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Title: Seconds
Authors: GraceRyan & wo_speaking
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: This didn't actually happen. U2 was not born until the 1960s.
Sighing, Larry shook his head at his brother. “How the feck did you get the lights tangled?”
“Shut it. I was trying to untangle them,” Paul glared. This was why he stopped dragging a tree home for the house. He stared at the ball of lightbulbs and wires willing them to free themselves. The last thing he needed was this to make him look foolish in front of Ava.
The aroma of steak and potatoes filled the flat, making Larry’s stomach rumble; finally a decent meal. She could burn it beyond recognition and it would still be better than the slop served in the mess hall.
Lyneth walked into the living room to announce dinner. She eyed the half lit tree and Paul frowning over a ball of lights. “You’re almost there.”
“We’re waiting on Paul here to sort out the lights - and we might be here all night,” Larry joked.
“I wouldn’t be shocked to find he planned that all along,” Lyneth deadpanned.
Paul glanced up into her steely face. It couldn’t be more crystal clear that she disapproved of his friendship with Ava. He would need to win her over to get to Ava - knowing how women worked. Victoriously, he held up his untethered string of lights.
“There! Christmas is back on again!” he declared joyously. Even Lyneth had to smile at his exuberance.
“I guess that means you get dinner,” she said.
Adam grabbed the lights from Paul. “Let me get these on before they magically tangle.”
“Sure, take credit for our hard work now,” Paul knew Adam was trying to look like a hero for his new girl. That was fine - he was feeling fairly confident about Ava.
* * * * *
“Ava,” David asked softly. “Can I help you?”
She smiled up at this very serious boy peering out from a mop of brown hair. “Sure, honey. Can you stir the potatoes - I don’t want them to burn.”
He nodded grateful to have something to do other than shuffle his feet and wish Adam ill. “It is very kind of you to make us dinner.”
She shrugged. “It’s nothing. I miss having a lot of people around. This old apartment gets lonely. It’s nice to have it filled with voices.”
“Do you miss your family?” Dave asked as he stirred the potatoes.
Sadness flashed in her eyes, “I do. I’m very close with my mama. I miss my brothers, but I have a feeling they will be over here soon enough. We have a big household when you add everyone that helps.”
“Helps? Like housekeepers and maids?” David asked.
She nodded sheepishly. “I don’t like to refer to them as the help. They are my family too. But to most of my so-called friends back home - they are the help.”
“So do you live in a house like Gone with the Wind?” David had no idea that she came from that kind of South.
“Sort of. We don’t own slaves or anything - but we are in tobacco so our house; or plantation is rather roomy,” she never liked discussing her family’s riches.
Having that kind of money here made her uncomfortable, as they had so little during wartime. She chose to use the money her father sent her to provide lavish dinners of wine and steak for friends - like tonight.
“How did you end up in this hell hole?” he asked plainly.
She shrugged. “I chose to come. I had wanted to be near Richard when he came over. I didn’t like my life back home. And now, I’ve met some amazing people here.” She cast a gaze towards the living room. “This feels like home too.”
David shook his head incredulously. “I know I chose this but I didn’t have many options. We are lucky you decided to make the journey.”
“Why thank you, Dave,” she touched his arm.
“Hey, how’s the steak coming? I’m not sure how long i can hold off Larry,” Paul wondered about the tender moment he witnessed.
Smiling over her shoulder, “Would you help me get some plates?”
“Of course, love,” her smile never failed to melt him.
Paul clapped his hand on David’s shoulder. “Dave....you’re quite the little cook.”
“I’m just filling in for you,” David said coolly.
“I think we’ll have to eat in the den. I don’t have enough space in the kitchen,” Ava handed Paul some fancy looking china. “Dave, can you let the others know supper is on?”
Turning off the stove, he nodded. He steeled himself for whatever scene might be unfolding in the next room - he was thankful that Larry was with them. His eyes stopped on Lyneth as he hovered in the doorframe. Her lips twisted into a grin as she watched Adam and Larry place the last string of lights in the tree. David didn’t like the way she gazed at Adam. Why couldn’t she look at him like that? What did Adam have? David’s heart sunk. Adam had everything - experience, charm, wit and possibly Lyneth.
“Ehm, dinner is ready,” David announced. His eyes met Lyneth’s for a brief second before he fled back to the kitchen.
* * * * *
Ava made certain that everyone's plates were full before she grabbed a modest plate for herself. It was nice to have people in her home. She smiled listening to the conversations float in from the next room.
"It's about a time the Americans got involved," Adam noted.
Lyneth motioned to the photo of Richard. "Some are already involved."
Adam shook his head and dropped his hand to her knee. "It's not nearly enough. We've all been placing bets to when they'd join."
"I'm shocked that Japan was able to get to them," Larry mused as he balanced a plate on his knees.
"No one is safe," Adam offered gravely.
Ava joined them with her plate in her hand. Adam and Lyneth were sitting close on her sofa, beside them was Larry. David and Paul had taken the two chairs around the coffee table.
As soon as Paul saw her lingering in the doorway, he stood. "Ava, please sit."
"I'm fine. I'll grab a chair from the kitchen," she said.
He set his plate down on the table. "No, I will get a chair. You invited and cooked for us."
Her eyes twinkled. "You invited everyone."
He nodded sheepishly. "Aye, but you cooked."
She claimed his seat. Yet instead of grabbing another chair, he sat on the floor beside her leaning near her legs. David smiled inside as he'd seen Paul be persistent, but never like this. He usually gave a lass a day or two to come around and offer him some physical satisfaction before he moved on. He rarely had to bide that much time, but Ava was different from the rest. Not only did she give him a run for his money, it was as if she cast a spell over him.
David concentrated on them instead of the couple seated across from him. Watching Lyneth gaze at Adam hurt too much. Maybe if he was different, she would notice him. He set down his fork. Who was he kidding? Who would notice him?
As Paul poured more wine, David helped Ava clear the dishes. He had nursed his own glass - not trusting himself to have more than just one. He noted that Paul offered Ava a heavy pour most likely on purpose. He was mad if he thought he was getting an invitation for the night.
Ava offered David a smile as he grabbed a towel. “Why thank you Dave. You can go ahead and have a seat in the other room.”
He glanced back in the parlour where Lyneth and Adam nestled on the couch. “No, I would like to help.”
“Well, thanks sugar. Do you mind drying?” she asked as filled the sink with warm soapy water.
“Not at all,” he said. Being with Ava reminded him of home even if the accent was vastly different. She had a nurturing way about her that put him at ease.
“So Dave, do you miss your family being here?” Ava remembered her conversation with Paul earlier.
“I think we all do,” he said. “You must miss yours being so far away.”
“I do. I get little care packages from home that help. When I see those soldier’s faces, I know it is worth missing them. Besides, what would I be doing at home? Going to another coming out party and sipping on mint juleps? There is more to life than Southern high society,” she nudged him. “Like meeting and spending time with handsome soldiers like yourself.”
David blushed, but knew he wasn’t the handsome soldier she referred to. “Like Paul?”
Her eyes turned to the plate in her hands. “Yes, and Larry. And Adam.” She cleared her throat. “So tell me about your family back home.”
“Well, my mum and dad and brother were born in Wales, in a little town near Swansea. They moved to Barking before they had me, so I was born in England. Then they moved to Dublin which is where they all live now. My sister was born in Ireland. Three kids, three countries. No wonder we kind of don’t get on much anymore.”
David looked down at the serving spoon he’d been drying for the past few minutes and quickly put it in the drawer.
“You’re close to Larry and Paul though...”
“Yeah, they’re kind of brothers to me, I guess you could say.”
“Is your brother still over in Ireland? Or is he in the milit...”
“No,” David interrupted, a bit more curtly than he’d intended. “My brother is at Trinity College in Dublin. Where I should be.”
“Where you should be?” Ava looked at him tenderly sensing it was something he wasn’t too happy about. “You don’t have to if...”
“No, no...it’s all right. If I hadn’t messed about and enrolled in medical college right out of school, I wouldn’t have been conscripted. So quite simply, it’s my fault that I’m here.”
“I'm sure glad you are, if that makes you feel better, Doctor.”
David blushed and looked toward Ava, a small smile starting to form.
“It does. Sometimes it can feel pretty lonely out here - even with Larry and Paul. I've had a hard time opening up to people here, because I just feel so out of place.”
“We just need to get you out of your shell a bit sugar,” Ava winked.
“And it doesn’t help that I have to write my mum all the time, because dad writes me occasionally to tell me that she’s worried sick about me...” David sighed as he spoke, knowing he was rambling on - but Ava seemed to genuinely care about what he was saying.
“Does she think you’re in harm’s way?” she asked.
David chewed on his lip. “She knows I’m meant to be.”
She put the towel on the edge of the sink. “Mothers worry, it’s their job. My mama is beside herself. I get a care package every week. She’ll put my daddy in the poor house with all the things she sends.”
“I’m sure she misses you,” he smiled gently.
“I’m the only girl, so she misses doting on her little belle of the ball. I know she would prefer if I stayed home and entered beauty pageants or attended cotillions,” she smiled wickedly. “I think secretly she is proud as punch I set out on my own.”
David raised an eyebrow. “How would she feel if she knew you had a house full of Irish boys?”
“She might disapprove, but my daddy would have a full on stroke,” she laughed.
David tossed his back and laughed. In his mind he pictured Ava’s father clutching his heart in an old Civil War uniform. What if he met Paul? His laughter trailed off as Adam and Lyneth entered the kitchen with entwined fingers.
“Are you almost done in here? All we’re doing is getting a bit drunk in there,” Lyneth giggled.
Ava saw whatever life David had in his eyes extinguish when he saw them.
“Are you looking to be put to work?” Ava asked as she washed a cast-iron pan.
“I guess we are. The sooner the tree is trimmed, the sooner we can just bask in the company of you lovely ladies,” Adam cooed while Lyneth tittered.
“Let me get the box of ornaments my mama sent me. Y’all can start sorting through them,” she laid a hand on David’s arm. “I’ll be right back and we can finish up.”
Wordlessly, he nodded. His eyes met Lyneth’s for brief second. There was so much he longed to say to her if he could find the path from his heart to his mouth. Just as she opened her mouth to speak to him, he turned his attention to the pan in his hands.
Why does he hate me so? she wondered. Shrugging, she followed Adam.
“Are we ready to make this tree pretty?” Paul asked as Ava entered the room.
“You can start without me. I have a few more things to wash,” Ava set a box of ornaments on the coffee table.
“Maybe you should have me help you,” Paul said. “Clearly, Dave is moving too slow.”
Ava smiled easily. “Dave is doing just fine. Why don’t you help the others with some ornaments. As Adam said, the sooner we finish this, the sooner we can all just enjoy each other’s company.”
“I’d like that. Can I refill your glass?” Paul leaned closer.
“Are you trying to get me tipsy, Paul?” she winked and turned back towards the kitchen.
David was nowhere to be found, but she noticed the front door was not closed shut as it had been earlier. Grabbing a shawl from the coat rack in the corner, she descended the stairs.
Ava found him leaning against the building taking in deep breaths. “Dave, are you alright honey?”
He nodded. “It’s just a little warm. I needed some air.”
“Paul mentioned you were a little blue lately,” Ava wrapped her shawl around herself tighter.
“He's a good one, that Paul. Just a bit lost at the moment. I think the right woman could sort him out,” he looked up at Ava’s amused gaze.
“I'm sure he'll be fine with the right woman,” she said with a heavy pause, “but that can't be me.”
“Are you certain of that?” he asked.
They stared at each other for a moment, watching their breath dance in the winter air as dusk enveloped them. She was certain he could see into her soul.
“We're not here to talk about me and Paul. You're the one out here alone...” Ava said pointedly.
He kicked the dirt off his shoes on the stairs. “Just getting air.”
Ava decided to switch gears, determined to find what was ailing David. “Have you talked to that Leigh girl?”
David shrugged. “No, I haven’t seen her.”
“I think you can do better than her anyway,” Ava said dismissively.
“What do you mean?” he frowned. “Maybe that's as good as it gets. I mean, she likes me, right? That's half the battle.”
“But you don't like her,” Ava said.
He shrugged. “Maybe I just need to give her a chance. Maybe I will learn to like her.”
Ava rolled her eyes. “Oh yes, and Shakespeare's great love story was about how Romeo learned to love Juliet.”
“They both died, so true love didn't end well for them,” David smirked.
She hit his arm playfully, “Tsk tsk. Dave, I took you for more of a romantic....”
“You have me confused with Paul,” David looked up. “He’s the romantic one.”
She smiled and shook her head. “Remember, we're not talking about us.”
“Who said I was?” he raised his eyebrows.
“You keep changing the subject....very sneaky,” she crossed her arms in front of her. “We’re talking about you, sugar.”
“I'm useless with girls. I've always been all thumbs with them,” he sighed heavily. A part of him had felt so lonely in his love for Lyneth that he longed to confess to Ava. She’d understand, right?
“You're doing fine talking with me,” Ava said.
“I have no idea why. Usually I can't talk to beautiful women, but I can talk to you,” David realized that came out wrong. “I mean...bollocks....”
Ava laughed, “No, I understand what you meant.”
“See? I get a little self-conscious and I'm an eejit,” he shuffled his feet. “So, maybe Leigh is what I deserve. She'll love me, right?”
“Oh Dave, not in a way that will make you happy. Not in the way that will make you whole,” she said.
“Is that what yer man does for you?” David looked up.
Ava faltered. She hadn’t really thought much about Richard tonight. “Of course...you should be excited by the girl. She should light up your eyes...You should think about her all the time.”
He pressed his fingers into his eyes. “What if it hurts to think of her, or worse - see her with someone else?”
Ava’s heart broke as the sadness creased his brow. Without needed to utter a name, she knew. “Dave...” She wrapped her arm around his shoulders. “I had an inkling...”
Suddenly the door opened and Paul’s head popped out. “Am I interrupting?”
Ava looked up casually. She felt David tense at her side. “Just walking down memory lane and talking about family. I think this Christmas has a lot of us feeling a little blue with this war.”
Paul looked from David to Ava, trying to decipher if he walked in on a private moment. Ava was so hard to figure out. Her tone with him was playful and seductive, yet her arm was around David.
“We’re getting ready to start putting ornaments up. Some of them look fairly personal. I thought you’d like to put those up,” Paul said.
She felt David nudge her gently. Was he pushing her into another man’s arms? “Thank you Paul. Let’s all go up. It’s cold and we have wine upstairs.”
“Do you have spices and brandy?” David asked.
“I think so,” Ava said.
A smile spread across Paul’s face. “Are you thinking of making Mrs. Evans’ mulled wine?”
“I’ve seen her make it plenty of times. I think I could do it,” David nodded. For the first time all night, he felt at peace and a little better. Ava understood him, and it was nice to have a friend that he could talk with about serious matters - that would not be met with a body noise.
Paul offered his hand to Ava. “Shall we?” His voice took on a challenging edge.
“Certainly, sir,” slipping her hand in his. She felt him shiver as her cold hand chilled his warm one.
As David followed behind them, he smiled to himself.
* * * * *
David readied himself for the scene unfolding in Ava's parlour. There seemed no way to stop Lyneth and Adam's relationship from blossoming - maybe he should try to turn his attention somewhere else. Who else was there that could illuminate his world? Ava was beautiful and nice, but he didn't get those feelings around her. Plus, he knew there was an electric current between her and Paul. There was that other nurse who turned up at the White Hart - she wasn't bad looking...
His eyes swept across Lyneth as she bent over the box of Ava's ornaments. His heart ached, for he wanted to the one to touch her cheek and nuzzle her neck, taking in her scent. He went to work in the kitchen making the mulled wine, leaving the rest to finish decorating the tree. Soon Ava's flat was filled with aroma of spices and honey. Ava found a record with Christmas music to enhance the mood. Despite the warmth inside, they all wrapped their hands around glasses of David’s warmed mulled wine and breathed in the strong drink.
After a few glasses, there was much giggling, and the ornaments went on the tree limbs in clumps. Ava noted that she would fix that tomorrow morning. Right now, she nestled cozy beside Paul on the sofa. She wasn't sure how his arm wound up around her shoulders, but he was warm and the faint smell of sweat tickled her nose. She wanted to lean in and breathe his musk in deeper. As much as she longed to drop her head to his shoulder - she knew it would fit nicely under his chin - she kept her wits about her. Before Lyneth's third glass of mulled wine, Ava knew she was getting the hairy eyeball. A large part of Ava knew being this close to another man was wrong. Yet when she felt his voice vibrate against her, she didn't care. What would it hurt for one night?
Lyneth shook her head watching Paul and Ava snuggle in together. He looked like a cat who was just toying with its dinner before devouring it. Poor Ava was just the endangered songbird to Paul’s stalking tomcat.
After the third mulled wine, she didn't care, and she actually found Paul amusing as he and Larry told stories of their Christmases together as children.
"I wanted to sleep in," Larry sighed. "But I had to share a room with this langer. He was bouncing off the bleeding walls before dawn."
"Where was your sense of wonder, Lawrence? It was Christmas morning," Paul pulled Ava a little closer.
"You and ma would be rousing everyone up," Larry grumbled. "Da and I wanted to sleep till at least the sun was up."
"Lawrence here is like our father - a right grumpy bastard," Paul looked down at Ava.
Larry smirked. "Maybe so, but I got her good looks. You look like da."
"Yes, Lar got the flawless skin and beautiful hair. He could be a movie star," Paul grumbled close to Ava's ear nudging her cheek with his nose. "Like you, Ava. You should be on the screen - not sitting around getting toasted with riff-raff like us."
"Or sitting next to the ugly brother," Larry quipped.
The room laughed.
Ava placed her hand on Paul' s thigh. "You are both very handsome men." She winked in David's direction. "You all are. I'm feeling quite lucky to have a house full of gorgeous men."
Lyneth wrapped her arms around Adam. "This one is mine. You can have the rest."
David winced at being cast off so easily in favor of Adam. Well, what girl wouldn't prefer a pilot to an intern set to head to the front lines as a medic?
Ava smiled widely. "Fine. Your loss Lyn, I’ll take the rest.”
If she were any closer to Paul, she'd be unfaithful to Richard. Things deep inside stirred as she thought of taking that next step.
“Lads, we should probably go if we’re to make it before curfew,” David glanced at his watch. The night was taking an uncomfortable turn as two couples curled into each other on the sofa. One he didn’t want to see; the other shouldn’t be happening.
Paul groaned and wrapped his other arm around Ava. “But it’s so nice and warm here.”
Larry stood. “Dave’s right. We should shuffle off and leave these lovely ladies to their beauty sleep.”
Paul buried his face into her neck playfully and suppressed a growl - she smelled delicious.
Larry kicked his boot. “Come on. We should get rolling.” Larry was becoming increasingly unsettled by Paul’s behavior. Clearly red wine made him very amorous.
He unfolded himself from Ava, willing her to invite him to spend the night. He could feel her fingers in his hair, on the buttons of his shirt. Ava, let me stay and love you all night. Staying past his curfew on a day before flying would mean disciplinary action, but it would be worth it.
“Lyneth, are you staying tonight?” Ava asked.
As the room swayed and the stationary Christmas lights blinked, she nodded. “I think it might be best.”
Ava’s head was swimming with wine and desire. “I’ll get the coats.”
Larry stopped Paul from following. “You stay right there.”
“I was just going to help,” he shrugged innocently.
“Yourself?” Larry cocked an eyebrow.
His shoulders drooped. Rubbing the back of his neck, he realized there was no way he was spending the night with Ava.
Adam took Lyneth’s hand. “Walk me out?”
“Of course,” she breathed.
Adam grabbed his coat from Ava as soon as she entered the room. “We’ll be waiting downstairs.”
David’s eyes darkened as they slipped out the door. Ava squeezed his arm as she handed him his coat. With a nod, he flashed her a sad smile. Whatever they were doing downstairs, he hoped that he didn’t have to see it.
Paul took Ava’s hand between his. “Thank you so much for letting us crash your tree trimming party.”
“And for dinner. That was the best we’ve had since getting here,” Larry poked his head in.
Paul glared at his brother for interrupting his moment. “Yes, it was very delicious.”
David opened the door to signal that it was time to go - now.
“See us out?” Paul was reluctant to release her hand. He knew they’d be flying a few more missions before the Christmas break. Lord knows when his eyes would fall upon her angelic face again.
“Of course,” she smiled.
David held his breath as he descended the stairs. He made as much noise as he could to warn the couple below that company was coming. When he opened the door, Adam and Lyneth chatted quietly, but were not touching.
“Thank you boys for helping me decorate. It was real nice to cook for someone and have company,” Ava smiled warmly.
“Thank you for including us,” David smiled.
Ava gave Larry a small kiss on his cheek; and he blushed at the brush of her lips. Lyneth watched Ava slip her arms around David to give him a tight squeeze and a light kiss on his cheek. What was the connection between them? She never saw David talk to a woman unless he absolutely was required to - yet he seemed rather easy around Ava.
Ava turned to Paul. “Thank you so much for rescuing me from that beast of a tree. It would have ended up on the side of the road had you not come along to save us both.”
“It was my pleasure, Ava,” he said huskily. Without an invitation, he slipped one arm around her waist as he leaned forward to press his lips to her cheek. He lingered for a second, nuzzling against her hair.
Ava’s heart raced as she stepped away with a steely smile. “Have a safe trip home, y’all. And to those flying, come home to us soon.”
“Sure thing,” Adam winked at Lyneth.
Larry pushed Paul along. “Good night Lyneth, Ava!”
David rolled his eyes as he followed his friends toward the road. He cast one more gaze back at Lyneth who had tossed her arms around Ava, giggling.
* * * * *
The four shuffled home to Paul’s whistling. He felt warm inside and out as he shuffled along. He eyed David’s hunched shoulders as he stared at the ground. Paul had wondered what had gone on between Ava and David while they were outside - the thought was eating away at him. He quickened his pace to walk beside him.
“So, what were you and Ava talking about?” Paul asked. “Nothing. My family. She knew I was homesick,” he shrugged. “Looked more intense than that,” Paul watched his face. “Is Dave stealing your girl, Paul?” Adam clucked behind them. Both Paul and Dave turned to glare at him.
“Is there something going on?” There was a definite edge to his voice.
David smiled. “I'm flattered that you actually think she'd go for me in that thick head of yours.”
Paul realized he was being ridiculous. This was Dave, after all.
He slung his arm around David. “Right? That’s just daft.”
“She's just being a friend to me. I've never had a girl be a friend. They usually just ignore or tease me. She's just a very nice person,” David said quietly. Paul was taken back by the tenderness in David’s voice. “Yeah, she is special, I guess.”
David sighed and stopped short. “Then if you think she's so special… why are you mucking about?” “What?” Paul frowned. David felt his temper rising. “You know what I mean. Why are you playing it cool?” Paul was surprised by his frankness. “Did you notice the large rock she was wearing tonight?”
“Oh get off it. Like you cared about it being all cuddled up on the sofa. You mean to tell me that's really stopping you?” David huffed. “Unless yer just looking to just get into her knickers...if that's the case....well....you'll have to deal with me.”
Paul laughed. “Are you defending her honor?”
“Maybe,” David spat. Ava deserved better than that. He thought Paul was changing for the better and if he wasn’t - then he should leave well enough alone. Chuckling, Paul took his boxer’s stance and danced around David, giving him a tap on the shoulder. “I mean it. Don't fuck this up or you'll regret it,” David snarled. “Well dear, Dave,” Paul stood nose to nose with him, a devilish smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, “that's what I intend to do - at least the fucking part.”
Larry stepped forward after watching this. He knew his brother might be trying to get a rise of out poor David - especially if he thought for a moment that David was sweet on her.
“Paul, yer starting to be a twat,” he called.
Paul shrugged and began to walk again with David following behind him.
“Starting? He is a twat. I'm sorry I ever talked you up to her,” he mumbled.
Paul stopped.”Wait? What?”
David shrugged. “Never mind now. Yer an arse.”
Paul pushed him against a nearby wall. David winced as his head slammed back.
“David Evans, you'd better start talking.” His eyes narrowed as he glared. “What did you say to her, you shite...”
Larry and Adam sprung into action and peeled Paul off him. “Calm down. Thought you were just having a bit of fun, right?” Larry braced his arm across Paul’s chest. Paul shook him off. “If he's telling stories about me, I have a right to know, right?” David straightened his clothes and cleared his throat. “All I said is that you were a good one, so don't go proving me wrong.” Slowly, he felt his breath even. He felt deflated for a moment, sheepish about what he’d just insinuated. “What did she say?”
David rubbed his head. “We didn’t that far - you interrupted.”
“Bollocks to me and my bad timing,” he grumbled. “Are you okay, mate?”
David offered a wounded look. “Yeah...that was some rage you flew into.”
Paul felt a bit ashamed by his reaction. “Sorry. Wine makes me a bit hotheaded.”
“As do beautiful women,” Larry mused.
Paul offered his hand. “Are we straight?”
Begrudgingly, David shook Paul’s hand. “Yeah, we’re good.”
He was very glad that Adam and Larry were there to intervene. He’s seen Paul fight and the ring, and he was not one to cross. He wasn’t sure what got into him to even challenge him a little bit. Paul could certainly take him with one hand behind his back, but he didn’t like the way he disrespected Ava. Sure, he’s seen Paul go through girls before, yet Ava was different. Not many girls went out of their way to ask about him; the fact alone made her someone worthy of respect.
Adam lit a cigarette. “I’m just glad Paul’s not after my girl, or I’d have to flatten him.”
David bristled against Adam’s voice. His girl. As much as Paul may not deserve Ava, Adam certainly did not deserve Lyneth.
“Yer just fortunate that I chose Ava,” Paul chuckled lightly.
Adam nodded. “Right Paul. That was it.”
A saltiness filled David’s mouth as he chewed his lower lip so hard that it bled. The stinging in his lip was nothing compared to the pain in his gut. It was like watching a car hurtling toward a wall without any means to stop it. Lyneth and Adam were falling for each other, and all he could do was watch from the shadows.
Authors: GraceRyan & wo_speaking
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: This didn't actually happen. U2 was not born until the 1960s.
Sighing, Larry shook his head at his brother. “How the feck did you get the lights tangled?”
“Shut it. I was trying to untangle them,” Paul glared. This was why he stopped dragging a tree home for the house. He stared at the ball of lightbulbs and wires willing them to free themselves. The last thing he needed was this to make him look foolish in front of Ava.
The aroma of steak and potatoes filled the flat, making Larry’s stomach rumble; finally a decent meal. She could burn it beyond recognition and it would still be better than the slop served in the mess hall.
Lyneth walked into the living room to announce dinner. She eyed the half lit tree and Paul frowning over a ball of lights. “You’re almost there.”
“We’re waiting on Paul here to sort out the lights - and we might be here all night,” Larry joked.
“I wouldn’t be shocked to find he planned that all along,” Lyneth deadpanned.
Paul glanced up into her steely face. It couldn’t be more crystal clear that she disapproved of his friendship with Ava. He would need to win her over to get to Ava - knowing how women worked. Victoriously, he held up his untethered string of lights.
“There! Christmas is back on again!” he declared joyously. Even Lyneth had to smile at his exuberance.
“I guess that means you get dinner,” she said.
Adam grabbed the lights from Paul. “Let me get these on before they magically tangle.”
“Sure, take credit for our hard work now,” Paul knew Adam was trying to look like a hero for his new girl. That was fine - he was feeling fairly confident about Ava.
* * * * *
“Ava,” David asked softly. “Can I help you?”
She smiled up at this very serious boy peering out from a mop of brown hair. “Sure, honey. Can you stir the potatoes - I don’t want them to burn.”
He nodded grateful to have something to do other than shuffle his feet and wish Adam ill. “It is very kind of you to make us dinner.”
She shrugged. “It’s nothing. I miss having a lot of people around. This old apartment gets lonely. It’s nice to have it filled with voices.”
“Do you miss your family?” Dave asked as he stirred the potatoes.
Sadness flashed in her eyes, “I do. I’m very close with my mama. I miss my brothers, but I have a feeling they will be over here soon enough. We have a big household when you add everyone that helps.”
“Helps? Like housekeepers and maids?” David asked.
She nodded sheepishly. “I don’t like to refer to them as the help. They are my family too. But to most of my so-called friends back home - they are the help.”
“So do you live in a house like Gone with the Wind?” David had no idea that she came from that kind of South.
“Sort of. We don’t own slaves or anything - but we are in tobacco so our house; or plantation is rather roomy,” she never liked discussing her family’s riches.
Having that kind of money here made her uncomfortable, as they had so little during wartime. She chose to use the money her father sent her to provide lavish dinners of wine and steak for friends - like tonight.
“How did you end up in this hell hole?” he asked plainly.
She shrugged. “I chose to come. I had wanted to be near Richard when he came over. I didn’t like my life back home. And now, I’ve met some amazing people here.” She cast a gaze towards the living room. “This feels like home too.”
David shook his head incredulously. “I know I chose this but I didn’t have many options. We are lucky you decided to make the journey.”
“Why thank you, Dave,” she touched his arm.
“Hey, how’s the steak coming? I’m not sure how long i can hold off Larry,” Paul wondered about the tender moment he witnessed.
Smiling over her shoulder, “Would you help me get some plates?”
“Of course, love,” her smile never failed to melt him.
Paul clapped his hand on David’s shoulder. “Dave....you’re quite the little cook.”
“I’m just filling in for you,” David said coolly.
“I think we’ll have to eat in the den. I don’t have enough space in the kitchen,” Ava handed Paul some fancy looking china. “Dave, can you let the others know supper is on?”
Turning off the stove, he nodded. He steeled himself for whatever scene might be unfolding in the next room - he was thankful that Larry was with them. His eyes stopped on Lyneth as he hovered in the doorframe. Her lips twisted into a grin as she watched Adam and Larry place the last string of lights in the tree. David didn’t like the way she gazed at Adam. Why couldn’t she look at him like that? What did Adam have? David’s heart sunk. Adam had everything - experience, charm, wit and possibly Lyneth.
“Ehm, dinner is ready,” David announced. His eyes met Lyneth’s for a brief second before he fled back to the kitchen.
* * * * *
Ava made certain that everyone's plates were full before she grabbed a modest plate for herself. It was nice to have people in her home. She smiled listening to the conversations float in from the next room.
"It's about a time the Americans got involved," Adam noted.
Lyneth motioned to the photo of Richard. "Some are already involved."
Adam shook his head and dropped his hand to her knee. "It's not nearly enough. We've all been placing bets to when they'd join."
"I'm shocked that Japan was able to get to them," Larry mused as he balanced a plate on his knees.
"No one is safe," Adam offered gravely.
Ava joined them with her plate in her hand. Adam and Lyneth were sitting close on her sofa, beside them was Larry. David and Paul had taken the two chairs around the coffee table.
As soon as Paul saw her lingering in the doorway, he stood. "Ava, please sit."
"I'm fine. I'll grab a chair from the kitchen," she said.
He set his plate down on the table. "No, I will get a chair. You invited and cooked for us."
Her eyes twinkled. "You invited everyone."
He nodded sheepishly. "Aye, but you cooked."
She claimed his seat. Yet instead of grabbing another chair, he sat on the floor beside her leaning near her legs. David smiled inside as he'd seen Paul be persistent, but never like this. He usually gave a lass a day or two to come around and offer him some physical satisfaction before he moved on. He rarely had to bide that much time, but Ava was different from the rest. Not only did she give him a run for his money, it was as if she cast a spell over him.
David concentrated on them instead of the couple seated across from him. Watching Lyneth gaze at Adam hurt too much. Maybe if he was different, she would notice him. He set down his fork. Who was he kidding? Who would notice him?
As Paul poured more wine, David helped Ava clear the dishes. He had nursed his own glass - not trusting himself to have more than just one. He noted that Paul offered Ava a heavy pour most likely on purpose. He was mad if he thought he was getting an invitation for the night.
Ava offered David a smile as he grabbed a towel. “Why thank you Dave. You can go ahead and have a seat in the other room.”
He glanced back in the parlour where Lyneth and Adam nestled on the couch. “No, I would like to help.”
“Well, thanks sugar. Do you mind drying?” she asked as filled the sink with warm soapy water.
“Not at all,” he said. Being with Ava reminded him of home even if the accent was vastly different. She had a nurturing way about her that put him at ease.
“So Dave, do you miss your family being here?” Ava remembered her conversation with Paul earlier.
“I think we all do,” he said. “You must miss yours being so far away.”
“I do. I get little care packages from home that help. When I see those soldier’s faces, I know it is worth missing them. Besides, what would I be doing at home? Going to another coming out party and sipping on mint juleps? There is more to life than Southern high society,” she nudged him. “Like meeting and spending time with handsome soldiers like yourself.”
David blushed, but knew he wasn’t the handsome soldier she referred to. “Like Paul?”
Her eyes turned to the plate in her hands. “Yes, and Larry. And Adam.” She cleared her throat. “So tell me about your family back home.”
“Well, my mum and dad and brother were born in Wales, in a little town near Swansea. They moved to Barking before they had me, so I was born in England. Then they moved to Dublin which is where they all live now. My sister was born in Ireland. Three kids, three countries. No wonder we kind of don’t get on much anymore.”
David looked down at the serving spoon he’d been drying for the past few minutes and quickly put it in the drawer.
“You’re close to Larry and Paul though...”
“Yeah, they’re kind of brothers to me, I guess you could say.”
“Is your brother still over in Ireland? Or is he in the milit...”
“No,” David interrupted, a bit more curtly than he’d intended. “My brother is at Trinity College in Dublin. Where I should be.”
“Where you should be?” Ava looked at him tenderly sensing it was something he wasn’t too happy about. “You don’t have to if...”
“No, no...it’s all right. If I hadn’t messed about and enrolled in medical college right out of school, I wouldn’t have been conscripted. So quite simply, it’s my fault that I’m here.”
“I'm sure glad you are, if that makes you feel better, Doctor.”
David blushed and looked toward Ava, a small smile starting to form.
“It does. Sometimes it can feel pretty lonely out here - even with Larry and Paul. I've had a hard time opening up to people here, because I just feel so out of place.”
“We just need to get you out of your shell a bit sugar,” Ava winked.
“And it doesn’t help that I have to write my mum all the time, because dad writes me occasionally to tell me that she’s worried sick about me...” David sighed as he spoke, knowing he was rambling on - but Ava seemed to genuinely care about what he was saying.
“Does she think you’re in harm’s way?” she asked.
David chewed on his lip. “She knows I’m meant to be.”
She put the towel on the edge of the sink. “Mothers worry, it’s their job. My mama is beside herself. I get a care package every week. She’ll put my daddy in the poor house with all the things she sends.”
“I’m sure she misses you,” he smiled gently.
“I’m the only girl, so she misses doting on her little belle of the ball. I know she would prefer if I stayed home and entered beauty pageants or attended cotillions,” she smiled wickedly. “I think secretly she is proud as punch I set out on my own.”
David raised an eyebrow. “How would she feel if she knew you had a house full of Irish boys?”
“She might disapprove, but my daddy would have a full on stroke,” she laughed.
David tossed his back and laughed. In his mind he pictured Ava’s father clutching his heart in an old Civil War uniform. What if he met Paul? His laughter trailed off as Adam and Lyneth entered the kitchen with entwined fingers.
“Are you almost done in here? All we’re doing is getting a bit drunk in there,” Lyneth giggled.
Ava saw whatever life David had in his eyes extinguish when he saw them.
“Are you looking to be put to work?” Ava asked as she washed a cast-iron pan.
“I guess we are. The sooner the tree is trimmed, the sooner we can just bask in the company of you lovely ladies,” Adam cooed while Lyneth tittered.
“Let me get the box of ornaments my mama sent me. Y’all can start sorting through them,” she laid a hand on David’s arm. “I’ll be right back and we can finish up.”
Wordlessly, he nodded. His eyes met Lyneth’s for brief second. There was so much he longed to say to her if he could find the path from his heart to his mouth. Just as she opened her mouth to speak to him, he turned his attention to the pan in his hands.
Why does he hate me so? she wondered. Shrugging, she followed Adam.
“Are we ready to make this tree pretty?” Paul asked as Ava entered the room.
“You can start without me. I have a few more things to wash,” Ava set a box of ornaments on the coffee table.
“Maybe you should have me help you,” Paul said. “Clearly, Dave is moving too slow.”
Ava smiled easily. “Dave is doing just fine. Why don’t you help the others with some ornaments. As Adam said, the sooner we finish this, the sooner we can all just enjoy each other’s company.”
“I’d like that. Can I refill your glass?” Paul leaned closer.
“Are you trying to get me tipsy, Paul?” she winked and turned back towards the kitchen.
David was nowhere to be found, but she noticed the front door was not closed shut as it had been earlier. Grabbing a shawl from the coat rack in the corner, she descended the stairs.
Ava found him leaning against the building taking in deep breaths. “Dave, are you alright honey?”
He nodded. “It’s just a little warm. I needed some air.”
“Paul mentioned you were a little blue lately,” Ava wrapped her shawl around herself tighter.
“He's a good one, that Paul. Just a bit lost at the moment. I think the right woman could sort him out,” he looked up at Ava’s amused gaze.
“I'm sure he'll be fine with the right woman,” she said with a heavy pause, “but that can't be me.”
“Are you certain of that?” he asked.
They stared at each other for a moment, watching their breath dance in the winter air as dusk enveloped them. She was certain he could see into her soul.
“We're not here to talk about me and Paul. You're the one out here alone...” Ava said pointedly.
He kicked the dirt off his shoes on the stairs. “Just getting air.”
Ava decided to switch gears, determined to find what was ailing David. “Have you talked to that Leigh girl?”
David shrugged. “No, I haven’t seen her.”
“I think you can do better than her anyway,” Ava said dismissively.
“What do you mean?” he frowned. “Maybe that's as good as it gets. I mean, she likes me, right? That's half the battle.”
“But you don't like her,” Ava said.
He shrugged. “Maybe I just need to give her a chance. Maybe I will learn to like her.”
Ava rolled her eyes. “Oh yes, and Shakespeare's great love story was about how Romeo learned to love Juliet.”
“They both died, so true love didn't end well for them,” David smirked.
She hit his arm playfully, “Tsk tsk. Dave, I took you for more of a romantic....”
“You have me confused with Paul,” David looked up. “He’s the romantic one.”
She smiled and shook her head. “Remember, we're not talking about us.”
“Who said I was?” he raised his eyebrows.
“You keep changing the subject....very sneaky,” she crossed her arms in front of her. “We’re talking about you, sugar.”
“I'm useless with girls. I've always been all thumbs with them,” he sighed heavily. A part of him had felt so lonely in his love for Lyneth that he longed to confess to Ava. She’d understand, right?
“You're doing fine talking with me,” Ava said.
“I have no idea why. Usually I can't talk to beautiful women, but I can talk to you,” David realized that came out wrong. “I mean...bollocks....”
Ava laughed, “No, I understand what you meant.”
“See? I get a little self-conscious and I'm an eejit,” he shuffled his feet. “So, maybe Leigh is what I deserve. She'll love me, right?”
“Oh Dave, not in a way that will make you happy. Not in the way that will make you whole,” she said.
“Is that what yer man does for you?” David looked up.
Ava faltered. She hadn’t really thought much about Richard tonight. “Of course...you should be excited by the girl. She should light up your eyes...You should think about her all the time.”
He pressed his fingers into his eyes. “What if it hurts to think of her, or worse - see her with someone else?”
Ava’s heart broke as the sadness creased his brow. Without needed to utter a name, she knew. “Dave...” She wrapped her arm around his shoulders. “I had an inkling...”
Suddenly the door opened and Paul’s head popped out. “Am I interrupting?”
Ava looked up casually. She felt David tense at her side. “Just walking down memory lane and talking about family. I think this Christmas has a lot of us feeling a little blue with this war.”
Paul looked from David to Ava, trying to decipher if he walked in on a private moment. Ava was so hard to figure out. Her tone with him was playful and seductive, yet her arm was around David.
“We’re getting ready to start putting ornaments up. Some of them look fairly personal. I thought you’d like to put those up,” Paul said.
She felt David nudge her gently. Was he pushing her into another man’s arms? “Thank you Paul. Let’s all go up. It’s cold and we have wine upstairs.”
“Do you have spices and brandy?” David asked.
“I think so,” Ava said.
A smile spread across Paul’s face. “Are you thinking of making Mrs. Evans’ mulled wine?”
“I’ve seen her make it plenty of times. I think I could do it,” David nodded. For the first time all night, he felt at peace and a little better. Ava understood him, and it was nice to have a friend that he could talk with about serious matters - that would not be met with a body noise.
Paul offered his hand to Ava. “Shall we?” His voice took on a challenging edge.
“Certainly, sir,” slipping her hand in his. She felt him shiver as her cold hand chilled his warm one.
As David followed behind them, he smiled to himself.
* * * * *
David readied himself for the scene unfolding in Ava's parlour. There seemed no way to stop Lyneth and Adam's relationship from blossoming - maybe he should try to turn his attention somewhere else. Who else was there that could illuminate his world? Ava was beautiful and nice, but he didn't get those feelings around her. Plus, he knew there was an electric current between her and Paul. There was that other nurse who turned up at the White Hart - she wasn't bad looking...
His eyes swept across Lyneth as she bent over the box of Ava's ornaments. His heart ached, for he wanted to the one to touch her cheek and nuzzle her neck, taking in her scent. He went to work in the kitchen making the mulled wine, leaving the rest to finish decorating the tree. Soon Ava's flat was filled with aroma of spices and honey. Ava found a record with Christmas music to enhance the mood. Despite the warmth inside, they all wrapped their hands around glasses of David’s warmed mulled wine and breathed in the strong drink.
After a few glasses, there was much giggling, and the ornaments went on the tree limbs in clumps. Ava noted that she would fix that tomorrow morning. Right now, she nestled cozy beside Paul on the sofa. She wasn't sure how his arm wound up around her shoulders, but he was warm and the faint smell of sweat tickled her nose. She wanted to lean in and breathe his musk in deeper. As much as she longed to drop her head to his shoulder - she knew it would fit nicely under his chin - she kept her wits about her. Before Lyneth's third glass of mulled wine, Ava knew she was getting the hairy eyeball. A large part of Ava knew being this close to another man was wrong. Yet when she felt his voice vibrate against her, she didn't care. What would it hurt for one night?
Lyneth shook her head watching Paul and Ava snuggle in together. He looked like a cat who was just toying with its dinner before devouring it. Poor Ava was just the endangered songbird to Paul’s stalking tomcat.
After the third mulled wine, she didn't care, and she actually found Paul amusing as he and Larry told stories of their Christmases together as children.
"I wanted to sleep in," Larry sighed. "But I had to share a room with this langer. He was bouncing off the bleeding walls before dawn."
"Where was your sense of wonder, Lawrence? It was Christmas morning," Paul pulled Ava a little closer.
"You and ma would be rousing everyone up," Larry grumbled. "Da and I wanted to sleep till at least the sun was up."
"Lawrence here is like our father - a right grumpy bastard," Paul looked down at Ava.
Larry smirked. "Maybe so, but I got her good looks. You look like da."
"Yes, Lar got the flawless skin and beautiful hair. He could be a movie star," Paul grumbled close to Ava's ear nudging her cheek with his nose. "Like you, Ava. You should be on the screen - not sitting around getting toasted with riff-raff like us."
"Or sitting next to the ugly brother," Larry quipped.
The room laughed.
Ava placed her hand on Paul' s thigh. "You are both very handsome men." She winked in David's direction. "You all are. I'm feeling quite lucky to have a house full of gorgeous men."
Lyneth wrapped her arms around Adam. "This one is mine. You can have the rest."
David winced at being cast off so easily in favor of Adam. Well, what girl wouldn't prefer a pilot to an intern set to head to the front lines as a medic?
Ava smiled widely. "Fine. Your loss Lyn, I’ll take the rest.”
If she were any closer to Paul, she'd be unfaithful to Richard. Things deep inside stirred as she thought of taking that next step.
“Lads, we should probably go if we’re to make it before curfew,” David glanced at his watch. The night was taking an uncomfortable turn as two couples curled into each other on the sofa. One he didn’t want to see; the other shouldn’t be happening.
Paul groaned and wrapped his other arm around Ava. “But it’s so nice and warm here.”
Larry stood. “Dave’s right. We should shuffle off and leave these lovely ladies to their beauty sleep.”
Paul buried his face into her neck playfully and suppressed a growl - she smelled delicious.
Larry kicked his boot. “Come on. We should get rolling.” Larry was becoming increasingly unsettled by Paul’s behavior. Clearly red wine made him very amorous.
He unfolded himself from Ava, willing her to invite him to spend the night. He could feel her fingers in his hair, on the buttons of his shirt. Ava, let me stay and love you all night. Staying past his curfew on a day before flying would mean disciplinary action, but it would be worth it.
“Lyneth, are you staying tonight?” Ava asked.
As the room swayed and the stationary Christmas lights blinked, she nodded. “I think it might be best.”
Ava’s head was swimming with wine and desire. “I’ll get the coats.”
Larry stopped Paul from following. “You stay right there.”
“I was just going to help,” he shrugged innocently.
“Yourself?” Larry cocked an eyebrow.
His shoulders drooped. Rubbing the back of his neck, he realized there was no way he was spending the night with Ava.
Adam took Lyneth’s hand. “Walk me out?”
“Of course,” she breathed.
Adam grabbed his coat from Ava as soon as she entered the room. “We’ll be waiting downstairs.”
David’s eyes darkened as they slipped out the door. Ava squeezed his arm as she handed him his coat. With a nod, he flashed her a sad smile. Whatever they were doing downstairs, he hoped that he didn’t have to see it.
Paul took Ava’s hand between his. “Thank you so much for letting us crash your tree trimming party.”
“And for dinner. That was the best we’ve had since getting here,” Larry poked his head in.
Paul glared at his brother for interrupting his moment. “Yes, it was very delicious.”
David opened the door to signal that it was time to go - now.
“See us out?” Paul was reluctant to release her hand. He knew they’d be flying a few more missions before the Christmas break. Lord knows when his eyes would fall upon her angelic face again.
“Of course,” she smiled.
David held his breath as he descended the stairs. He made as much noise as he could to warn the couple below that company was coming. When he opened the door, Adam and Lyneth chatted quietly, but were not touching.
“Thank you boys for helping me decorate. It was real nice to cook for someone and have company,” Ava smiled warmly.
“Thank you for including us,” David smiled.
Ava gave Larry a small kiss on his cheek; and he blushed at the brush of her lips. Lyneth watched Ava slip her arms around David to give him a tight squeeze and a light kiss on his cheek. What was the connection between them? She never saw David talk to a woman unless he absolutely was required to - yet he seemed rather easy around Ava.
Ava turned to Paul. “Thank you so much for rescuing me from that beast of a tree. It would have ended up on the side of the road had you not come along to save us both.”
“It was my pleasure, Ava,” he said huskily. Without an invitation, he slipped one arm around her waist as he leaned forward to press his lips to her cheek. He lingered for a second, nuzzling against her hair.
Ava’s heart raced as she stepped away with a steely smile. “Have a safe trip home, y’all. And to those flying, come home to us soon.”
“Sure thing,” Adam winked at Lyneth.
Larry pushed Paul along. “Good night Lyneth, Ava!”
David rolled his eyes as he followed his friends toward the road. He cast one more gaze back at Lyneth who had tossed her arms around Ava, giggling.
* * * * *
The four shuffled home to Paul’s whistling. He felt warm inside and out as he shuffled along. He eyed David’s hunched shoulders as he stared at the ground. Paul had wondered what had gone on between Ava and David while they were outside - the thought was eating away at him. He quickened his pace to walk beside him.
“So, what were you and Ava talking about?” Paul asked. “Nothing. My family. She knew I was homesick,” he shrugged. “Looked more intense than that,” Paul watched his face. “Is Dave stealing your girl, Paul?” Adam clucked behind them. Both Paul and Dave turned to glare at him.
“Is there something going on?” There was a definite edge to his voice.
David smiled. “I'm flattered that you actually think she'd go for me in that thick head of yours.”
Paul realized he was being ridiculous. This was Dave, after all.
He slung his arm around David. “Right? That’s just daft.”
“She's just being a friend to me. I've never had a girl be a friend. They usually just ignore or tease me. She's just a very nice person,” David said quietly. Paul was taken back by the tenderness in David’s voice. “Yeah, she is special, I guess.”
David sighed and stopped short. “Then if you think she's so special… why are you mucking about?” “What?” Paul frowned. David felt his temper rising. “You know what I mean. Why are you playing it cool?” Paul was surprised by his frankness. “Did you notice the large rock she was wearing tonight?”
“Oh get off it. Like you cared about it being all cuddled up on the sofa. You mean to tell me that's really stopping you?” David huffed. “Unless yer just looking to just get into her knickers...if that's the case....well....you'll have to deal with me.”
Paul laughed. “Are you defending her honor?”
“Maybe,” David spat. Ava deserved better than that. He thought Paul was changing for the better and if he wasn’t - then he should leave well enough alone. Chuckling, Paul took his boxer’s stance and danced around David, giving him a tap on the shoulder. “I mean it. Don't fuck this up or you'll regret it,” David snarled. “Well dear, Dave,” Paul stood nose to nose with him, a devilish smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, “that's what I intend to do - at least the fucking part.”
Larry stepped forward after watching this. He knew his brother might be trying to get a rise of out poor David - especially if he thought for a moment that David was sweet on her.
“Paul, yer starting to be a twat,” he called.
Paul shrugged and began to walk again with David following behind him.
“Starting? He is a twat. I'm sorry I ever talked you up to her,” he mumbled.
Paul stopped.”Wait? What?”
David shrugged. “Never mind now. Yer an arse.”
Paul pushed him against a nearby wall. David winced as his head slammed back.
“David Evans, you'd better start talking.” His eyes narrowed as he glared. “What did you say to her, you shite...”
Larry and Adam sprung into action and peeled Paul off him. “Calm down. Thought you were just having a bit of fun, right?” Larry braced his arm across Paul’s chest. Paul shook him off. “If he's telling stories about me, I have a right to know, right?” David straightened his clothes and cleared his throat. “All I said is that you were a good one, so don't go proving me wrong.” Slowly, he felt his breath even. He felt deflated for a moment, sheepish about what he’d just insinuated. “What did she say?”
David rubbed his head. “We didn’t that far - you interrupted.”
“Bollocks to me and my bad timing,” he grumbled. “Are you okay, mate?”
David offered a wounded look. “Yeah...that was some rage you flew into.”
Paul felt a bit ashamed by his reaction. “Sorry. Wine makes me a bit hotheaded.”
“As do beautiful women,” Larry mused.
Paul offered his hand. “Are we straight?”
Begrudgingly, David shook Paul’s hand. “Yeah, we’re good.”
He was very glad that Adam and Larry were there to intervene. He’s seen Paul fight and the ring, and he was not one to cross. He wasn’t sure what got into him to even challenge him a little bit. Paul could certainly take him with one hand behind his back, but he didn’t like the way he disrespected Ava. Sure, he’s seen Paul go through girls before, yet Ava was different. Not many girls went out of their way to ask about him; the fact alone made her someone worthy of respect.
Adam lit a cigarette. “I’m just glad Paul’s not after my girl, or I’d have to flatten him.”
David bristled against Adam’s voice. His girl. As much as Paul may not deserve Ava, Adam certainly did not deserve Lyneth.
“Yer just fortunate that I chose Ava,” Paul chuckled lightly.
Adam nodded. “Right Paul. That was it.”
A saltiness filled David’s mouth as he chewed his lower lip so hard that it bled. The stinging in his lip was nothing compared to the pain in his gut. It was like watching a car hurtling toward a wall without any means to stop it. Lyneth and Adam were falling for each other, and all he could do was watch from the shadows.