Random Music Talk LVI: Featuring Hologram Shouter and NSW

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I should listen to the ultra-nerdy CD-R I compiled of 2006 tour tracks sometime. It has badass Reckoner and the Coldplay remix of Videotape.

I still really like the original Reckoner. The In Rainbows version is certainly superior in every way, but that original (only similar in name) version is extremely heavy on the rock and the roll.
lazarus said:

If you and Peef were fans when this came out in 1991, I guarantee you'd be singing a different tune. Whatever.

Speaking of AB, I listened to Cock Station yesterday inside the actual Cock Station. And took a picture of the sign in there that has the band's name next to the name of the stop. LIKE IN THE BOOKLET.

I promise that's the last dorky Shuttlecock thing I'm going to do here in Berlin.

Not sure what you want me to do. Achtung is my second favorite still. I just wish they hadn't buried Edge in the mix.

I can't do anything about being 21 years old.
It seems to be some kind of requirement that Radiohead fans complain about the translation of live songs into the studio. There was a post in one of those In Rainbows threads from someone I don't remember about the need to "mourn the death of Videotape." Talk about melodrama.
corianderstem said:
Okay. I went back and read that exchange and thought they were talking about an Arcade Fire cover of something ....

If that's the case, then never mind, I fail at reading comprehension.

Edit: Magnetic Fields ... Blur .... Arcade Fire ........ now I see why I was confused. :lol:

The arcade fire covered the magnetic fields song born on a train on some radio show somewhere, and I liked their cover at the time quite a bit--more than their own songs from the same performance, and enough to need to find the original. I acquired some other magnetic fields songs around the same time, but never really got into them til earlier this year (and this was all pre neon bible arcade fire, so even if I had just been getting around to listening to the magnetic fields then, it was way late). Mofo would make fun of me regardless, however this is worthy of mockery.
u2popmofo said:
Yeah, I think it became convoluted at some point, as IWB got confused as to who I was talking about as well.

Arcade Fire did a cover of Magnetic Fields' 'Born on a Train' during the Funeral period on some radio show. They performed a cool early version of Intervention on the same show.

Yeah, I thought you only had holiday, so I was wondering how you could consider the whole band as something that didn't age well, and it also sounded like you were saying you liked the arcade fire but agreed with my sentiment about how they haven't held up over time for me. Apparently we were all dead wrong. Doornail dead wrong.
How is that Alabama Shakes album?

I think it's pretty great. Had never heard of them until this album came out, so no opinion on them live.

I remember a lot of people haaaaated the album version of There There when it was first released.

that was one of the highlights of the show I saw the other week. Man, that was badass with all those 18 drummers up there. Or 4. Whatever.
It seems to be some kind of requirement that Radiohead fans complain about the translation of live songs into the studio.

Sounds about right. I try to pay no attention to the new live songs unless I experience them myself, so I don't fall into the love / hate thing with the studio / live version.
I still haven't heard Our Love To Admire.

I probably like it more than the self-titled, it has a handful of really fun tracks. That said, neither are exactly in the same realm as the first two albums.

I was just listening to Interpol this morning, this conversation makes me happy inside.
Slow hands is the only Interpol song I remember actually liking, but I do believe I may have overplayed it.
Hey, Dalton, remember this?


It was at my Goodwill today.

Of fucking course I bought it.
Of course I get everywhere early, I'm square like that, so I'm down here in Solana Beach to see the Horrors and the Black Angels and one of my new cds comes on. It's Open Your Heart by The Men. It's rockin'. I think seeing them live sounds
a bit dangerous, but I like the record two songs in.
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