The Temple Bar - Not Like Everybody Says ... Like Dumb ... UYMFA

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
This is the only internet site I go to where I post or read posts. The drama is alternately maddening and entertaining.

The drama drove someone I like a lot off this site, so, that's bad...but overall, it's mostly amusing.
^ You also got this response:

Galeongirl said:

well actually, in the summer of 2003 he was sported wearing boxers :wink:

:whistle: and certain concert dvds it's been said he went commando...

so yea, he varies it obviously :wink: and let's be glad it's only you Bono let down, and not his pants..

U2Dem: I came up with this analogy for you and deep:

U2Dem is to deep
As MrsSpringsteen is to Diamond

Like brother, like brother. Or something.
No spoken words said:
Galeongirl knows a little too much about the band, their family, etc. Hence the earlier comments about Pleba. Harmless, but sometimes scary.

From what I know, Bono is married to Ali, they have two or three kids, Edge got married, had a kid, got divorced, remarried, had a second kid, who's been sick. Adam's single. Larry I think is single, but had a girlfriend in the 80s or something.

That's "U2 by PF26."
Since the election talk's been brewing up, deep has become more and more like diamond.

That's not a compliment.
U2democrat said:
I just got a text, I think it must be from a wrong number:

"Hey coach thiz smurf u get the paper 2day"

I love that.

Hey, coach THIS, you goddamn SMURF. YOU get the paper today, bitch. <--- That's how I read that. I am going to use that in conversation when someone irks me going forward. "Hey Mike, can you handle the Northeast division reporting?" "HEY - Coach THIS, smurf. You get the fucking paper today." "Uuhhhhhmmmm, is that a no?" "Nah, I got it." "Great, thanks."
When do you go back to school, and are you feeling better? My daughter stayed this weekend, and I'm just talking to her now, and she's not feeling well. :( Fortunately, she's close enough that I could go get her if she needed to come home.
I have a basketball game tonight. It's gonna be 17 degrees, wind chill of 5.

Apparently that's warm.
So now I'm kind of wishing I had gone to VA Beach for the Obama rally this evening, but, if I had gone it probably would have totally wiped me out and I'd be wishing I had rested instead :shrug:
laura you'd probably be stuck on some highway right now. did you hear about the forest fires in roanoke? i've no idea if they subsided. another of my friends in char-vegas was stuck because a tree had fallen on a highway.

the howling wind.
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