Random Music Talk LXV: 6400 Posts Have Led Up To This

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Boo. Up until I was 14 I'd get two ear infections a year around allergy and cold seasons, always culminating in ruptured ear drums. Then I stopped getting them, had three one hear about three years ago (like ten years later), and haven't had another one since. No idea what that was all about, but I am well sympathetic as to how much ear infections really suck. Between that, really loud music, driving with my windows down all the time and even more loud music, it really shouldn't be much of a surprise my hearing is kind of terrible. They start ringing occasionally if I use headphones for too long.
I get one or two a year, no matter what, though I've never had my eardrums rupture (that I know of). That sounds enormously painful.

My hearing is terrible. My mom will be sitting next to me in the car and I'll still only hear half of what she says even if I'm trying to pay attention. I use the marshmallow earphones that channel the sound directly into your ear canal. Not at all good for my hearing, but the only way I can hear music in earphones. I have a feeling I'll be almost totally deaf before long. I'm prepared, I know sign language.
So I'm going to post something more personal than I usually like to here. Something shitty followed by something kinda nice.

A little over a month ago one of my best friends died. He was diagnosed with cancer 3 months earlier, but it had already spread to his liver, so there was little anyone could do for him. It's been an emotional month. I'd usually keep that to myself, but something kinda nice happened yesterday. We arranged a little memorial for him at one of the parks in Toronto. About 100 friends and family and people from our industry came by to spend a few hours together; just very casual and low key, but it was nice. And the weather was perfect. Anyway, my friend is also a photographer, so as a little tribute to him, we printed 6 of his photographs about 16"x10" or so and tied each one to about 10 helium balloons each. At the end of the get together, we cut the balloons free from the weights and watched them drift into the sky. I was half expecting them to get stuck in a tree or not make it too far, but they all cleared the tree line and we watched them until they got too small to see; they worked perfectly. On the backs of the photos, I included a little note about whose they were, where we released them from, and an email address in case anyone would want to let us know where they found them. We got an email back last night. One of the photos travelled about 50 kms and dropped down 4 hours after we let it go. I couldn't believe it. I hope we hear from some other people, but just knowing how well it worked really made my day. I got a little overwhelmed as I was reading the email. Anyway, I just wanted to share that with you guys. I thought it was pretty extraordinary.

Oh, and if you want to see some of his work (he was unbelievably talented and one of the best up and coming fashion photographers in Toronto, if not Canada ), you can visit his website
Wonderful story, JT! Wish I didn't live so far away--I'd like to find the balloons. :)

And his photographs are stunning! :drool: So glad you shared. :hug:
So I'm going to post something more personal than I usually like to here. Something shitty followed by something kinda nice.

A little over a month ago one of my best friends died. He was diagnosed with cancer 3 months earlier, but it had already spread to his liver, so there was little anyone could do for him. It's been an emotional month. I'd usually keep that to myself, but something kinda nice happened yesterday. We arranged a little memorial for him at one of the parks in Toronto. About 100 friends and family and people from our industry came by to spend a few hours together; just very casual and low key, but it was nice. And the weather was perfect. Anyway, my friend is also a photographer, so as a little tribute to him, we printed 6 of his photographs about 16"x10" or so and tied each one to about 10 helium balloons each. At the end of the get together, we cut the balloons free from the weights and watched them drift into the sky. I was half expecting them to get stuck in a tree or not make it too far, but they all cleared the tree line and we watched them until they got too small to see; they worked perfectly. On the backs of the photos, I included a little note about whose they were, where we released them from, and an email address in case anyone would want to let us know where they found them. We got an email back last night. One of the photos travelled about 50 kms and dropped down 4 hours after we let it go. I couldn't believe it. I hope we hear from some other people, but just knowing how well it worked really made my day. I got a little overwhelmed as I was reading the email. Anyway, I just wanted to share that with you guys. I thought it was pretty extraordinary.

Oh, and if you want to see some of his work (he was unbelievably talented and one of the best up and coming fashion photographers in Toronto, if not Canada ), you can visit his website

So I'm going to post something more personal than I usually like to here. Something shitty followed by something kinda nice.

A little over a month ago one of my best friends died. He was diagnosed with cancer 3 months earlier, but it had already spread to his liver, so there was little anyone could do for him. It's been an emotional month. I'd usually keep that to myself, but something kinda nice happened yesterday. We arranged a little memorial for him at one of the parks in Toronto. About 100 friends and family and people from our industry came by to spend a few hours together; just very casual and low key, but it was nice. And the weather was perfect. Anyway, my friend is also a photographer, so as a little tribute to him, we printed 6 of his photographs about 16"x10" or so and tied each one to about 10 helium balloons each. At the end of the get together, we cut the balloons free from the weights and watched them drift into the sky. I was half expecting them to get stuck in a tree or not make it too far, but they all cleared the tree line and we watched them until they got too small to see; they worked perfectly. On the backs of the photos, I included a little note about whose they were, where we released them from, and an email address in case anyone would want to let us know where they found them. We got an email back last night. One of the photos travelled about 50 kms and dropped down 4 hours after we let it go. I couldn't believe it. I hope we hear from some other people, but just knowing how well it worked really made my day. I got a little overwhelmed as I was reading the email. Anyway, I just wanted to share that with you guys. I thought it was pretty extraordinary.

Oh, and if you want to see some of his work (he was unbelievably talented and one of the best up and coming fashion photographers in Toronto, if not Canada ), you can visit his website

Sounds like a beautiful and fitting memorial. :up: I'm not religious in the slightest, as Jive I know you also are not, but one religious concept that I find appealing is the Jewish idea that the deceased live on through happy memories that they created for others. It seems that memorial is functioning in much the same way.

I realized tonight that Lotus Flower is a fantastic song for night driving, as is the whole second half of King of Limbs.
So I'm going to post something more personal than I usually like to here. Something shitty followed by something kinda nice.

A little over a month ago one of my best friends died. He was diagnosed with cancer 3 months earlier, but it had already spread to his liver, so there was little anyone could do for him. It's been an emotional month. I'd usually keep that to myself, but something kinda nice happened yesterday. We arranged a little memorial for him at one of the parks in Toronto. About 100 friends and family and people from our industry came by to spend a few hours together; just very casual and low key, but it was nice. And the weather was perfect. Anyway, my friend is also a photographer, so as a little tribute to him, we printed 6 of his photographs about 16"x10" or so and tied each one to about 10 helium balloons each. At the end of the get together, we cut the balloons free from the weights and watched them drift into the sky. I was half expecting them to get stuck in a tree or not make it too far, but they all cleared the tree line and we watched them until they got too small to see; they worked perfectly. On the backs of the photos, I included a little note about whose they were, where we released them from, and an email address in case anyone would want to let us know where they found them. We got an email back last night. One of the photos travelled about 50 kms and dropped down 4 hours after we let it go. I couldn't believe it. I hope we hear from some other people, but just knowing how well it worked really made my day. I got a little overwhelmed as I was reading the email. Anyway, I just wanted to share that with you guys. I thought it was pretty extraordinary.

Oh, and if you want to see some of his work (he was unbelievably talented and one of the best up and coming fashion photographers in Toronto, if not Canada ), you can visit his website

Sad, beautiful and touching. I'm so sorry for your loss. The photographs are stunning.
That's beautiful, JT.

I got my first speeding ticket today, as I was hauling ass to Coupeville to catch a ferry to Port Townsend for the day. I completely deserved it, and frankly, I'm amazed that me and my lead foot have gotten lucky for so long. The cop was very nice about it. "Well, I hope the rest of your day goes better." Ha.
Yeah, it was nice. I hadn't been up there in years. Just bummed around, had lunch, had a drink, bummed around some more. Was debating staying until the 6:45 ferry back (instead of the 5:15), but so glad I came home when I did. Am just exhausted.

I'm bummed about the ticket because that means paying that ticket will be my birthday present to myself rather than a new purse I'd set my sights on, but oh well. Last year I got a red-light camera ticket in August as well, so I guess I live on the edge every August (with occasional parking tickets in between).
Great story, JT. I hope you get more emails.

I worked the Chris Isaak show tonight and was ridiculously impressed. Dude is a consummate showman. It was definitely my favorite of my first four shows working for the venue.
My husband just made me watch/listen to Hell Broke Luce. That's an amazing video, for one, and two, I liked the song a lot. I think it's the least self-conscious Tom Waits song I've ever heard.

Easily my favourite from Bad As Me, if not my favourite Waits song period. :up: Glad you enjoyed it.
l spent the weekend in Portland and good lord there's a pub or coffee stand around every damn corner. Somehow they have transitioned to a barista-based economy.

Even Starbucks here in Seattle, they're everywhere but it's not like "1 per corner" saturation. But perhaps I've blinded myself to familiar surroundings.

...It's nice seeing things people in my "twenties to early thirties" cohort want, but it's also a little weird, like an 8 year old playing Sim City put an amusement park around every corner.
On another note, and Mofo, I have spoilered this for your benefit, so don't read

I'm back on The Pirate Bay. Googling "mediafire.com: xxx" was working for a while but now they're getting harder and harder to find and you have to go through bullshit like ad.fly and close 50 popup windows. In the time it took me to try and find Gossamer that way, I've got four albums (Gossamer, Confess, Centipede Hz and God Forgives I Don't) all nearly downloaded within minutes.

I do have to say though, you have made me feel much more guilty about illegally downloading music than ever before. Which is kind of strange, because you're just a bloke on the internet I don't really know and will more than likely never meet. Cold comfort considering I still do it though.
I got a letter in the mail from my ISP yesterday for something that got torrented. I'm officially done. It's streams, grooveshark or purchasing. No more downloads for Ashley (or Travis, whether he likes it or not).
My husband just made me watch/listen to Hell Broke Luce. That's an amazing video, for one, and two, I liked the song a lot. I think it's the least self-conscious Tom Waits song I've ever heard.

I just watched it, pretty great stuff. I'm not sure what it is I like about Tom Waits, usually abrasive vocals put me off immediately, but not with Waits.
When you pair it with the lyrics, Tom sounds like he earned it. Those ragged vocals are a badge of honor.

When it's just some douche in a metal band screaming about pain, dragons, or dragon pain, who cares
I'm going to go write a song about dragon pain now. I don't even know what that means.
It refers to suffering a degree of pain due to a physical altercation with a dragon, often stemming from burns or abrasions.

I just made it up.
JT, that is a beautiful story you shared. Sorry about the loss of your friend, but that sounds like a lovely way to honor his memory. Very cool.

Cori, sorry about the ticket.

I got a letter in the mail from my ISP yesterday for something that got torrented. I'm officially done. It's streams, grooveshark or purchasing. No more downloads for Ashley (or Travis, whether he likes it or not).

Ooh, freaky. I've never done the torrent thing and was kinda curious to give it a try, but seeing that makes me reconsider.
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