Random Music Talk LXXV: Party at Pappy's Snatch Palace

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Not sure if anyone's actually listened to any of this, but it's pretty funny despite being crazily predicktable.

I felt ashamed laughing at it because he's not even trying to be clever. There's just something about it though. I think it might be because he obviously spent some time on the music and has a decent voice

Last night I had a dream that David Bowie released another song off The Next Day... but it was a cover of Bat for Lashes' All Your Gold. :huh: It had the same music but I woke up before he started signing, which was a shame. Would liked to have heard it.
Popped round to Sonic Boom last night. Picked up two CDs I didn't even know I wanted:

Midnight At the Movies - Justin Townes Earle
It's Too Late To Stop Now - Van Morrison (double live album from 1974).

I looked it up on Amazon while I was shopping, and saw good reviews, so snagged it. Didn't realize it was out of print. Got it at the bargain price of $5.99. Yeahhhhhhhhhhh.

Went across to Bop Street Records (Johnny Greenwood thinks it's an amazing store - it says so on the store's business card) to see their U2 selection, as I'm slowly picking up vinyl copies to eventually frame on the walls. Picked up a 12" Pride single with a cover that I used to have as a poster.

Huzzah, etc.
Sweet. I poked around his other live albums, and most are out of print as well. I'll keep my eyes peeled for any others I find accidentally priced so low.
We found a new place that sells vinyl yesterday and it proved to be a bit of a treasure trove. It's really not easy to find 80s albums, so when I find one, I usually try to pick it up (well, ones worthwhile. I can find stuff like Pat Benatar all day long). So, anyways, they had Icehouse's debut album. Crazy stuff, because I had just been planning on finally listening to some of their music yesterday. So, definitely picked it up.
Seeing Jesse Ware in just a bit, guys - you know, the English diva whose album should have placed far higher on the 2012 year-end list. :wink:
I need to pick between her and Alt-J at Laneway on Feb 3. I'll probably pick her. Don't think I've heard a note of her music but she looks quite attractive from photos I've seen and most of you seem pretty high on her.

Sadly that same festival has a horrible, horrible four-way clash at the end of the night. Bat For Lashes, Alpine, Flume and Nicolas Jaar all playing 50-60 minute sets within 80 minutes of each other. I'll go to Natasha but I'm pretty bummed.

In other Australian festival news, people vomited during Death Grips' set at Big Day Out in Sydney.
I'd be ok with never hearing that Ho, Hey song again. Friggin' commercials.
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