U2 and Mutts Comic

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Mooch n Earl and Bono n Edge


With out the text :D


I think Earl would be a great pet for Edge:D I don't know about Bono & Mooch they probably drive each other crazy:wink:
Agree:up: both are too cute & crazy :lol:

Mooch sometimes calls Earl "Early Pearly":cute:
Wonder if Bono calls Edge "Edgie Wedgie":lol:
^ :D

Must find that strip where Mooch calls Earl Early Pearly its sooo cute:cute: will post :hyper:
^ me too Andreia :hi5:

Gotta Go Will Talk tommorrow:wave:

Going to celebrate Easter at My cousins with My family:D
I'm glad U like them Padj & Andreia :D

I post the ice cream one especially for U Andreia, since we love ice cream sooo much:love::lol: Imagine if there were U2 ice cream pops with Bono,Edge, Adam and Larry faces:drool:Yum, Edge with Green Gum Ball eyes!!!:giggle:
I'm glad U like them Padj & Andreia :D

I post the ice cream one especially for U Andreia, since we love ice cream sooo much:love::lol: Imagine if there were U2 ice cream pops with Bono,Edge, Adam and Larry faces:drool:Yum, Edge with Green Gum Ball eyes!!!:giggle:


Oh,thanks for dedicate this Ice Cream Comic to me,LILI!!!!!!Yesh,we are Ice Cream LOVERS:love: Oh My God,it would be fantastic,specially Bono's flavor,I think that would have a hot+sweet+citrus+magic taste:drool::wink::lol:
Your Welcome:wave:My ice cream loving friend:D:hug:

Bono's flavor,I think that would have a hot+sweet+citrus+magic taste:drool::wink::lol: = Bono LEMON POPsicle !!!! :bono::drool::wink::lol:
:yes: 2 scoops of right:wink::up::up:

Bono Lemon Popsicle is definitely going into our big book of funny words:Dbetter yet I think Bono's going to need his very own big book:shifty:
He's a demure man:lol:
Of course he's our King of Everything that always see SHINEYYYY things:bow:
LUUUUVE this Mooch comparisons:cute::drool::heart::up:
Yeah Bono's a demure man and Mooch a demeow cat!!!!!!!:wink::lol:
:shh: Don't tell Mooch that Bono is also the King of Everthing Else too!!! Especially our :heart:s
Sooo happy U love the comparisons:D
Can't wait to post my Bono Mooch birthday comparison soon:hyper:
Yeah Bono's a demure man and Mooch a demeow cat!!!!!!:lol:
:shh: Don't tell Mooch that Bono is also the King of Everthing Else too!!! Especially our :heart:s
Sooo happy U love the comparisons:D
Can't wait to post my Bono Mooch birthday comparison soon:hyper:

Yeah,both are demure,but in different ways :lol:
And also both are cats,cute cats:cute::heart:
Alright,it will be our little secret,ok? :evil:
I always love the comparisons between them:love:
WOW,so,will we have a special comparison on Bono's B-Day???Can wait for it:hyper::applaud:
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