Songs of Ascent / New U2 Music / Soon

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Considering we've had so much talk about Soon lately, here's my dream for the opening of the next leg. I know this is either a really good idea or a really bad one, but I'm not sure which, so bear with me:
The show starts, as always, with Space Oddity played over the PA. However, instead of playing the recorded version of Soon, the band plays it while walking in: Bono and Edge singing, Edge with an acoustic guitar (amplified via an internal mic), Adam with a wireless bass, and Larry with the conga he uses for the CT remix. The electronic/string stuff could be played as a backing track over the PA or ditched entirely.
just made an alternate tracklist using "SOON". for some weird reason, the vinyl rip is really quiet. i tried bumping up the volume, but still too quiet. i'm sure another rip will surface at some point. oh well. here's the tracklist:

1. Soon
2. Breathe
3. No Line On The Horizon
4. Magnificent
5. Moment Of Surrender
6. Unknown Caller
7. Crazy Tonight (Single Mix)
8. White As Snow
9. Winter (Linear Version)
10. Get On Your Boots (Extended Intro)
11. Fez - Being Born
12. Cedars Of Lebanon
I think I'll do something like

No Line On The Horizon
Moment Of Surrender
Unknown Caller
Crazy Tonight

FEZ - Being Born
Get On Your Boots
Winter [Linear]
White As Snow
Cedars Of Lebanon
Considering we've had so much talk about Soon lately, here's my dream for the opening of the next leg. I know this is either a really good idea or a really bad one, but I'm not sure which, so bear with me:
The show starts, as always, with Space Oddity played over the PA. However, instead of playing the recorded version of Soon, the band plays it while walking in: Bono and Edge singing, Edge with an acoustic guitar (amplified via an internal mic), Adam with a wireless bass, and Larry with the conga he uses for the CT remix. The electronic/string stuff could be played as a backing track over the PA or ditched entirely.

Doesn't work for me. Also, Soon wouldn't work live I think, what's so great about it is all the layers in the production.

Gimme Space Oddity -> Soon -> I Will Follow
Doesn't work for me. Also, Soon wouldn't work live I think, what's so great about it is all the layers in the production.

Gimme Space Oddity -> Soon -> I Will Follow
Yeah, good point with the "layers" comment. Space Oddity > Soon > IWF is good...doubt they'd actually do it, though, seeing how much they love to open with new material. Glasto 2011, maybe?
I asked this in the request thread but I think no one will notice there. The song is pretty much great. So I was wondering if there's a 320 kpbs version? :wink:
I noticed, I just kind of rolled my eyes and didn't give the obvious answer: I have no freaking idea.


Yeah, I was kinda expecting people to roll eyes with that question. :shifty: :D :wink:
And like someone else said this rip is kinda quiet.
Ok I just listened to that, this version of it is a lot more fun than the previous bootlegged one.

Personally speaking, this is the kind of oddball thing I like hearing from U2 again.
for me the most promising two minutes of u2 in a long long time.
this is the kind of stuff they should be doing now, they do it so so well...

a beautiful song with a beautiful sentiment... exactly what I want them to be doing when i hear they are in the studio with danny and brian...
Yeah, good point with the "layers" comment. Space Oddity > Soon > IWF is good...doubt they'd actually do it, though, seeing how much they love to open with new material. Glasto 2011, maybe?

If anything, this tour isn't really set up to promote NLOTH anymore - so if there ever was a time it was possible, wouldn't it be now?

A man can dream...
Please U2, listen to your fans opinions (read these last comments, for instance... or pay attention to opinions like these) and... release yourself. Give us songs that have no strings attached like "Soon", no direct commercial intentions, doesn't matter if it has 2 or almost eight minutes, doesn't matter if it doesn't have a chorus, doesn't matter if it doesn't even have a proper verse (like "Soon"). We know NLOTH was already an effort, but it wasn't enough, obviously. Prove us that you're still artistically relevant and that you still got "it". I have hope that "Soon" is a hint that something's hopeful coming... soon.
This. The ending is beautiful. The final 50 seconds has me more excited for the SOA material than anything that we have heard previously.
Yes. YES. I love how it ends with just the one violin fading into nothingness...
To me, Soon almost sounds like a 50/50 mix between Zooropa and TUF. It's that awesome. If U2 actually has the cojones to do a whole album in this style, Interference will implode from sheer joy.
*posted this in the wrong thread before*
Oh, man, just heard the Soon rip. Very nice...the higher quality really does add a lot. If the rest of SOA continues in this musical direction, I will be very happy indeed.

couldn't agree more! U2 HAVE to take this musical direction....this is such a fresh sounding song, free from the shackles of cheap, glossy overproduction to appease the superficial musical tastes of the masses. i LOOVVEEE it! :heart:
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