The Temple Bar: Now at 332 Lafayette St, Greenwich Village

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Blue Crack Addict
Aug 16, 2002
I'm only sleeping
No longer must you wander aimlessly in search of free drinks.

That's right folks! While the Octagon may be long gone or simply dormant in the darkest depths of the Lemonade Stand, there's a new club on the scene. We have some fresh competition in the neighbourhood!

It may or may not be a giant lemon.

It's the cool new place everyone is talking about...

The Temple bar.....Would you join us?

~ Bri, Zootle n' Friends

Alright - I have to go do some errands...I shall return.

I know, I know - you're all thrilled at the thought :rolleyes:
DaveC said:

St. Patrick's Day is for beer.

Slutfest is for liquor.


I seem to recall someone owes me some tequila shots. :hmm:


And someone owes me that martini. :sexywink:

I know, I could have gotten one at B.B.'s, but at the very last minute I decided it'd be sacrelige to drink anything but Guinness on St. Pat's Day (barring the drinks on the plane :shh: ).

Shannon would be so proud of me. :drool: :lol:
I regret to inform you all that the bar has not begun serving yet, apparently they're still counting the till over at the old one...either that or they haven't moved their clocks ahead an hour yet.
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