SOE 19: Back To The Studio Part II

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Wherever The Joshua Tree is in the set, how would you prefer it to be played?

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Not this tour. They always pull out Desire and it is always sort of..... fleeting. I haven't heard a great take of that in a really long time.
Not this tour. They always pull out Desire and it is always sort of..... fleeting. I haven't heard a great take of that in a really long time.

Well they finally did a full electric version of AIWIY on the I&E tour and it killed. Hope that comes back again.

Which means we'll prob just get acoustic Angel of Harlem at some point.
Well they finally did a full electric version of AIWIY on the I&E tour and it killed. Hope that comes back again.

Which means we'll prob just get acoustic Angel of Harlem at some point.

Acoustic Stuck.
Acoustic Stuck.
Stuck In A Setlist Choice We Won't Let Go Of.

It's kind of ridiculous that ballads like Stuck, IALW, Miss Sarajevo, etc have been resurrected on previous tours and yet Stay can never find a permanent, or even occasional spot. Isn't this supposed to be one of Bono's favorites? It destroys every song they've done since with maybe 5 exceptions.
Isn't this a rehash of what we were just talking about?

Yeah, both of these articles are reporting Bono talking about the same things (banning trump, the inspiration behind 'The Best Thing', and something about material next year).
There's no direct quote from Bono so we don't know exactly what he said/if these reporters just interpreted it this way, but it is a little disconcerting that two separate people have seen it as "may not be released until next year" and "set for release next year".

Having said that, in that other Bono interview today, he said SoE is "pretty much done", and he also referred to changes made to SoE due to Trump/2016-17 politics in the past tense, as if any amendments the band halted the album for have been completed.

I feel like repeatedly referring to the album as finished (Bono's done it twice now, Adam as well), debuting a 'song of experience' (closing the show nonetheless), and revealing some sort of artwork wouldn't happen if they weren't planning to release it until 2018.

I think the most likely options here are they're being coy, or they really do intend to extend the JT tour, making a 2017 release impossible. But they were already on camera for that studio interview saying "it sucks we won't extend the tour" and "we're here in the studio finishing the album". So, there's that...
Stuck In A Setlist Choice We Won't Let Go Of.

It's kind of ridiculous that ballads like Stuck, IALW, Miss Sarajevo, etc have been resurrected on previous tours and yet Stay can never find a permanent, or even occasional spot. Isn't this supposed to be one of Bono's favorites? It destroys every song they've done since with maybe 5 exceptions.
It's like it needs to.....Stay.
Oh just stop the defamation. NOW.

Please stop. If you can't understand the basic difference between a confirmation and reusing the same "source" then you really shouldn't be trying to have these conversations.

I've been very patient with you as you have called others names, called me an idiot, and constantly call out my name in conversations I'm not even a part of, but my patience is wearing thin. No one has lowered themselves to your level yet and done the same. Why don't you take a cue from those having to deal with your nonsense and learn to take a higher road. We have enough assholery in here, we don't need more.
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It is no greater insult than to call out a man's lack of comprehension skills or lack there of. Your persecution of me must stop. Please, for the love of all humanity make your vendetta go away.
So if Bono would be playing the album now if it were up to him, who do we think is causing all the holdups with finishing and releasing it? A band member? Management? Livenation?
So if Bono would be playing the album now if it were up to him, who do we think is causing all the holdups with finishing and releasing it? A band member? Management? Livenation?
Probably an informal block by a band member.
So if Bono would be playing the album now if it were up to him, who do we think is causing all the holdups with finishing and releasing it? A band member? Management? Livenation?

I think he said that Edge will say when it's done in another interview so I would say Edge would be the one tinkering and hopefully that's over since they already played a new song. Hard to believe they would miss a 4q release this year, promo, Break, tour 2018-2019. Thinking Best Thing as the next single after one this year, we will see, this is not that complicated guys, just let the album go!!! ;)
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Not that Larry isn't politically-minded, but I can't imagine he'd be in favor of endless dilly-dallying. I doubt Adam would put up much of a fight to delay an album release either.
Adam's comments make him sound most attuned to the interests of the diehard fanbase.
Not that Larry isn't politically-minded, but I can't imagine he'd be in favor of endless dilly-dallying. I doubt Adam would put up much of a fight to delay an album release either.
Your thinking of Edge. Larry is meat and potatoes.
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