Random Music Talk XLVI: No, studio Bad(minton) is NOT better than the live version.

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It seemed fairly dismissive of indie rock and its place in a homogeneous time for the rock mainstream, but it was a decent article. I can agree with his core argument: try.
Yeah. Where to start, maybe. I've heard a couple of their more well-known songs, and they seem pretty cool.
Shouter doesn't like the Flaming Lips because they're a rip off of the Butthole Surfers.

Now, who the fuck is down with Hypnotic Brass Ensemble? I know Cassie was.I'm listening to their self titled now. It's te absolute bomb. Their live set at Harvest is going to be the tits, the shit, the bomb
Looks like Butthole Surfers are the Shouter signal.

Recommend me some great psych rock, man.
Well, yeah, that's one of the two songs that I'm already familiar with. I think that song was kind of a hit single, wasn't it? At least in the "alternative" world.
Laz do you know if amoeba Hollywood has got the super deluxe in stock? It's the same price as it is here (no one has it) and only $6 (!!!!!!!!) shipping.
cobl04 said:
Laz do you know if amoeba Hollywood has got the super deluxe in stock? It's the same price as it is here (no one has it) and only $6 (!!!!!!!!) shipping.

yeah, wtf. i haven't checked out jb here but i assume if they don't have them there, they won't be here either. i guess i'll just wait and order a copy through amazon. i guess they thought this corner of the world didn't want to buy anything bigger than the two disc version.
Trying out Lifted after liking I'm Wide Awake. 5 minutes in and I already want to punch Conor Oberst in the dick. This is so pretentious.
So it appears the reason there is STILL no timetable for Harvest (four days away) is Portishead said they will cancel if they can't play unopposed. Apparently other bands' noise will ruin their set. :down:

LemonMelon said:
Trying out Lifted after liking I'm Wide Awake. 5 minutes in and I already want to punch Conor Oberst in the dick. This is so pretentious.

Right? That first song is fucking awful. No idea how I made it through.
Trying out Lifted after liking I'm Wide Awake. 5 minutes in and I already want to punch Conor Oberst in the dick. This is so pretentious.

I don't use this term lightly, but I despised Lifted. It ranks among the worst albums that I have ever heard. Talk about a guy completely buying into a self-mythology that was never justified in the first place.
Oberst's vocals are by far and away the worst part about this album. The music is highly pleasant (I would argue the production is frustratingly inconsistent) and the arrangements are good (though he gets a little cute with the random breaks), but he needs to pull his head out of his ass and not sing like he's being torn apart by horses.

EDIT: Oh God, Waste of Paint is horrible.
I have fond recollections of Digital Ash and Wide Awake... also the Four Winds EP which is aces.
Trying out Lifted after liking I'm Wide Awake. 5 minutes in and I already want to punch Conor Oberst in the dick. This is so pretentious.

The full album title of Lifted alone is worth a cock-punch.

Also, I'm surprised you didn't mention his obnoxious Beethoven homage at the end of I'm Wide Awake..., on "Road to Joy" (ho-ho!, great pun!)

My roommate used to blast that every time he was about to go out on the town to look for girls, and it drove me up the fucking wall.
I've never listened to a whole Conor Oberst or Bright Eyes record but I went to see him a few years ago when he was playing some tiny hole in the wall up in Taos just because he was playing a tiny hole in the wall up in Taos. I was surprised that he was so likable and fun. He told us he ended up in Taos because he met some cool people from there on a rafting trip the previous summer and became friends with them so he decided to play there. It was a rowdy good time with couples two-stepping and shit and there was not even an erg of pretentiousness from him. It was definitely not the kind of audience you want to be pretentious with...

But, no, I didn't run out and buy a record or anything.
Finally got the AB covers CD. I like it a lot more than I was expecting.

Mysterious Ways and One are the biggest disappointments.

Were it not for the supremely irritating singer, I even wouldn't have minded the Fray. The music going on behind his caterwauling was better than I was expecting. Probably because it's U2's song. Ha. Brandon Flowers' voice annoyed me within two seconds, but thankfully, it got better as it went on.

Garbage's version is good, despite there being a few too many changes of mood throughout.
I'm starting to suspect that she's completely cognizant of what she's doing.
I've never liked The Living End (Prisoner of Society is ok; Roll On is pretty great). I present to you current-day Living End

is this when they got weird emo with a stand up bass? i'm kind of scared to listen to it. i remember seeing something with a stand up bass and thinking WTF. but roll on is pretty great, and prisoner of society was ok. and i feel like that's a sign of the apocolypse when i'm agreeing with friggin cobbler. :lol:
is this when they got weird emo with a stand up bass? i'm kind of scared to listen to it. i remember seeing something with a stand up bass and thinking WTF. but roll on is pretty great, and prisoner of society was ok. and i feel like that's a sign of the apocolypse when i'm agreeing with friggin cobbler. :lol:

Still reckon their one truly notable song was All Torn Down, though Prisoner Of Society has total nostalgia value for me too.

Shame they became so mediocre.
I've always been a bit embarrassed for liking Bright Eyes. I feel like he's not for my generation. Wide Awake and Cassadaga are probably the only ones I can listen to all the way through, but there are always some gems on the other albums. Padraic My Prince is one of my favs. He is a pretentious douche though

Bright Eyes - Padraic My Prince - YouTube

I'm not sure who the girl usually is (I know Emmylou Harris does a few on Wide Awake.... she's a hot old lady), but I really love the backing vocals in a lot of Bright Eyes songs. Ryan Adams does something similar a lot of the time. Very nice


This is a fun one to play on guitar


What a miserable bastard he is
Still no Achtung reissue review on P4k. How much is Laz gonna freak out if they don't ever review the thing?
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