Great gathering guys!
It all started with a nice dinner at Rock Bottom. It was nice to see the "family" there; Trevor, Dooz, Caron, Char and Rick, Redkat, Devlin, & Crystal. Too bad we did not take a pic.
I agree with Devlin. As always, a great performance. Chas was out of control and he had several guys in the first row going


It was a great crowd...lots of people there. I am so glad that the guys are being exposed more than ever now. Chas, you are doing a great job, IMO.
It was also nice for Jason to say that he appreciated the people that had to drive such a long distance to see the show and support the band, that is very appreciated, especially by those of us that are making several hours (in traffic) to be there

Chas, amazing!..(eventhough another string busted)

Ron, you sounded awesome! great job!!!!
Jason had a great night with his voice.....UF, sounded great.
Mike, what can I say......fantastic.
Kiljoy Union; I was VERY impressed by the talent being shown with just a few weeks of being together. I realy liked the sound...If I can say....some Killers, Duran Duran? AWESOME STUFF Ricky!
Can't wait to the next one.
God Part II next time?