Random Music Talk LXV: 6400 Posts Have Led Up To This

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So I'm going to post something more personal than I usually like to here. Something shitty followed by something kinda nice.

A little over a month ago one of my best friends died. He was diagnosed with cancer 3 months earlier, but it had already spread to his liver, so there was little anyone could do for him. It's been an emotional month. I'd usually keep that to myself, but something kinda nice happened yesterday. We arranged a little memorial for him at one of the parks in Toronto. About 100 friends and family and people from our industry came by to spend a few hours together; just very casual and low key, but it was nice. And the weather was perfect. Anyway, my friend is also a photographer, so as a little tribute to him, we printed 6 of his photographs about 16"x10" or so and tied each one to about 10 helium balloons each. At the end of the get together, we cut the balloons free from the weights and watched them drift into the sky. I was half expecting them to get stuck in a tree or not make it too far, but they all cleared the tree line and we watched them until they got too small to see; they worked perfectly. On the backs of the photos, I included a little note about whose they were, where we released them from, and an email address in case anyone would want to let us know where they found them. We got an email back last night. One of the photos travelled about 50 kms and dropped down 4 hours after we let it go. I couldn't believe it. I hope we hear from some other people, but just knowing how well it worked really made my day. I got a little overwhelmed as I was reading the email. Anyway, I just wanted to share that with you guys. I thought it was pretty extraordinary.

Oh, and if you want to see some of his work (he was unbelievably talented and one of the best up and coming fashion photographers in Toronto, if not Canada ), you can visit his website

Sorry to hear that. It's never fun to deal with death, regardless of the person's age, but something about tragedy coming to someone when they're young that makes it all the more difficult.

I still come back regularly to Suck it and See.

This sentence made me laugh.

I worked the Chris Isaak show tonight and was ridiculously impressed. Dude is a consummate showman. It was definitely my favorite of my first four shows working for the venue.

I remember always being incredibly impressed with his MTV Unplugged show back in the day*.

*The days when MTV stood for "Music Television".

you're just a bloke on the internet



Yeah, I really like that version for some reason. I like the original too, but REALLY like the Morrissey version.
So...uh, I'm not sure if I can accurately describe last night's Springsteen show. Magical? Spiritual? Unbelievable? Amazing? I'm having a hard time putting it into words.

I'm a casual fan no longer. It was the first, but not the last time I plan on seeing him.
cobl04 said:
Wow really? What did it say? That's pretty creepy...

I think standard operating procedure in the states now is two strikes then they pull your Internet service for a year. I don't know if there's anything stopping you from signing up with another ISP.

That's why I always connect to my neighbor's wifi for torrents.
I remember always being incredibly impressed with his MTV Unplugged show back in the day*.

*The days when MTV stood for "Music Television".

Sigh. *Reminisces with you*

Never saw that particular episode, but yeah, I don't doubt the guy would put on a good show. I like the songs I've heard by him over the years.

Yeah, I really like that version for some reason. I like the original too, but REALLY like the Morrissey version.

Did not know he covered that song. Will have to check it out.

Also, BoMac, glad you had a great time seeing Springsteen. I wouldn't mind catching his show someday myself. I honestly can't believe that he's still got that kind of energy. I don't know how he does it.
Was scrolling through one of the best of 2011 threads and saw Niels mention this song

Massive Attack Vs Burial - Four Walls [HD] - YouTube

This is what headphones were made for
You should also check out his latest EP, Kindred, if you haven't already. It's still my favourite release of the year.

Re:Suck it and See. I like the album but it's easily my least favourite Arctic Monkeys record. Shows how great they are.
Nice, BoMac! Did you have a good spot? Did you go all Vik on anyone? (I laughed when I read your comment about how people mentioned him in the line.)

I'm still waiting to find out when Portland tickets will go on sale.
u2popmofo said:
Yeah, I really like that version for some reason. I like the original too, but REALLY like the Morrissey version.

I admit I had to google it to find who may have covered it, and what version you'd possibly prefer. I should probsbly give it a listen. I could have sworn I had another cover of it, a rather weak version from face to face or someone. But I'd I ever did, I didn't keep it. Only other song by that name is a very different rancid song that just happened to share the same title.
I admit I had to google it to find who may have covered it, and what version you'd possibly prefer. I should probsbly give it a listen. I could have sworn I had another cover of it, a rather weak version from face to face or someone. But I'd I ever did, I didn't keep it. Only other song by that name is a very different rancid song that just happened to share the same title.

Ha, I actually thought I'd heard someone else cover it before too. Couldn't find anything in my iTunes though.

Here's Morrissey's version (some fan made video deal):

That's Entertainment - YouTube
u2popmofo said:
Ha, I actually thought I'd heard someone else cover it before too. Couldn't find anything in my iTunes though.

Here's Morrissey's version (some fan made video deal):

That's Entertainment - YouTube

I youtubed it. I was a little unnerved by the number of random people at home in their bedrooms in front of their computer with a guitar videos there were. Do the people who post them really think they don't sound like some terrible and awkward looking idiot with a guitar in their bedroom in front of their computer? Never could figure out if they're some of the funniest things on the Internet, or just painful.
Thanks for reading my story, friends.

Ok, someone tell me an awesome new album to buy. My favourites this year are John Misty, Twin Shadow, Beach House, and Walkmen. Please recommend something in that vein. I'm out of the loop
I was a little unnerved by the number of random people at home in their bedrooms in front of their computer with a guitar videos there were. Do the people who post them really think they don't sound like some terrible and awkward looking idiot with a guitar in their bedroom in front of their computer? Never could figure out if they're some of the funniest things on the Internet, or just painful.

In The Aeroplane Over The Sea cover - YouTube
Thanks for reading my story, friends.

Ok, someone tell me an awesome new album to buy. My favourites this year are John Misty, Twin Shadow, Beach House, and Walkmen. Please recommend something in that vein. I'm out of the loop

Have you heard the Chromatics album yet? It's more on the electronic-y side of things, but it's real nice.

Maybe check out that Wild Nothing stream as well, sorta in the Beach House vein of things.

Walkmen is definitely one of my favs this year too. Maybe even my #1 at this point.
Welcome to the club. Start saving up right now.

I may or may not have taken a peek at the tour itinerary. :shifty:

Nice, BoMac! Did you have a good spot? Did you go all Vik on anyone? (I laughed when I read your comment about how people mentioned him in the line.)

I was front row, just to the left of the centre b-stage. He passed by me twice, both times got to grab his hand. Steven walked in front of me and I may or may not have shouted "Silvio!", much to his bemusement. Or maybe that was a look of murderous rage. I couldn't tell.

I'm honestly still trying to process everything.

And the Vik comment was not made in line, but by people standing behind me once we were in front of the stage. It was along the lines of "This was such a smooth process, with no major incidents, unlike last year when this one guy shoved this poor girl out of the way."

I laughed. A lot.
Have you heard the Chromatics album yet? It's more on the electronic-y side of things, but it's real nice.

Maybe check out that Wild Nothing stream as well, sorta in the Beach House vein of things.

Walkmen is definitely one of my favs this year too. Maybe even my #1 at this point.

Awesome. Thanks mofo
I worked the Chris Isaak show tonight and was ridiculously impressed. Dude is a consummate showman. It was definitely my favorite of my first four shows working for the venue.

I saw him a number of times back in the 80s when he was hugely popular, each time at the Bottom Line in NYC. Back then the Bottom Line had two shows per night. I used to generally pick the late show because I was young and a night owl by nature, and because the late shows were just always better. So if you were there for the late show you'd queue up outside in all kinds of hellish weather and wait forever. Each time, Isaak would come outside during the first set in the middle of a song and walk down the line with his guitar serenading us poor fools out in the freezing cold. It was awesome. He was always fantastic.
I saw him a number of times back in the 80s when he was hugely popular, each time at the Bottom Line in NYC. Back then the Bottom Line had two shows per night. I used to generally pick the late show because I was young and a night owl by nature, and because the late shows were just always better. So if you were there for the late show you'd queue up outside in all kinds of hellish weather and wait forever. Each time, Isaak would come outside during the first set in the middle of a song and walk down the line with his guitar serenading us poor fools out in the freezing cold. It was awesome. He was always fantastic.

Something about this post made me read it in Grandpa Simpson's voice
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