The Temple Bar: We'll give you christmas spirit...UYMFA!!!!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Wait - is that a real picture of a house near you?

OK, so I bought some eggnog. I'm going to add some nutmeg and see if that doesn't make it even better. Somehow, I have little hope that nutmeg makes anything better, but I'm going to try it.
UberBeaver said:
Wait - is that a real picture of a house near you?

yes it is. Here's another part of the yard.


there are trains and waterfalls and music and these blow up thingies. from BJ's

I change my porch light bulb from 60 to 100 watts every year. Does anybody notice? not at all.
UberBeaver said:
Wait - is that a real picture of a house near you?

OK, so I bought some eggnog. I'm going to add some nutmeg and see if that doesn't make it even better. Somehow, I have little hope that nutmeg makes anything better, but I'm going to try it.

nutmeg makes everything better. I can't think of a better way to make eggnog more interesting. I have an unopened carton in my fridge, I shall test it later and report back.

seeing as I am going to be around :mad:
Not a fan of eggnog here :yuck:

wb Thora! :hug:

lynnok.... MY EYES!!!! They burn!!! :wink:

Should I drive an hour and a half (or so) to see Joshua Tree & the Depeche Mode tribute bands? Oh, and it looks like we might have rain coming :sigh: I think hubby can handle "babysitting" 3 teenage girls.... :angel:
unico said:
you win this time liz!!

correction - everytime, I win everytime.

go lila. I need a report on the show.

I haven't had a chance to eat yet - is it too late to make something or should I just launch into a bottle of wine. I could do both I guess :hmm:
that was more like a "yes...why the hell not" but an abbreviation.

you don't win the gfyagbt7mb game, my friend. and technically, you can eat til 10pm before your body goes into shutdown mode. so you have an hour. ive already started pouring the rum
Wine first, so you can feel the affects. Or not. Or before during & after :wink:

I'm sure others will gladly report from the show. They're meeting for dinner beforehand. I'd have to eat first, then go. I think I'm gonna wait til all possible Friday night traffic has died down. The DM Tribute band starts at 9:00pm, and Joshua Tree around 10:30. So I have time to decide. I just need some cold weather clothing. That would surely help...
unico said:
that was more like a "yes...why the hell not" but an abbreviation.

you don't win the gfyagbt7mb game, my friend. and technically, you can eat til 10pm before your body goes into shutdown mode. so you have an hour. ive already started pouring the rum

no, I don't want to lose. Let me think on it with a bottle, I mean glass of wine under my belt.

Good logic on the eats - I have a bunch of turkey still to use up. fiesta bake it is.

Lila, get in the bloody car and go - that will be an amazing show. I've never even heard of a DM tribute band :drool:
snowbunny00774 said:

no, I don't want to lose. Let me think on it with a bottle, I mean glass of wine under my belt.

Good logic on the eats - I have a bunch of turkey still to use up. fiesta bake it is.

Lila, get in the bloody car and go - that will be an amazing show. I've never even heard of a DM tribute band :drool:

Neither have I snow. It's a win-win-win. U2 Tribute (yea!), DM tribute (never seen but heard they were good), and Interferencers. I think I will go; it's too early right now though
Sorry, I had to bail there. Tigger has been on antibiotics for an infection. Yesterday he stopped eating so today I took him to the vet. Now I'm giving injections 2x SC and fluids SC and Feeding every four hours. It was Tigger time.

My av is the best snack in the world, Rice Crispie Treats with chocolate on top!!
You know how there if a Fan Fiction thread?

Should there be an Interland Fiction thread? Stories about interlanders, involving interlanders? For example, PFan would write a story that finds him ultimately alone and frustrated, when along comes a shirtless Dalton, riding a horse. I don't know what happens next, I'm just saying that maybe such a thread should exist.
VintagePunk said:
Beav's Temple Bar fanfic from back in the spring? summer? needs to be included in that thread, if it comes to fruition.

Was I ever rescued? :hmm:

Just looked outside. It started to rain :|
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