Randoooom One Liners

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Aug 25, 2002
Outstanding quotes like "Arnie-isms" or other cheesy lines...

Movies, TV, Music... anything goes...


"are you gonna fight back, or are you just gonna stand there and bleed" - Kurt Russell

"you called on the thunder..." - Kurt Russell.
I got the skills to pay the bills - Beastie Boys

No talent ass clown - Office Space

Cock Gobblers - Office Space
So I went up to her dormitory, and asked the girl where's room three...

Oh baby, you, you've got what I need... but you say he's just a friend...
- Biz Markie...
I like showering with other guys - Cujo
Miss Cleo is hot - Cujo
I once open mouth kissed a horse - Cujo
Incest is best - Cujo
Mark Tremonti is the best guitar player of all time - Cujo
I wish u2popmofo was my boyfriend - Cujo
what rash- mofo
oh that rash- mofo
I'm telling you its not a rash- mofo
ok it is a rash- mofo
hugh grant is one hot piece of ass- mofo
I can't believe you gave me that rash- cujo
I can't believe you gave me that rash- arw
why is it so small- arw
its not the size baby, its the motion in the ocean- mofo
I wish cujo was my boyfriend - (actually I can't confirm this quote, since no one has ever said it)...
Paul McGuinness is a sexy beast- mofo

Sad thing is folks, that quote is real...
Miss Cleo is one fine piece of booty- u2popmofo
Horse Whisperer? No I'm a horse molester- u2popmofo
Cujo... now that's what I call a manwich- u2popmofo
Horse Whisperer? No I'm a man-whore- u2popmofo
I wish u2popmofo was my boyfriend - u2popmofo
u2popmofo said:
Everything I say is a lie - Cujo

If everything I say is a lie, does that means I'm lying about that statement?... am I lying about telling the truth, or truthfully lying?


Cujo you're such an idiot- u2popmofo
I am a loser- cujo
I'm just glad they haven't shut down the thread yet... also grateful for more than one reply.

Thanks arw...(I even quoted you)...:wink:

Are we becoming too predictable... too vanilla...

Don't worry I think of something good... I didn't waste my time reading all that Shakespeare without getting inspired...

More 'liners:

I starred in all of the Indiana Incest videos- u2popmofo

I was the "unit" production manager for all the Indiana Incest videos- cujo

Kiss Rulz- cujo

Courtney Love is Hot- cujo

Def Leppard, Glass Tiger, Whitesnake... just give me those three bands, a pound of butter, and some Hooter's hot wings... good times... F***'in eh!!!- cujo

Richard Simmons is Mantastic- cujo

aboot- cujo

I am a golden dog- cujo

Oh man, after visiting pleba for the fifteenth time I had to take a shower... a golden shower!- u2popmofo

you guys are jackasses- arw

perogies!!!- cujo

[insert hilarious insult about cujo]- arw, u2popmofo, IWB, headache in a suitcase... pretty much all members of Randoooom

I feel strangely at home in this place- cujo (after first visit to PLEBA)

time for a kiester-kicking cujo- u2popmofo
keep your day job

I can't tell you how hard I am laughing right now Cujo:|

I'd like proof of when I called you a jackass.

I doubted your knowledge of Shakespeare and was proven wrong, but calling you a jackass....never :wink:
cujo feel bad- cujo
arw is a jackass- cujo (if he had the guts to say it outloud)...
cujo said:

arw is a jackass- cujo (if he had the guts to say it outloud)...

ouch, man those Edge fans really pinch hard...- cujo
I think I'm the Edge, and I pinch myself daily- Cujo

Cujo, or Edge... no question Cujo is hotter- arw
I'm the only gay Eskimo... oh oh in my tribe- Cujo

shut up cujo- u2popmofo
no there are two gay Eskimos in the tribe-arw
make that three guys- u2popmofo
I want a girl with a short skirt and a long jacket- Cake
frozen things suck especially when they're not food you can chuck in the microwave--em...that one was me :eek:
If a thread has no Edge pix... its not a thread at all... its a waste of Edge space... Edge Edge Edge Edgity Edgity Edge...- ARW
PLEBA took my brain (and ate it), they took control over my property, and even have power of attorney... and all I got was this lousy t-shirt.

In private I laugh at my own crapulence- cujo
In private I laugh at my own crapulence- u2popmofo

-note to self... I probably shouldn't offend mofo while he's not here to defend himself... I can see the shitstorm rising...
No the poem is not a metaphor for life you dumbasses... its about a road, with a fork...
- Robert Frost
I'm gonna eat your children- Mike Tyson

I ate a baby- Fat Bastard

Damn, fishsticks again... I wish I had some salad, or better yet, some perogies- IWB
Iron Maiden forever! - ARW

Barry Manilow forever! - cujo
(for Mandy)

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