Randooooooooooom springtime ramblings

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NYD :up:
My mind can't even go there regarding what it would cost to get them all developed :faint: Picasa :heart:
Good idea about practicing the change in sleep hours.............you will get there.
:( about your papa. Sounds like what mom went thru with her father. It is so hard to see that person go thru that. My grandfather did the destruction route............whereas your papa is worried about a piece of furniture my grandpa smashed, with a sledgehammer,his car...........he spray painted some books blue..........all so no one could have them..........my grandfather suffered from a severe case of dementia and for a time the only place that could handle him was the mental health complex at the hospital............it was incredbly sad to watch my grandpa change like that. I can't even imagine what it was for my mom. When he was in a nursing home we got lots of calls too

my mom went to visit him after work today, like she does every Monday. She called my dad to let him know she was on the way so he could start dinner. Next call was Papa...and again...and again....After she ate we went to the lake and he called a few times too. I feel bad for my mom. My great aunt does this to her too but not as bad. They don't call my aunt like they do my mom.

Saturday hours from open to 12:30 are gone.........gave them to co-worker so I could get Springsteen tickets Saturday morning. The ticketmaster knot is slowly working itself back into my stomach.

I missed seeing the Thunderbirds leave : pout: they flew right over the house today as they were heading out.

I'm sure you'll get fabulous tickets. TM seems to be working a little easier these days than in years past.

First day back was ok but could someone tell me why I felt like crying at 5 when I left? Tears of joy for surviving?

because going on vacation is fun and coming back to work sucks!
Brett Favre joins new 'team' as Sears ad pokes fun at quarterback's indecision
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HOFFMAN ESTATES, Ill. — The anticipation surrounding Brett Favre’s decision to sign with the Minnesota Vikings football team has reached a fever pitch. So, it was with the secrecy and security of a presidential summit that Favre flew into Chicago on July 20, walked onto the set and taped a television commercial for his new "team" — the Sears Blue Electronics Crew.

The TV spot, scheduled to air in early September, launches the Sears Blue Electronics Crew campaign, which includes print, events marketing, social media and public relations.

The TV commercial features Favre agonizing over selecting a new LED television. The scene unfolds through a discussion between Favre and a member of the Sears Blue Electronics Crew (actor Brad Morris from "The Second City" comedy club in Chicago).

The two banter as Favre is undecided on his decision about a Samsung LED TV. In one scene, Morris describes Sears "real time price checks — no regrets" — as a way to help guys who have a tough time making decisions. "You know the type, right?" Morris says. "Yeah, I hate those guys," Favre quips.

"This commercial uses humor to communicate messages about what differentiates Sears and the Sears Blue Electronics Crew from the competition," said Karen Austin, president of home electronics for Sears. The “humor” Austin refers to is Favre’s indecision over whether to play for the Minnesota Vikings this season. Favre retired from the Green Bay Packers in March 2008, unretired in August, then was traded to the New York Jets, where he played last year and then retired again. In the offseason, Favre had shoulder surgery and has been practicing with the Oak Grove High School football team in Oak Grove, Miss. Favre has said he will decide sometime this week whether to play for the Minnesota Vikings, who report to training camp Thursday. The team has reportedly offered Favre $10 million.

"From our real time price checks to selection of top brands to our expert sales consultants, financing options and installation, there are very compelling reasons to choose Sears for your next TV or electronics purchase. And Brett is a terrific sport in having fun with the topic of choosing a TV. Brett embodies the excitement and passion that our customers feel as they anticipate the start of football season and that comes through in the commercial."

Shot on location at what was formerly The Great Indoors retail store in Schaumburg, IL, the commercial was taped with several potential punch lines and endings with the final punch line to be revealed when the spot airs in early September.
:der: yeah, that is real funny from the MN Vikes point of view...............just hold up the whole team with your indecision
Great, Brett has learned that his indecision makes him $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Fantastic for all.............Never really paid attention before. The "4" key on the keyboard shares the "$" symbol..........:hmm: that would explain alot about his choice of numbers on his jersey
:der: yeah, that is real funny from the MN Vikes point of view...............just hold up the whole team with your indecision

oh goody....I wish this joker would make up his mind already. I'm sick to death of hearing his name. You wanna play for my team them come on up but if you're not going to play then let us know already. This is ridiculous.
gotta go iron my chef's jacket and study up on some terms and techniques...none of which I'll end up needing tomorrow of course but it won't hurt.

The time frame was never specified for the one I did a few weeks ago so I wasn't sure what to expect and was completely shocked that he said I was done after 45 mintues. This one is "for a few hours or more...." :yikes: I have lunch plans at 12:30 in St Paul so I hope I'll be done by then!
Gaelic Storm is at the EAA in Oshkosh. Darcy has flown and seen several planes and is currently enjoying the Doobie Bros.
not a bad morning. They're soooooooo laid back compared to the bakery. The only thing that makes me nervous is she didn't do any sort of wrap up type of a talk with me about pay or really anything else. She was just like ok what did you think....and I told her I loved it, which I did. I also told another girl that works there that this place was high on my list of places to apply to when I decided to move back and that I wasn't just saying that because I was there this morning.

I want this job :scream: If I don't get it then a week from right now I'll be at the bakery with the crazy owner who will do nothing but put me down. :(
nap time then lunch in St Paul. I was hoping to be there a little longer today and then be able to go straight to lunch since I was halfway there but 3 hours in between was too much time to kill so I came home.
I think you showed confidence in what you made and that is a good thing. Personally I like it when they don't potentially lead you on by giving you benefit info and salary when they have other people to interview.........just a personal preference of mine. Still crossing my fingers for you :)

Having internet connection problems :crack:. Not during Springsteen ticket week please :crack::crack:

Favre *says* he is staying retired..............alot of people calling in and saying they don't believe him............he is saying this now to avoid training camp........that he will change his mind in 2-3 weeks. WI doesn't trust him.
just sent a thank you note off. Now it's the waiting game........

I also am waiting to hear back from a caterer that I would love to interview for. They were going to call me sometime this week. Otherwise there's been crap to apply to the past few days. I know I should be happy I at least have a job lined up for next week. It's certainly more than my sister can say but I just have a really awful feeling about this place so I'm not too thrilled about it, other than getting a paycheck.
What a day! Now Favre tells our Mariucci that he's going to keep throwing & wonders how he'll feel about his decision in the AM. Is it over?

^from Twitter,Rich Eisen

What a day! Now Favre tells our Mariucci that he's going to keep throwing & wonders how he'll feel about his decision in the AM. Is it over?

^from Twitter,Rich Eisen


I think he's mentally ill. :|

Just retire already. Seriously. Play golf or hunt something for a few months and then next year buy some nice suits and ties and get a job at NFL Network. Just don't buy anything purple because I don't think it's your color....
I'm officially a nervous mess about the job situation. I hope they make up their mind tomorrow morning and call because this is torture. I didn't even care if that bakery ever called me so I was totally calm the few days after my interviews. But this is so different. :crack: :barf:
^ Sending good job thoughts your way :hug:

I'm on the other side of the situation. The person I want to hire is scheduled to be laid off from the job she is at and taking this job would be a major demotion for her, but she said she would enjoy this job. However, because of the financial situation, she's appealing her lay off (she works for the county and they are having major job cuts). So she doesn't know for sure if she is losing her current job until her appeal is heard.

I really want to hire her, so I said I'd wait until the end of this week to see where things are. Meanwhile, there's other people I've interviewed who want to know what's going on, but I don't want to say "sorry, the job's been filled" because it hasn't yet. I'm just saying, "um, I'm still doing interviews" :reject:

just had a missed called from a Minneapolis area code (the suburbs have 2 different area codes than the actual city :crazy: ). I googled the number and it's for the bakery :scream: Damn. No calls from the other place today. Once it got to be noon here I didn't think I would have a call since that's what they work until.

Oh great :happy: they left a voice mail.....
^ Sending good job thoughts your way :hug:

I'm on the other side of the situation. The person I want to hire is scheduled to be laid off from the job she is at and taking this job would be a major demotion for her, but she said she would enjoy this job. However, because of the financial situation, she's appealing her lay off (she works for the county and they are having major job cuts). So she doesn't know for sure if she is losing her current job until her appeal is heard.

I really want to hire her, so I said I'd wait until the end of this week to see where things are. Meanwhile, there's other people I've interviewed who want to know what's going on, but I don't want to say "sorry, the job's been filled" because it hasn't yet. I'm just saying, "um, I'm still doing interviews" :reject:

That doesn't sound fun.....hopefully you'll get to hire her is she's the one you want.
nice.....they want me to start a few days early. I don't want to start there at all :sad: I hope the other place calls me tomorrow morning so I can stop thinking about it.
That doesn't sound fun.....hopefully you'll get to hire her is she's the one you want.

I didn't :(. She decided she couldn't afford the pay cut, which I completely understand.

So we offered it to someone in house who applied, and now that person isn't sure he wants it. And things he was talking about were weird. And if he's not sure, then I don't want him because I'm having doubts about him now.


Look at the size of this thing! The other plane is dwarfed :lol: The A 380 was at the airport Monday into Tuesday. I wish I could have seen it in person
Go on ~yes, fly in ~not so sure

They keep showing the commercial for Ticketmaster/Bruce, E Street.
I wish he would announce shows after the 15th and we wouldn't be the last.........only cuz tickets would be easier to get if it weren't the last show
never heard back from this place. She did say to give her until the end of the week....which in the culinary world could seriously mean anything. She did call me on a Sat to come in on a Sun for an interview so who knows. Plus I think they are completely closed on Mondays so the "end of the week" could very well be Sunday for her. I have to call the bakery back tomorrow and find out my schedule. My mom thinks I should call the restaurant and just see how she's doing in the interview process but I don't know about that. I'd like to just call the bakery back and quit before I start so maybe I will pick up the phone tomorrow and call her. I'm not going to let her know that I'm waiting to hear back from her so I can quit something else because I'd hate for her to tell me she doesn't know yet so to just start my other job....:coocoo: I have way too much time on my hands.
I went to Half Price Books this afternoon and in the window they have a poster of the black knight from Monty Python :drool: I'm considering joining netflix again just so I can rent that movie! :reject: Someone in school cut themselves pretty good and yelled "it's just a flesh wound...." everyone was like :der: no kidding...that went right over their heads. :tsk:
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