The Temple Bar: BAM! UYMFA!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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i swear to gawd, this thread is going so fast I feel like Im on a topless steam train going at 240 mph with a really long scarf round my neck as I hang over the side trying to hi-five people I pass all the while feelin like Ive been flat-fuuuked by the wind..


How the guys here read this...

blah blah blah I feel like Im topless blah blah
uber, if I explain to you

well then, you would know.

Should I not know? Am I better off not knowing? Is it safe?

Apples - 8/10. Kiwi = 8.5 / 10. Thing with apples is that there's so many to choose from, and I get confused as to which ones I like and which ones I don't - cause i don't like them all. Like Macintosh apples can all GFT. Kiwis freak me out cause the seeds ARE EDIBLE. That's insane.
Sounds like a great time! Did Shannon have fun? How many of you were there?

Haha! I'll PM you my question(s) in the fall, so I don't have to geek out too badly on here. lol

She sure did! It was sad when we left. But we'll hang out again for her wedding in a few weeks...which is also on a beach. There was a total of 6 of us for the weekend, but we also met up with a few others on Saturday. Ha I even ran into a long lost friend at a bar. What are the odds?

Sometimes I find myself liking REM even more than U2!

I've only listened to their first three albums and now Automatic. They're good, but I wouldn't say they're up at U2. I intend to keep digging into their catalogue, though.
I've only listened to their first three albums and now Automatic. They're good, but I wouldn't say they're up at U2. I intend to keep digging into their catalogue, though.

Dude, there is so much more! I'm actually surprised you started with the first 3 albums. It is easier to start with Out Of Time or Automatic and do the 90s albums first. I found it hard to get into the IRS albums initially. I love them now but I can almost see why some people call them boring or whatever. They're growers in my opinion.
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