'Stuck' on USA soap opera just now

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z edge

I serve MacPhisto
Feb 6, 2001
Called 'Passions', they played 'stuck' in scene in a bar setting.

Um-no i don't watch soaps. I have tv on only for watching latest weather updates because we have severe weather again today.

I usually don't even watch NBC channel for weather, so I guess i just lucked out
Why the crap are you watching soaps?!?!?!?!

You said you needed a job a while back didn't you? SO are you now the daytime critic? You = 'manly man' no longer.
Originally posted by Johnny Swallow:
Why the crap are you watching soaps?!?!?!?!

You said you needed a job a while back didn't you? SO are you now the daytime critic? You = 'manly man' no longer.

Assuming you can still read (
), i posted above the tv was on because I am trying to monitor severe weather which may head YOUR way so you too shoul dwatch the soaps you big BOOB.

& I am still the man. You are a mere subordinate. If you had my overall 'man-talents' you would "milk" the Hooters situation for all it is worth. Never dump until after hooking up with a hot chick. Then if dump, do it nicely and stay in goo dwith her so you can hang out with her and the other hooters.

And when I say 'dump', I am not talking about "#2"!

Do I have to tell you everything!

[This message has been edited by z edge (edited 10-10-2001).]
Originally posted by z edge:
Assuming you can read (
), i posted the tv was on because I am trying to monitor severe weather which may head YOUR way so you too shoul dwatch the soaps you big BOOB.

& I am still man. You are a mere subordinate. If you had my overall 'man-talents' you would "milk" the Hooters situation for all it is worth. Never dump until after hooking up with a hot chick. Then if dump, do it nicely and stay in goo dwith her so you can hang out with her and the other hooters.

Do I have to tell you everything!

Now come on you two-or I'll make you BOTH get into the corner!!

And no dinner either!!
Originally posted by Johnny Swallow:
Sure...I was just seeing if the women's underwear fit. SURE.

You been trying the crotch-less panties again????
Originally posted by Gina Marie:

Well, I guess you guys aren't paying any attention to me

*story of my life*

Hey, we had our little fling in the spring behind the bushes
You were in heat, I possess the meat
Originally posted by Gina Marie:
It was just a fling??? You lead me on, as they all do!

Curses on you Texas cowboys!!

Neither one of us is from Texas. Actually he is from Arkansas and I from Oklahoma. That been said, we don't need any more curses on us as it is.......!
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