Shuttlecock VIII: Did We Just Die?

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When he does the final oooohs in WOWY Bono sounds like me when I try to do a falsetto. And I am not, have never been and never will be a singer. I love the song but yeah goddamn that can go to bed for a while. If he's going to put in that little effort they should at least change the way they perform it so it suits the vocals.
AIWIY. :up:

For such a big hit, I can't believe how rarely it's played.

Agreed, but tbh, it's in my top 5 "they never topped the studio version" U2 tracks. Tremendous song though. I hope this version is full band?

Though Angel of Harlem was pretty scarce on both Vertigo and 360.

True. It wasn't played that much on Elevation either, but it was on the Slane Castle DVD so it's remembered as a part of that tour.
AIWIY with the tour debut and 40 instead the usual shitshow they offer up in the closing spot. Rest was the same with a few things moved around. Not exactly earth-shattering stuff, but yeah I wish I had gone.
I got three songs I'd never heard before, and they were all phenomenal, plus bullet and pride really got to me tonight. Good stuff.
They should have sacked up and dumped WOWY for Bad between Streets and 40. Now that's a U2 show.
And now I'm waiting to get out of here and listening to Kesha, cause that's how I roll
Here's what I've learned from this residency:

1. Night 1 is not always the the worst night.

2. Go to two nights in a row. Doesn't matter which two they are.

3. U2 residencies are only interesting relative to their smaller stands in other cities.

4. U2 could play all of your least favorite songs and still manage to put on an exciting show if you've got a good enough spot. Just make sure you're in the building.
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Not sure how I managed to get out of the parking lot so quickly last night, and tonight o haven't moved in like 15 minutes.

Fuck B.B. King for dying this year. That song is not better than California. But I love Angel Of Harlem and Bono was having a lot of fun with the girl he brought up, as well as some little kid who he gave his glasses to and then couldn't get them back for a minute .

Not gonna complain about getting Electric Co. again instead of Out Of Control, because the former is just a ferocious monster. So good.

Same goes for COBL to a lesser extent; they're playing it with so much energy that i enjoyed it even more. Plus Bono wasn't preoccupied with some stupid scared kid tonight.

AIWIY was indeed a thrill. Full band, and had Bono eased off on the singalong during the end solo it would have been perfect.

Streets was firing on all cylinders, Bono seems especially amped up tonight during many of the songs. And I'll say again, this version of BTBS is intense as fuck, Bono bringing it hard and Edge getting closer to that Rage Against The Machine version from Popmart.
More later I'm driving.
Also, I sold a ticket next to us to an Interferencer called youarenotimmune. He was a great seat partner. These shows are the first times he's seen U2, but he's been a fan since '92. Nice guy, loved every second of the show.
That kid made David look like even more of a chump. He was awesome! Bono gave him the sunglasses, btw. Then when he went to ask one of the crewmen to get him another pair, the kid thought Bono wanted them back, so he tried to toss them to him and Bono was like, "No! No! I gave those to you! Keep them, I just want another pair for myself." and he made such a tragic like, "nooo" sound when the kid must have almost lost them, or something, but in the end I do believe it got sorted out.

The girl was great too, and she was a fun dancer. That was great.

Bullet/Pride started to really move me last night, but tonight, with that American flag on stage and the stuff he was saying along with it? I just started to lose myself in it a bit, and got incredibly emotional. I can't imagine what he's going to say in Chicago, but just thinking of all of the violence there and how much it tears me up inside, I kinda got really teary-eyed...:shifty:.

Anyways...someone needs to hide my debit and credit cards from me until after Wednesday.
Has anyone been finding GA tickets the day of the shows for face value, or is that next to impossible?

One great thing about this tour and the lack of a "pit" area in front, is that it's really easy to go back and forth during the show. Before it started I was in a little throng of people waiting near the door where Bono comes out (behind the small stage), and we were like 5 feet away from him. Got a nice close-up video. Then I rushed back to the main stage for the first few songs, moved to the middle of the floor for the end of the first set and Invisible when they're playing inside the catwalk cage, migrated to the small stage for the set there, and then returned to the front for the remainder.
I made a comment to Travis about the fact that I thought it was hilarious that they were commenting on playing like 60 different songs, when, in 6 shows, I haven't even seen 60 different songs, I'd seen 58.

So of course the minute the words are out of my mouth, I get 3 new ones, and now I'm at 61 total :lol:.
Apparently the printed setlist had Out Of Control in the #2 slot, and the encore was supposed to end with One.

Nice to see again that they don't feel constrained by what they decide earlier.
Out of Control was the missing piece, but I'm definitely not going to complain.
So here's some information that was apparently from a conversation Sil had with Bono before one of the recent shows:

* They're still trying to find a good spot for The Troubles. They feel pretty strongly about the song.

* Volcano is likely to appear "later in the tour"

Sure wish someone would ask them about Reach Around.
Also, I sold a ticket next to us to an Interferencer called youarenotimmune. He was a great seat partner. These shows are the first times he's seen U2, but he's been a fan since '92. Nice guy, loved every second of the show.

Oh awesome, I didn't think he was seeing the band until the end of this leg. :up:

So here's some information that was apparently from a conversation Sil had with Bono before one of the recent shows:

* They're still trying to find a good spot for The Troubles. They feel pretty strongly about the song.

* Volcano is likely to appear "later in the tour"

Sure wish someone would ask them about Reach Around.

They've got a strange way of showing how strongly they feel about The Troubles. I think it could be quite good after UTEOTW actually, a haunting way to end the first set.
Man, I really want to go Wednesday. I thought I would have to go into the office that day, but as it turns out I'm working from home instead, so I won't be dead tired.

Do I want to see the same 13 songs in a row again? Not really. Can I afford it? Hell no. Do I want to take a chance on finally hearing Bad? Yes.
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