I just did a little math...I can graduate at the end of this term with a BA Concentration in History instead of a BA Major in History. If I went for the Major, I'd have to take an overload this term and next term (normal course load is 5 classes. Right now, I'm in 6. One of those is a full year class, so if I drop my second term I'd be dropping my full-year class from this term too, so I'd be taking a normal course load this term). So I'd be working my ass off both terms, and then I'd have to take two more classes either in the summer or next fall. Best case scenario if I stay in, I graduate in October '08. Worst case (if I fail a class or choose to work in the summer and finish in the fall), I'd be waiting until May '09 to graduate.
My other option is to declare a three-year concentration. I'd be done in December, could pick up my degree in May, and start working to pay off my loan and save up for music school right away. I'd also be able to start that earlier, and get the hell out of Halifax a lot sooner.
The difference between three or four year degree won't matter much in terms of my career, since I have to go to production school anyways and that would be what gets me a job, not a BA in History. And I'm really beyond sick of school at this point. I don't like Dalhousie, I don't really enjoy the program I'm in and so I'm not applying myself and doing as well as I probably could, because I just don't have the motivation. I can't wait to get to music production school and do something I'll actually enjoy, and at this point it doesn't really seem all that valuable to me to stay in for another 5 credits, throw another $5000 (and go even further into debt) at a school I don't want to be a part of to get an education I'm not getting the most out of. I really just want to get on with my life.
This is a hell of a big decision, though, and it needs to be taken by the end of Monday (the last day to apply to graduate in May). Anybody have any ideas or thoughts or advice?