Things I Hate Part ∞ and then some.

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I hate that it is what it is, because it isn't how I want it to be.:sigh:
Watching a marriage fall apart. It is probably the worse thing I have ever had to witness. I do not understand relationships on any level.

:( it's never pretty, even when those involved are reasonably grown up about it :hug:

and for what it's worth, I've given up trying to understand other peoples' relationships . . .hell, I have enough trouble understanding my own! :)
Got the stitches out yesterday, but the incisions haven't completely healed, so I can't get in the bathtub for another week. :huh: Showers are okay, but I prefer a bath. Oh, well--if that's the worst thing that happens to me, I reckon I am doing quite well!
Going to Mexican, Indian, Chinese, etc restaurants because you don't get a bowl of chips.

That the laws regarding work experience have changed. Previously you were able to do as much as you wanted. Now you can't do it unless it counts as a credit point towards your course, which is absolute bullshit and puts me at a huge disadvantage in an industry where it's more about who you know than what you know.
but I want to scream when Facebook isn't working right. :p

I may have an addiction...

Ugh I know how you feel. I justify mine because some of my friends are in other countries now...but still, it would be almost nice to leave Facebook for a week or so. Except the notifications, they pile up.

I hate trying to use the actual tour schedules when writing fanfic! Good lord, it is difficult!
I'm usually not so factual. I'm just having problems of Ruth being able to go see them in '87 or not...need to figure out when exactly in '86 the story is currently...but damn! I thought the JT tour was in '88, so I'd have some more time for stuff to happen...nope.
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