Random Music Talk XLVI: No, studio Bad(minton) is NOT better than the live version.

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Super off-topic post ahead

Completely random, but fuck I am so tired of having so much joint pain. I swear I have had Juvinile-onset Arthritis since I was about 10. My mom had my doctor look at it when I was 13 or 14 and she was so fucking dismissive and rude about the remote posibility that that could be what was wrong with me and insisted, like the Dr. I'd spoken to about it prior to this appointment, as growing pains. She ran some blood work though, and said there was nothing wrong with me.

All I know is that if it's humid, or I'm really tired, or for no reason whatsoever, my knees ache like a mother fucker, and sometimes I have such awful pain in my fingers I can't close or open my hand.

Write now I'm bitching about this because my elbow is absolutely killing me, probably because I'm exhausted and for some reason am still up at 5:20 AM.

Anyways, I don't know, is a blood test sufficient to determine this kind of thing? Do I just have really sucky joints, and there's nothing wrong with me? Or did the doctor not run enough tests and I've possibly had this undiagnosed for years? It's really troublesome for me, especially right now while it's hurting so much....
Opinions on Napoleon Dynamite?

I have loved that movie since the first time that I saw it. It's a very honest film, and I love that it seems to be stuck in the 80s. The use of "The Promise" over the end scene is also a stroke of absolute genius.
Holy shit! It just reminded me how fucking good Larger Than Life by the Backstreet Boys is. I fucking loved Millenium.

No lie, I love that song. It's not such perfect pop bliss as I Want It That Way, but it still makes me smile.

Well Canned Heat is the shit.

I would like to state for the record that Center Stage used that for a dance scene in their movie first!

(I love that movie and will stop to watch it any time I stumble across it on cable. It's got real ballet dancers in it and junk!)

I didn't see Napoleon Dynamite until it had been hyped to death, and I really didn't like it. But then later on, when I would think of it, it was funnier in my memory than when I'd watched it at the time. Weird.
My opinions on Napoleon Dynamite do not count....

I don't know why, but I frequently go out of my way to listen to songs about Sunday on Sundays. I don't do that for any other day of the week. I guess there are more songs I like about Sunday than other days or something. Typical choices: Morrissey - Everyday is Like Sunday, Jimmy Eat World - A Sunday (what on Earth happened to these guys? They used to be fantastic), Beirut - A Sunday Smile, Spoon - Sunday Morning, Wednesday Night, Ulrich Schnauss - Sunday Evening In Your Street.
I thought Napoleon Dynamite was pretty un-funny. I think I cracked a smile once.

It really bugged me that year that Garden State didn't make anywhere near as much $, or receive as much attention, when it had more more creative direction, a legitimate exploration of emotional numbness and family dysfunction, a great soundtrack, a good Natalie Portman performance, Peter Sarsgaard, etc.

And it also had one of the greatest teaser trailers I've ever seen:

Garden State - Teaser Trailer - YouTube

Gives me goose bumps again just watching that.
^ Totally agree with all of that.

I actually walked out of Napoleon Dynamite, something I very rarely do. I was so bored.
I don't know why, but I frequently go out of my way to listen to songs about Sunday on Sundays. I don't do that for any other day of the week. I guess there are more songs I like about Sunday than other days or something. Typical choices: Morrissey - Everyday is Like Sunday, Jimmy Eat World - A Sunday (what on Earth happened to these guys? They used to be fantastic), Beirut - A Sunday Smile, Spoon - Sunday Morning, Wednesday Night, Ulrich Schnauss - Sunday Evening In Your Street.

That is really weird - I have been known to do the same thing. I like Beck's cover of Sunday Morning.
Beck - Sunday Morning - YouTube
Super off-topic post ahead

Completely random, but fuck I am so tired of having so much joint pain. I swear I have had Juvinile-onset Arthritis since I was about 10. My mom had my doctor look at it when I was 13 or 14 and she was so fucking dismissive and rude about the remote posibility that that could be what was wrong with me and insisted, like the Dr. I'd spoken to about it prior to this appointment, as growing pains. She ran some blood work though, and said there was nothing wrong with me.

All I know is that if it's humid, or I'm really tired, or for no reason whatsoever, my knees ache like a mother fucker, and sometimes I have such awful pain in my fingers I can't close or open my hand.

Write now I'm bitching about this because my elbow is absolutely killing me, probably because I'm exhausted and for some reason am still up at 5:20 AM.

Anyways, I don't know, is a blood test sufficient to determine this kind of thing? Do I just have really sucky joints, and there's nothing wrong with me? Or did the doctor not run enough tests and I've possibly had this undiagnosed for years? It's really troublesome for me, especially right now while it's hurting so much....

Funny you should ask. I have had this problem as well. I discovered it was a reaction to nightshades - i.e., tomatoes, potatoes, all peppers except black pepper, eggplant, etc. You can find a long list that includes various spices and herbs, too. Many people with rheumatoid arthritis experience a complete and total reversal of symptoms when they give up nightshades, although it may not be instant. For me it took about three days. For others, it could be months. Give it a try. It's been life-changing for me.

Don't expect your doctor to know any of this. Mine did; most won't. I figured it out myself through massive research and then my doctor validated it.

Another culprit could be dairy.
I liked Napoleon Dynamite very much. Garden State, not so much. Natalie Portman's character was annoying.

I can see why some people would find that character annoying, but I didn't. Also, in general people seem to love Portman or find her annoying as well.
That Coldplay thread really can't go more than five posts without something asinine being proffered. I am not one to judge those who obtain their music for free, but building a superiority complex about using torrents is beyond idiotic.
Yeah, it's really bizarre. He's offering it up like he can't believe anyone actually still pays for music.


edit: Although based on a comment he just made in an unrelated thread, he might just be a dick.
I'm listening to the Buzzcocks' Singles Going Steady compilation, and I'm surprised by how many of these songs I've heard before. I wonder if it's a case of a lot of these songs being used in movies and TV shows, or if I've just heard them on the radio.

Anyway, really enjoyable stuff.
Yeah, it's really bizarre. He's offering it up like he can't believe anyone actually still pays for music.


edit: Although based on a comment he just made in an unrelated thread, he might just be a dick.
he's on a roll all over the place today.
Maybe you edited, but at first, I read that as "I'm about to see Prince for the first time in three weeks!" NSW isn't around to post something like that though.

Where are all the faces?
I'll get into the details more tomorrow. For now I need to get my laundry done and lay down to make sure my calf muscles don't pop. But it's #1 easily out of all the music festivals I've been to through the years.
Laundry makes the world go around. I was almost in the ER on Friday, but damn it if I didn't need to get a load of darks done first.
PhilsFan said:
Laundry makes the world go around. I was almost in the ER on Friday, but damn it if I didn't need to get a load of darks done first.

That's dedication. If I doubled my supply of socks and boxer-briefs, I could definitely swing doing less laundry.
Do it. I had a Visa gift card from Christmas that had gone unused and just bought a bunch of socks and boxers and I tell you, it has made a difference.

Though I could have probably use that money to help buy this new phone.

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