Things I Hate, Spring Edition

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Ooohhh you're friends with her? Not that it should make a difference (but it really does), but that can certainly add an extra layer of awkward frustration to the scenario. I've really only been in a situation that's sorta similar to that once, and that was back in high school... :shifty: It happens.

Right now I hate civil procedure. Fuckin' shit is pissing me off so fucking much I hate life and want to kill everything that's beautiful :hyper:
I mean, I'm not friends with her, but she's in the same writing club as me and I think she's pretty cool... besides, I wouldn't like to be one of those people who hates their crush's girlfriend. I'm happy that he's happy. And what's weird is that during the past week I also met another guy who I really like, but I don't know if it's in a friends way or what... I don't know if it's possible to like two guys, but the second one is single, so maybe I should work on talking to him? Wow, emotions and social interactions are weird. (I still am in high school, by the way. It's my last year though :hyper: )

Sorry about civil procedure, that sounds un-fun...

Adding : People who have no ambitions and perspective.
I have the flu for the first time in probably 10 years. My temperature was 103 this morning and it feels like my lungs are on fire when I cough. Advil is my new favorite food group.
Having the flu definitely sucks. Get well soon.

Speaking of things that I hate, here's one for the shit pile:

Not knowing (after 41 years) what you want to do with your life.

Gotta hate that, right? :huh:
I hate it when you are there for people... you are there when they are in need or hurting... And the don't seem compelled to do the same for you.

One person was hurt. That person felt deserted. I was there for them. Only for them to 'disappear'.

F'ed up. Is what it is, I suppose.

But funny how one can be hurt and upset about how a person treated them and then - do the same exact thing to another.

People = Flawed and goofy things.

Next time you're having a bad day, just think about how lucky you are that a rat didn't explode under the hood of your car when you started it.

On a totally unrelated note, who wants to come help me clean my car?
Next time you're having a bad day, just think about how lucky you are that a rat didn't explode under the hood of your car when you started it.

On a totally unrelated note, who wants to come help me clean my car?

OMG, I can't imagine! :sad:

Our neighbor found an entire squirrel's nest on the engine of his car this spring; but fortunately, none of them exploded.
Man, depression can be a real bitch :crack:

Nothing terrible occurred, mind you, but that's kinda what bothers me the most--because I can't place a name to this affliction, I've no remedy for my putrid state of mind. But above all else, I just really hate being a sourpuss :no: I deal w/ people every day (mostly friends and acquaintances), so to emote a sudden change in disposition--without any real, demonstrable external influence--always seems to create some level of tension in the atmosphere:

"What's wrong with you?" "Did something happen?"
<responds w/ either some generic variant of "not feeling well" or just a non-answer, "nothing.">
"Okay, well... Hope you feel better..."
*conversation ends, and person walks away*

So for the majority of the time during these periods, I simply do my damnedest to keep busy and avoid any and all lengthy conversations w/ people. But lately... I dunno, I feel like the "cracks," so to speak, are beginning to show. I have all these preconceived notions of what others expect me to be, and I feel like I'm just faking it with them, and sooner or later they're gonna figure me out :shifty:

I don't even know if what I'm typing makes any sense lol :drunk: Whatevs, it's the "I Hate..." thread; I haven't posted here in awhile, so I'm just gonna ramble on for a bit if you don't mind :flirt:

More and more often I'm feeling so hopelessly, desperately lost. Confused? Maybe, but I don't know if it's depression or just apathy. I detest cynicism, but always come up empty handed when looking for something good. Maybe I'm down on everybody else's expectations; maybe sometimes it's okay to be everyone else's disappointment.
There seems to be a general format for living your life--much like a film, where you have the inciting incident, the hero's journey, etc. We go to school, get a job, meet someone and start a family... but what if you're unsure about things and don't know what you want to do? What if you're just peculiar and can't find anyone? Nobody wants to hear it; you're screwed up; you're not living things right. And now I feel like something for the waste bin, struggling to find something worthwhile at a time when there's no one to look up to and nothing left to look forward to...

Catman, I've been struggling with your affliction for...decades. I have my ups and downs. Regrets...I've had a million. :wink: Thankfully, I've got some good family and friends to help me through the low times. Honestly, the best "medicine" I've ever had is simply going for a nice walk. Preferably in an area where there are trees and small animals. Being out in the fresh air helps reassure me if I think I have it bad, other people probably have it worse than me. Hang in there. Peace!
Heh yeah, I kinda do the same thing (but driving)--tell everyone I've got "things" to take care of, but really I'm wasting gasoline for, like, hours :huh: Not sure if my travels are giving me a peace of mind or just a distraction, buuuutttt I guess I'll take what I can get :drunk:

Hope all is well on your end :D
All is well on my end. Thanks! Winters are a bitch, but usually when Spring comes and it gets warmer and the MLB season starts, I'm a happy camper. :wink:
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