Random Music Talk LXXVI: No officer, it's not the ice, I ALWAYS dress like a donkey

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I like the Talking Heads, but do you know what song of theirs I absolutely hate? Wild Wild Life.

I hate it.
My second favorite song by them. I listened to the f****** album it's on just because and that album is pure ass period
I was just listening to that song yesterday and thinking to myself how good of a tune it is. :)

I also listened to The Suburbs for the first time in a while yesterday. Still love it.
I also listened to The Suburbs for the first time in a while yesterday. Still love it.

Even though it is my least favorite Arcade Fire album, We Used to Wait and Sprawl II are two of the best songs of the last five or ten years. The former really hits me every time I hear it.

Some work related bollox:

So I'm out of town chaperoning a conference for some students. I had my girlfriend stop by the school where I work for a moment to pick up some things for me that I need for next week. While she's there, one of my coworkers finds her, tells her that I look really good with one of my other coworkers, and basically insinuates that I'm having an affair at work. Knowing full well that she is talking directly to my long-time girlfriend. I mean, what the hell possesses someone to say something like that? I'm completely bemused.
i believe the word you were looking for was plagiating.

iyup, that's...ugh. for someone to say that is ridiculous. like cori said, either they were making a joke that was in poor taste, or they worded it really badly. i know i've been guilty of saying things and afterwards wondered what on earth i just said, so who knows. i guess it just depends on what kind of a person it is.
Tell that coworker how good he'll look with your alligator shoe lodged up his ass, gaze menacingly for a good 5 or 6 seconds, do a little sniff, turn your back, and walk away....
Thanks, All. Unfortunately, this is rather typical behavior for this person, though it is not often directed at me. Oh well. What would Tom Waits do in this situation?
Like I said, big fan of Waits' songwriting. Love Springsteen doing Jersey Girl. Love everyone else doing Way Down in the Hole. Just not a fan of his voice from everything I have heard.
I like the Talking Heads, but do you know what song of theirs I absolutely hate? Wild Wild Life.

I hate it.

Funny, I've never been a fan of Burning Down The House. I find Byrne's vocal on the verses to be extremely irritating.

The music is good though.

Wild Wild Life is fun to sing along with. The music video with all the random people lip synching to the song makes me smile.
It's back to around 20 degrees (I dont know, or care, what that is to you non-Americans, suffice to say it's on the cold side of things) after being in the 50s, and my boiler refuses to go back on. Other than the emergency burner switch being off (it's not), and making sure it has enough water (it does), or the gas being off entirely (the stove works, so thats out), I have zero ideas on how to make it not so fucking cold in the house. And it's 4am, so it's not like I can call anyone and have them come fix it.

I listened to Quadrophenia today.
It was so cold in our house last night. It's better today for whatever reason, but it was so hard to sleep last night because of how cold it was.

Now we're FINALLY getting some real pretty fluffy snow. First time all winter it seems like.
It won't be any time soon. Do you realize how long and strenuous a process it will be?
I'm not going to start thinking like a damn Canadian.

My car gets 40 rods to the hog's head, and that's the way I likes it.
One day your stubborn, backward country will join the rest of the modern world and you'll need to know

Goddamn communism is what that is.

The metric system I get. Base ten makes sense, and the conversions from our ridiculous system are simple. But that number times a fraction plus 32 bullshit can go fuck itself. It's too cold in the house for me to give a shit about that kind of math.
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