor marketing campaign, which imo they mostly did for NLOTH.

Being quiet until an announcement would be very cool, but most importantly, it would mean they could theoretically have an album out this year despite lack of much news :D

I'm with Andrewcowley though, it's probably an app for u2.com (fuck new music, THAT'S what the fans are clamouring for!)
I just heard about this -- it seems to go hand in hand with what Bono was talking about a couple of years ago. I want to think that the wheels are turning for an album release. It makes sense.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, every single time I've waited for a U2 record to come out, a U2 record has come out.

ha ha ha.

My reaction to this app news = eh.

Am I officially at Get Off My Lawn Age when I don't give a rat's ass if something has an app?

Are we at the dawn of the era in which the answer to the question "I wish I could hear the new U2 album" is "THERE'S AN APP FOR THAT!" ?

I just want some music.

In physical form.

... or something really boring, like a 'u2-trivia' app for iphones. I'm betting that last one to save myself the disappointment :shifty:


Stop torturing yourself!
Regardless of what the app turns out to be (if anything), I like this idea. I think it would be great if they kept quiet right until they announced the release date for a single/album, then let some creative marketing (playing new songs live on youtube maybe? etc) do the talking for them.

I think that would beat the hell out of exaggerated/setting-a-standard-so-high-it'll-inevitably-lead-to-disappointment descriptions, saying the album's around the corner 12 months before it actually is, and then carrying out a pretty poor marketing campaign, which imo they mostly did for NLOTH.

Being quiet until an announcement would be very cool, but most importantly, it would mean they could theoretically have an album out this year despite lack of much news :D

I know we all like to make jokes about the U2 Corporate Machine having to build up to full speed and treat every new release as some overhyped historical event, but history has shown that the band HAS tried to stay at the forefront of new technology. Up until now it's been the innovation of the stage show, or even the inclusion of Linear as an accompaniment to the album for people who listen to their albums on computers (and this new story shows they're not done exploring that angle). Let's also not forget that they were one of the first major bands to have online content featuring cameras during the recording process.

So while they're not going to announce the album a week before it comes out like Radiohead, I do have faith that they are aware of the changing industry to the point where they know they may need to try some other methods to generate excitement and achieve success. I wish I had as much faith in their current songwriting choices, but that's a separate argument.

In short, I'm not ready to panic yet at the lack of news.
and this seems most likely..

I have my doubts about that. More than likely whoever designed and implemented their current website would develop the app, which is probably through LN. Unless they are being hired to do a revamp of both the website and app, that would be something entirely different.

These types of companies don't often brag about website apps(because most of the time it's just a carry over of a current website, nothing creative unto itself), even with a big name attached to it is highly unlikely. These types of companies like to brag about something they believe will make a name for them.

This blip of news is actually the one tidbit so far I find to be the most encouraging, it makes me believe that we're going to see something from U2 sooner rather than later. For a company like Blitz you don't announce a client unless you really believe the public is going to see your work. This coupled with the fact that DangerMouse is still being seen and mentioned in U2 circles has me optimistic(but cautiously:wink:).
I have my doubts about that. More than likely whoever designed and implemented their current website would develop the app, which is probably through LN. Unless they are being hired to do a revamp of both the website and app, that would be something entirely different.

These types of companies don't often brag about website apps(because most of the time it's just a carry over of a current website, nothing creative unto itself), even with a big name attached to it is highly unlikely. These types of companies like to brag about something they believe will make a name for them.

This blip of news is actually the one tidbit so far I find to be the most encouraging, it makes me believe that we're going to see something from U2 sooner rather than later. For a company like Blitz you don't announce a client unless you really believe the public is going to see your work. This coupled with the fact that DangerMouse is still being seen and mentioned in U2 circles has me optimistic(but cautiously:wink:).


you make some strong points..
Seriously people?

Fall 2013. Bank on it.

North American arena tour to follow in late spring 2014. After 360 the band may finally do the "in the round" thing with the stage in the center of the arena. Or we will get version 3 of the Elevation stage, the triangle! ;)
I read the article to see what Blitz actually does, and it doesn't sound like they would be making just a plain old app.

Digital advertising firms are built for the Internet age - Page 2 - Los Angeles Times

Google,Nike Inc., Naked Juice Co., Microsoft,Walt Disney Co.andWarner Bros.Entertainment have commissioned Blitz to customize visually rich Internet campaigns full of motion and interactive elements. One campaign for Hilton Hotels attracted more than 1 million viewers and prompted more than 50,000 people to send Hilton e-cards.

Blitz also created an "augmented reality music video" to promote a new album from singer-songwriter John Mayer. The 3-D video resembled a children's pop-up book, with Mayer morphing into a guitar-playing, computer-animated character in a video game world.

Blitz currently is working on a digital application for the Irish rock band U2.

"Digital today, in almost every way, is woven into the fabric of how we communicate with others," said Ivan Todorov, chief executive of Blitz. "Brands and savvy marketers recognize that they need a digital presence."

EDIT: Alan Cross is talking about it:


It's basically a rehash of what we already know, but wasn't there something significant about Alan Cross a while back? It seems like we were all talking about something he said at some point, but I don't remember now what it was.
not recent (2008), but a nice interview with Danger Mouse on his production choices...

Danger Mouse - Page - Interview Magazine

DM: I'm still very excited by an amazingly written song, so that's really the thing that I work on when I make records with people. I suppose I could try to be some avant-garde artist if I wanted to, but that doesn't interest me as much.

SS: When you're making a record, how much material do you throw away?

DM: Surprisingly, I don't throw away that much. I don't move forward with a lot of things unless they're going somewhere. You also have to remember that when you're working with other artists, you have to be really careful about how you deal with that stuff. I'm obviously really opinionated, but as a producer, you don't necessarily want the person you're working with to try to impress you-you want them to just be themselves. Then you can edit or mess around with what they've come up with. But you have to allow the artist that space.

DM: What affected me the most about the Beatles was that they were the biggest band in the world and they could have done anything they wanted-

SS: And they chose to keep pushing themselves.

DM: It was their choice to do that. Those kinds of choices have meaning because the more options you have, the harder it is to make them. You see why a lot of people don't stick around very long.
He's a Toronto area music journalist who is a big U2 fan who, if I remember correctly, had an advanced listen to NLOTH and posted some impressions on his site.

I believe we also noticed an account in his name lurking around and reading our threads discussing him at some point.

I found it: http://www.u2interference.com/forums/members/alan+cross-67174.html

Also, his station is called 102.1 The Edge.

One final edit: after looking back through this forum, my memory was jogged. Alan Cross posted on Twitter that a leak of NLOTH was imminent long before we actually found such a leak (which came from Universal Australia's website). I have no idea when the actual leak went up; I doubt Cross was talking about that one. There were rumors after we found the Universal leak that Napster had leaked NLOTH a week before Universal and we just didn't realize it. I have no idea if that is indeed true or if Cross had any knowledge of it. Cross later speculated that U2 had intentionally leaked the album, which I think is far from unlikely.
ha ha ha.

My reaction to this app news = eh.

Am I officially at Get Off My Lawn Age when I don't give a rat's ass if something has an app?

Are we at the dawn of the era in which the answer to the question "I wish I could hear the new U2 album" is "THERE'S AN APP FOR THAT!" ?

I just want some music.

In physical form.


Just give me songs. I don't need extra bells and whistles.

The iPhone app playing hipsters don't even like U2 anyway. They're too mainstream.
I wanna know on which planet iPhone= hipster. 1/2 the people I know have them. My 63 year old, Vietnam vet boss has one. WTF?
Von Schloopen said:
I wanna know on which planet iPhone= hipster. 1/2 the people I know have them. My 63 year old, Vietnam vet boss has one. WTF?

Does he rock out to Vampire Weekend?
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