Things I Hate Part Eleventy Bazillion and One

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the shit that is flying in the office

99% of the crap flying is nothing more than tittle tattle and baseless speculation and if any one bothered to have an honest conversation then perhaps the lies and rumours would stop

not denying that it is beyond uncomfortable at the moment but blind freddie could tell you that what is being peddled out there is a load of crap - i thought we were all adults here

almost echoing cathou above me . . . grow up, get your heads out of your asses and instead of standing around and gossiping why don't you look for the truth f:censored:ers

and lastly ~ do not use me as a scapegoat missy or you will find that i do have teeth and i will bite back ~ will.not.stand.for.half-truths :angry:

Keep to the pirate code, missy: no prisoners!! :fist:
I'm sadly behind on this thread, but :hug:s to everyone, especially Laura today. :hug: :hug: :hug:

<< HATE: transition :panic: winter :madspit: -30 degree weather :crack:
sorry to hear that, Laura :( :hug:

I hate when people leave from the cinema before the end titles have played :( people work their asses off and barely no one wants to pay some respect when they get their second of fame on screen!

and I hate that when I (and some rare others) sit through the very end of the movie and the cinema workers/screening room cleaners are sort of pissed off that we have had the nerve to sit through the very end and they can't start cleaning up before we have left the room, so when we finally left after all the end titles had played, they commented very quietly and very sassily to each other "finally!!" I found it ridiculous! come on - you can do your job when the movie ENDS! and especially it pisses me off that they were there to do their job voluntarily! :angry: that's not an enthusiastic approach!
Thanks everyone. It has been a very long week. It kind makes me wish that I went to our ten year reunion last year.

Okay. This is how creepy the co-worker next to me has gotten. I tell a silly joke. Another co-workers (who's friended him on Facebook) tells me, you know that joke you JUST told... HE just re-posted on fb.

Weird. It's getting a little "Single White Female" in here.

Okay. This is how creepy the co-worker next to me has gotten. I tell a silly joke. Another co-workers (who's friended him on Facebook) tells me, you know that joke you JUST told... HE just re-posted on fb.

Weird. It's getting a little "Single White Female" in here.

:yikes: What's that old chestnut about "Imitation being the sincerest form of flattery"? Up to a point, I guess! :down:
Single White Female is vastly underrated. I really like that movie. You know, they are remaking it as Single White Male now (I can't remember what the actual name is, but they are doing it with guys)
Single White Female is vastly underrated. I really like that movie. You know, they are remaking it as Single White Male now (I can't remember what the actual name is, but they are doing it with guys)

I'm sure it's directed by Paul Thomas Anderson and stars Zach Galifianakis.
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