Things I Hate, Spring Edition

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I know one thing....

If I were invited to something... and I knew that a friend of mine was PURPOSEFULLY not included... And more so, that it was for bullshit reasons... I would not go.

I would not sell my friends out like that. I would not be complicit in the bullshit created by those that were hurting my friend, by ignoring that they are actively acting out against a friend.

It's called friendship, not convenience. It's called loyalty. It's called integrity. It's called standing up for what is right and not merely what is easy.
Just a quick update.

I recently posted the following on FB:

"Dante said "there is a special place reserved in hell for those who do nothing in a time of moral crisis".

I recently had a situation where supposed friends were more than happy to say or do nothing, in the face of aggressive acts that had been consistently taken toward a friend of theirs.

This isn't to say that anyone had to take direct involvement. No one asked them to be directly involved. But they could have been a friend and responded in a comforting and supportive manner.

This did not occur. Instead, they chose to attack, berate and desert the person, for merely telling of a tough situation that they’d been enduring.

Those people have shown their true colors. Their actions show that they haven't the ability to see past their own noses. They have shown that they haven't the slightest idea of true friendship, kindness and honor truly mean.

The day will come when those same people need help or comfort. They will reap what they have sown. Their failure will return to them. But unlike their cowardice, I wish them comfort when karma visits them."

Interesting enough, a number of friends reacted in a positive manner to this most recent FB message. I didn't expect that they would react badly. They didn't think that there were being put in the middle. They weren't They didn't react badly and berate nor desert me. They were fair and kind.

There were positive and empathetic. They responded as we'd hope that a friend would respond.

Faith in humanity restored? Somewhat.

Why couldn't the (U2) friends that I spoke to originally react in the same or similar manner? I expected better from those that I had been there for and given to with caring and heart . Why couldn't they look past themselves and merely hear the issue for what it was, one friend coming to a group of friends to explain some tough things that had been consistently occurring for over a two-year period of time?

THAT is what I hate. That those that I befriended, gave to, was there for and braought into my heart and life were so cruel.

I hate that of the group that I initially spoke to about 'the issues', only one person had the decency to respond in a caring fashion.

So to that person, my pal in Seattle (Alicia), I gratefully thank you for your kindness and friendship.

But as the FB message (reposted above in italics) states, for those that deserted me, berated me and in many cases were just plain 'mean' to me... I don't wish them ill-will for their failing to be a good friend or act in a friendly manner. Karma will visit them. And I do honestly wish that they will be granted better than what they showed me.

A lesson that those that attacked and condemned me, for merely telling of my experience, might learn.

Doing the right and just thing may not always be the easy thing. But it is no less, the right thing.

My Aunt Margaret Robinson Anderson passed away in North Carolina today. She was the wife of my mother's elder brother Bill, and the last of the generation. All of the Anderson siblings and their spouses are together again, and my Anderson cousins and I are now "the elder generation." RIP, Aunt Margaret. I love and miss all of you SO much! :sad:
Hugs to you and your family. I am sorry for your loss. Sounds like she was a wonderful lady.


My Aunt Margaret Robinson Anderson passed away in North Carolina today. She was the wife of my mother's elder brother Bill, and the last of the generation. All of the Anderson siblings and their spouses are together again, and my Anderson cousins and I are now "the elder generation." RIP, Aunt Margaret. I love and miss all of you SO much! :sad:
Just heard that I'll be losing my f***ing job after 5 years of working my ass of at the zoo/park.

That job is my life. And frankly I'm lost at the moment.
I love the guys I'm working with , I love the animals I'm working with, and I gonna miss them like crazy.

This is the first time this has happened to me. I have no idea where to start.

I've been sleeping bad,
my driving lessons are shitty ever since..
I saved up to go on vacation this year, but I'll be spending that hard earned money on everything but vacation.

And it pisses me off more than ever.:down:
I've never been without a job , because I am NOT a lazy person.
Hoping to finish getting my driver license with the money I have left.
If I make it I'll have a nice C.V. And some hope for the future.
To go anywhere else in the world and find something special like this again.

I hate the system. Our government allows it to kick out people after 5 good years of service. Its either that or I should have a full-time contracts.
But they never hand those out anywhere in zoo's any more, becuase of the health insurance cost them so much. And my boss can not do anything about it.
He needs to kick me out and 2 others are getting kicked out with me.

At least I'm not alone. (Although I feel terrible saying this. Don't wish this upon anyone)

Thanks for the digital hugs people. I really appreciate it.
Hopefully I'll be posting about a new job in the things I love thread sooner than later :up: Fingers crossed.
BBC America has cancelled "Copper" after two seasons. It was only it's highest-rated show! :angry:

I'm pissed too! Supposedly there were budget issues, but also this season didn't have as good ratings as season 1. "Orphan Black" is doing better and I heard some other show too.
Hoping to finish getting my driver license with the money I have left.
If I make it I'll have a nice C.V. And some hope for the future.
To go anywhere else in the world and find something special like this again.

I hate the system. Our government allows it to kick out people after 5 good years of service. Its either that or I should have a full-time contracts.
But they never hand those out anywhere in zoo's any more, becuase of the health insurance cost them so much. And my boss can not do anything about it.
He needs to kick me out and 2 others are getting kicked out with me.

At least I'm not alone. (Although I feel terrible saying this. Don't wish this upon anyone)

Thanks for the digital hugs people. I really appreciate it.
Hopefully I'll be posting about a new job in the things I love thread sooner than later :up: Fingers crossed.

I lost my job as well. :sad:
It feels like the worst heartbreak I've ever felt.
I lost my job as well. :sad:
It feels like the worst heartbreak I've ever felt.

:hug: Stay strong, Cin. It really is the best thing you could do for yourself now. I'm rooting for you.
I lost my job as well. :sad:
It feels like the worst heartbreak I've ever felt.


I've been out of work since last December. I understand how you feel. It is heartbreaking and anxiety-ridden. God willing, better thinks will come to us both - Sooner than later.

I send you great vibes, deepest sympathies and heartfelt prayers.

Civil Procedure and Contracts are killing me :crack:

I didn't care for Civ Pro either, but I didn't want to litigate so it was a fairly useless course for me. Just a matter of memorization, really.

I miss those days!
I hate seeing the news on the MSN homepage. A weird blend of depressing stuff and trivial stuff. But it's mostly the depressing stuff that gets me down.

I don't know if I hate, but I definitely dislike that this one guy I like has a girlfriend.
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