The Temple Bar: Put On Your Business Socks Cause It's Time For Business, Oh Yeah

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unico said:
I'm starting to wonder if it may just be a teen years type thing. It sounds like April, Thora, and I didn't really start embracing ourselves for who we are til we were in our 20s.

(I know this is late but I just got home from being out of town for that wedding :wink: )

I think it's more a "getting close to your 30s" thing - though it took me till after I turned 30 for that to happen.. At that point I think you realize most people don't really give (to put it bluntly) a flying fuck about what you look like, and you say "This is who I am, deal with it." :lol:
Drea said:

I think it's more a "getting close to your 30s" thing - though it took me till after I turned 30 for that to happen.. At that point I think you realize most people don't really give (to put it bluntly) a flying fuck about what you look like, and you say "This is who I am, deal with it." :lol:

agreed :up:

Plus having real things to worry about leaves you less time to think about the little things. Perspective I guess.

If you like the bouquet you could just let it dry and keep it.
redkat said:
it's like they serve you alcohol spin you around put a credit card in your hand and drop you off in a store :reject: i got Guinness everything

I KNOW! Can you tell me why in the world I bought Guinness socks? They don't even come above the shoe, so you can't see them! And I bought a pen that broke :( I do love that little toucan though.
Haha no on Full House, you know the end of the show when Uncle Jessie/Joey Bob Saget tell one of the girls that they love them and they don't have to lie or steal or be someone they're not because they're good kids and then they say something about how much they miss their dead mom and at the end baby Mich-er, the baby monkey says something cute and we all go "awwwwwwww"

But Reg's video is a pretty important life lesson too. Baby Monkey(s) probably has it memorized by heart.
I''ve now seen the first 10 episodes of FotC. I feel like I'm in on all the references now! \m/
It is kind of weird b/c a year ago I saw them on a late night show. And nobody else knew about them (I didn't even realize they had their own show!) And now I can't get the theme song out of my head. Oh and PS I think Brett is hot. I love his sweaters.
That proposal thread ugh - don't mind me, just bitter here.

Actually I could have added my story from Friday night when after I got the wedding announcement photo with radio dude he looked into my eyes and asked....

how I enjoyed the show.

Beav, what a sweet story in that thread btw. That's so sad you won't be able to go back. :(
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