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Shark Attack is great too. A real Tim song :up:

I remember when Neil first joined, they would do a few songs, then Tim would introduce his 'brother, neil. And he's gonna sing one of our songs he wrote" Or something like that. Then they would do I Got You. Ah........... so long ago :sad:
Pretty sweet for a short set. History Never Repeats must have been great. Great build-up at the end. And I See Red........ nuff said. Crowdies did I Got You at the last House show of the tour here in LA. Lots of fun.

I use to love What's the Matter With You live.

Having Dirty Creature/Pioneer-Six Months/History Never Repeats together was just sensational for me. Then with I Got You earlier in the set, the only song from my Enz top five that was missing was Hermit McDermitt!

When I saw them back in 2006, What's The Matter With You segued out of I Got You and was excellent. I also especially enjoyed Years Go By, Give It A Whirl, Time For A Change, and My Mistake at that show.
Having Dirty Creature/Pioneer-Six Months/History Never Repeats together was just sensational for me. Then with I Got You earlier in the set, the only song from my Enz top five that was missing was Hermit McDermitt!

When I saw them back in 2006, What's The Matter With You segued out of I Got You and was excellent. I also especially enjoyed Years Go By, Give It A Whirl, Time For A Change, and My Mistake at that show.

Wish I could remember the sets from those shows. I know in the earlier ones from the true colours shows a decent amount of Frenzy was played. Just don't remember which ones. Hermit McDermitt was one, I'm pretty sure.

At the Corroboree (or Waiata?) shows, What's The Matter With You segued into Walking Through the Ruins. One of my favorite live Enz moments. About 10 minutes of progtastic Split Enz.
Wish I could remember the sets from those shows. I know in the earlier ones from the true colours shows a decent amount of Frenzy was played. Just don't remember which ones. Hermit McDermitt was one, I'm pretty sure.

At the Corroboree (or Waiata?) shows, What's The Matter With You segued into Walking Through the Ruins. One of my favorite live Enz moments. About 10 minutes of progtastic Split Enz.

Damn, now I'm just really jealous!
Damn, now I'm just really jealous!


I'm jealous of myself too. Wish I could remember more :huh:

But I do remember them opening with Fire Drill at the early Time & Tide shows. That was great. One of those moments like you had with Pioneer. No one knew what it was, cuz it was the b side of six months, I believe. I was all over that one too, on top of the fact it's a great song.
But I do remember them opening with Fire Drill at the early Time & Tide shows. That was great. One of those moments like you had with Pioneer. No one knew what it was, cuz it was the b side of six months, I believe. I was all over that one too, on top of the fact it's a great song.

Haha, that's excellent! I think I've seen video on YouTube of them opening with that, actually.

Got to say Shark Attack is a killer opener, though.
Haha, that's excellent! I think I've seen video on YouTube of them opening with that, actually.

Got to say Shark Attack is a killer opener, though.

Absolutely. Shark Attack is a great opener. I don't think I ever saw Time for a Change live. And I love that song. Always thought that was more of a Judd tune.

Was there any mention of an Enz tour?
january 15, 2010. i'm counting the minutes, although tbh i'm really counting the minutes until my second semester ends and i head over to join her in memphis.

Just as a matter of idle curiosity, is it 15 January for you or for her?

Kate and I always observed 28 November as our anniversary because I was the one who remembered it. It was actually 27 November for her.
about 5:30am, june 9th...auckland time. i'm counting the minutes.

january 15, 2010. i'm counting the minutes, although tbh i'm really counting the minutes until my second semester ends and i head over to join her in memphis.

Are you gonna be moving to the states? Or have you not decided that much yet.
Just as a matter of idle curiosity, is it 15 January for you or for her?

Kate and I always observed 28 November as our anniversary because I was the one who remembered it. It was actually 27 November for her.

uuuum, it was about 12:20am on the 15th for me. so that makes it the 14th for her, unless i'm very much mistaken. but we made the executive decision when i was there to not share our one month anniversary with valentine's day, so it's universally the 15th, lol.
Absolutely. Shark Attack is a great opener. I don't think I ever saw Time for a Change live. And I love that song. Always thought that was more of a Judd tune.

Was there any mention of an Enz tour?

Time For A Change was fantastic in 2006. Ended with a great solo, and Tim made a speech as if the show was over ... then they burst into HNR as the actual closer.

Haven't heard any mention of an Enz tour. :( But I'm sure Khan knows more than I do about any future touring prospects.
uuuum, it was about 12:20am on the 15th for me. so that makes it the 14th for her, unless i'm very much mistaken. but we made the executive decision when i was there to not share our one month anniversary with valentine's day, so it's universally the 15th, lol.

Haha, I like that logic.
my khan radar was going off :D

re: the enz touring, i've not heard anything about it, unfortunately. i do know crowded house are currently working on their next record, so i'm not sure how likely it is we'll see them (the enz, that is) touring this year. i certainly hope they do. it'd be neat if they did a couple shows in england, some in canada, and maybe like two here in the states. i can't see them being able to play anywhere here other than maybe los angeles and new york, but back in the day they had a much bigger following in canada than here. :fingers crossed:
my khan radar was going off :D

re: the enz touring, i've not heard anything about it, unfortunately. i do know crowded house are currently working on their next record, so i'm not sure how likely it is we'll see them (the enz, that is) touring this year. i certainly hope they do. it'd be neat if they did a couple shows in england, some in canada, and maybe like two here in the states. i can't see them being able to play anywhere here other than maybe los angeles and new york, but back in the day they had a much bigger following in canada than here. :fingers crossed:

I'll admit, I'm more excited about a Crowdies tour than the Enz. I've loved seeing both bands in concert, but the Crowdies play absolutely exceptional shows and I'll probably follow them to multiple cities next time around. That said, if I get the chance to see the Enz in New Zealand, you better believe I'll hop on a plane.

After the recent reunion tour and other gigs down here, I think the Enz should give their Northern Hemisphere fans some love too!

And I really do hope this new Crowdies album is a proper band album rather than a glorified Neil solo album. The new tracks they've played live like Isolation and Turn It Around are fucking great.
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